How to draw Nabile : Printable Version

Start by drawing Nabile's head, being sure to add a curved cross shape where her face will be to serve as your guide. Give her two leaf-shaped Ixi ears, and sketch in two short lines on the bottom of her head for a neck. Begin to form Nabile's body with a long, curved line for her back and shorter lines that will be the basis of her legs and torso. Don't forget her Ixi tail!

Next, work on Nabile's left arm (the one on your right). Start by connecting her neck and back with a curved line that forms her shoulder. For her upper arm, make a pair of slightly curved lines that come from Nabile's shoulder. To create her forearm, draw a narrow oval shape that meets her upper arm at an angle, because Nabile's arm is bent. On the wider end of the oval, make a trapezoid shape for Nabile's hand, and add three small rectangles for her fingers.

Sketch in Nabile's right arm and hand (on your left), which is behind her left arm. On the top of Nabile's head, draw in her ponytail.

Make two small triangular shapes on Nabile's forehead, which will form her Ixi horns. Using the guide lines that you made, draw Nabile's eyes and begin to shape her snout by adding a small nose and two curved lines for her mouth.

It's now time to give her head some more detail. Sketch in a slightly curved line across each eye to form her eyelashes, and add some circles to her eyes for pupils. Finish off her mouth and draw her fringe. Finally, add texture to her fur and horns.

Add a smaller leaf-shape inside each of Nabile's ears to complete them. Then, give some texture to her ponytail so that it really looks like long, flowing hair.

Erase any extra lines you might have. Sketch in Nabile's veil, which covers her nose and mouth.

Draw the outline of Nabile's left arm (on your right), which can be seen through her sheer sleeves. Also, include a small cuff and some detail to the sleeve on her right arm.

Round out Nabile's fingers so that they look smooth instead of rectangular.

Draw Nabile's vest and trousers, making sure to add lots of detail such as patches and trim. Also, give her tail some extra texture.

Now, erase all of your extra lines once again.

Give your drawing some colour using markers, coloured pencils, or even a computer program.

To make your drawing of Nabile extra dramatic, add some shading. You now have your very own drawing of the infamous Desert Scarab!