How to draw a Doglefox : Printable Version

Begin by drawing two circles, one on top of the other. The top circle should be slightly larger than the bottom one.

Then draw two triangular shapes on either side of your top circle. These will become your Doglefox's ears. Next draw on a tail shape. Its hard to explain, the best thing to do is to try and copy the drawing as closely as possible.

Now you can add a little detail. Doglefox's faces are broken into three sections. Draw two lines that curve down from the top of the head and out to the side of the face. Inside these draw two small circles (these are your Doglefox's eyes). Then draw on a circle for the nose and your Doglefox's cute little sneer. Lastly draw an almost triangular shape on your Doglefox's chest.

Your Doglefox should be starting to take shape. Draw on your Doglefox's paws like so and then draw a curved line running through your Doglefox's tail.

Give your Doglefox's fur a little more texture by drawing on jagged lines, like so.

Then erase your guidelines and you should be left with something very similar to this.

Your Doglefox is now ready to add colour and then it will be complete.