How to draw Dr. Sloth : Printable Version

Begin by drawing one oval, with three crescent shapes on top. The oval should not be completely even as it is sloths head/face.

Add an evil cloak. Draw two triangular shapes.

Draw five lines to represent his arms.

Make sure you have all of the drawing as you like so far as we are going to start adding more detail.

In this step you will start to add some more details, and also modify some of the lines you have already drawn. Now, add some curves to his head and also to his shoulders etc of the cloak.

Erase all your extra lines and you should be left with something like this. Now draw a face on Dr. Sloth, make it as evil as you like.

Now draw some of the folds of his cloak around his arms. Now add some fingers for his hand that is showing.

Erase all you extra lines and you should be left with a drawing that looks quite a bit like Dr. Sloth.

Colour Dr. Sloth his famous black and red cloak and his wonderful green complexion.

Now your drawing is complete, try adding some shading. It is amazing what a different it will make.