How to draw the Meerca Brothers : Printable Version

Start by drawing two circles for the brothers' heads. One circle should be slightly above and smaller than the other, since one of the Meercas is standing a bit behind his brother. Then, overlapping the head shapes, make two larger circles for the Meercas' bodies. Finally, lightly sketch a line down the centre of each head shape. This line will come in handy later on when you're drawing their faces.

Next, make a pair of curved lines on top of the head shapes for the Meercas' ears. Below the body circles, draw the Meercas' feet. Heermeedjet (the one on your right) is slightly hidden by Merouladen, so only one of his feet will be visible. Lastly, draw an oval on Merouladen's head for the bottom of his face and a curved line on the side of Heermeedjet's head for his cheek.

Now, draw the brothers' legs by connecting their feet to their bodies with some curved lines. Then, make their arms. Only one of Heermeedjet's arms will be visible. Merouladen's right arm (the one on your left) is raised and bent because he's carrying a sack of pilfered gold on his back. Make a large, round shape behind Merouladen for his bag of stolen NP. Finally, draw a small, rounded rectangle on Heermeedjet's face for his famous goggles.

It's now time to draw the Meerca Brothers' faces. Merouladen has a sneer on his face, while Heermeedjet is smirking a bit. Don't forget to include some detail in the shapes you made for their ears. Also, draw their long Meerca tails behind them.
Next, add some detail to the brothers' clothing. Give Heermeedjet an earring, make his goggles more detailed, and add a zipper and cuff to his jacket. To complete Merouladen's outfit, draw his beanie, give him a buckled belt, and add some cuffs and a collar to his shirt. Finally, divide their feet into separate toes and give more shape to Merouladen's NP bag.

Your drawing could use some more finishing touches, so add a few lines to the neckline of Merouladen's sweater, as well as along the edge of his beanie. Also, include some lines for the seams of Heermeedjet's jacket. Lastly, make the sack of NP that Merouladen is holding bulge with coins.

Erase any extra lines that might be left on your drawing. Your picture should now look like this.

Add a bit of colour to your drawing using anything you'd like, from a set of markers to a computer program. Be sure to also include plenty of shading to give your picture some extra depth.