How to draw a Draik: Printable Version

Start by drawing two circles, one rounder than the other. The rounder circle will be your Draik's head. The more squished in circle will become your Draik's body.

Split the rounder circle into quarters like so. Then draw a smaller circle that overlaps the bottom right quarter. This will be your Draik's snout. Draw one more circle that overlaps your Draik's body, this will be your Draik's chest.

Now you need to join everything together. Draw a narrow neck joining the head and body together. Then draw a curly tail shape. The easiest thing to do is to try and copy this image as closely as possible.

Now erase the line where the two circles overlapped to form the body. Draw on two small arm shapes with circles at either end.

The next step is to add on your Draik's feet. Begin by drawing a semi-circle towards the bottom of the body. This will become your Draik's thigh. Then draw two feet shapes, like so.

Next add two wings behind your Draik's body. They are almost triangular in shape. Draw on your Draik's ears as shown. Your picture should look very similar to this one when you are finished.

Now you need to add some detail to your Draik's muzzle. Draw on two little whiskers and your Draik's upper lip on the smaller circle. Then draw on two triangular shapes on either side of the top of the smaller circle (these will be your Draik's nostrils). Then draw on your Draik's mouth. Start by drawing the lower lip in the smaller circle. You should leave some space between the top and bottom lip to make it look as if your Draik's mouth is open. Then draw a curved line that extends from the top of your Draik's nose out to the left. Curve it back around to join the smaller circle just about where your whiskers begin. Then draw on a little smile from the smaller circle to the middle of your Draik's cheek. This step can be a bit tricky, its best to just try and copy this picture as closely as possible.

Now erase all the extra lines and you should be left with something very similar to this.

Now you need to add your Draik's fingers and toes. Then draw on the eyes. Add the pupils, and your eye is almost finished. Lastly, add two small semi-circular lines above your eyes, these will be your Draik's eyebrows.

Draw two strands of hair on top of your Draik's head. Then add paw pads to your Draik's feet. The next step is adding small triangular spikes along the top of the tail.

The last stage is to add a lot of detail. Begin by drawing the webbing on your Draik's wings and ears. Then add the stripes that run all down your Draik's chest and tail. Finally erase the lines where the tail and spikes overlap so you are left with something like this. Your Draik is now complete.

If your Draik didn't go according to plan, don't worry. This is one of the hardest Neopets to draw. Just try again and it will get easier with practice. If you are pleased with your drawing, why not add a splash of colour? This will really help bring your Draik to life!