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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 87 > Short Stories > Waffle-Ducky's Easter

Waffle-Ducky's Easter

by squieshie

"Uh-huh. So can Pachi come and baby-sit them? Okay! Thanks, Luka!" My owner, squieshie hung up the phone, and smiled at me. I was sitting on the floor, looking up at her curiously.

     "So who's gonna baby sit us?" I questioned squieshie.

     "A Gelert called Pachi! She's Lukana's pet. She's really nice. You'll like her!" squieshie grinned, and headed down the hallway that lead to downstairs, where my room, and my sister's rooms were. My brown-haired owner opened the squeaky door, and started her way down the stairs.

     "Y'know, I'm a little old to have a baby-sitter," I told her, rolling my eyes.

     "Taitl, Waffle-Ducky and Xraie need a baby-sitter."

     "I could baby-sit them!" I suggested.

     Squieshie rolled her eyes. "If you baby-sat them, none of them would be alive by the time I got back. You would go to out of control."

     "Hmmm, you have a point... But- What about rayneboery?" I asked, hopefully.

     "Rayneboery has to go to her seventh grade Junior-High Graduation party thing while I'm gone."

     "What!?" I exclaimed. "Rayneboery's already going into 8th Grade?"

     "Yeah. Why don't you want Pachi to come, anyway?" squieshie asked, sighing, as she opened the door to my sister, Waffle-Ducky's room. Waffle-Ducky is a baby Gelert.

     "I-I don't know! I just don't! So there!"

     "Waffle-Ducky, I've found a baby-sitter for you guys. Her name's Pachi. She's a red Gelert. You should have fun with her."

     "Okay! Yay! Another Gelert! Hooray!" the baby Gelert jumped up from her computer chair, and stood in front of squieshie, smiling.

     "She'll be here at 2:00 NST, the same time when I'll be leaving to go to mulan's house to work on my homework with her," squieshie explained.

     "Why can't we all just come to mulan's house?" I asked.

     "Because she doesn't want 3 hyper pets coming over there!"

     "Please! Pleaaaaaase!" I pleaded.

     "No!" squieshie replied sternly. I'll be back at 4:00 just do you know, okay?"

     "Okay," I assured her.

     "Oh, look at the time! I gotta go! Pachi will be here any second!" squieshie ran upstairs, and Waffle-Ducky and I heard a slam of the door.

     There was a silence.

     "I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE BABY-SITTER TO GET HERE!" Waffle-Ducky exploded, doing cartwheels, and back flips.

     I rolled my eyes. "I might as well go and see what Xraie's doing," I suggested to myself. I walked over to her door, which was right next to Waffle-Ducky's. I knocked, and burst open the door. Xraie had a purple paint brush in her hands, and was painting herself.

     "What are you doing?" I questioned, a little freaked out.

     "I'm painting myself purple, of course!" the Draik explained.

     "Uhh... Xraie, you're already purple, in case you forgot."

     "What? Oh, yeah." Xraie threw the purple paint brush out of her window, and jumped on her bed, which had a purple comforter.

     "Xraie," I started.


     "Where did you get that paint brush?"

     "Ummm... this Phantom paint buy gave it to me," the purple Draik smiled.

     I slapped myself in the head. "You are the stupidest Draik I have ever come across in the history of my very short life, you hear?!"

     "Why am I stupid?" questioned Xraie.

     "... You just threw 50,000 Neopoints out the window," I replied, walking over to her window, and looking down at a green Lupe picking up the paint brush.

     "Ooooh! I got'cha. We could've sold that paint brush, to make money, right? Tell me I'm right. C'mon, you know I'm right. Who's the genius? Who's the genius? C'mon, who is the genius? I can't heaaaar you!" Xraie started to dance around her purple room ridiculously. "Come on! Uh-huh, uh-huh. Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh! BOOYAH, BABY! I am the master of disaster! Come on, lemme hear you say that! Yeaaaaaah! Whoot! Come on, lets partay! Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-BUM! Awwwww yeah! Who's the bomb? Who's the bomb? I'm da bomb! I'm da bomb! Oh, yeah! Uhhhh-huh!" Now Xraie was jumping around the room, doing the can-can, and cartwheels.

     Just then, Waffle-Ducky came in, while Xraie was still partying. "What the-?" she started.

     "Sad, isn't it?"

     "Yeah. She's totally overdoing it."

     "Tell me about it,"

     "I'm outta here."

     "Me too."

     Waffle-Ducky and I left the room, quite freaked-out. We could still hear Xraie's celebration shouts. What a weirdo. She definitely was the stupidest Draik I had ever come across in the history or my very short life.


     I heard the doorbell ring.

     "BABY-SITTER'S HERE!!! HOORAY!" Waffle-Ducky shouted, running upstairs to open the door and smile real big for the sitter.

     "Hello. Are you Waffle-Ducky?" a red Gelert grinned, as she stepped into the house. Waffle-Ducky just stared at the Gelert.

     "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..." she murmured.

     "Ummm... Is everything okay?" the Gelert questioned, smiling embarrassingly at my sister.

     "Yeah! Everything's fine! Actually, I was waiting all day for you to get here! Cool, huh! Okay! Wanna go do something baby-sitter person!? Cool! Lets go!" Waffle-Ducky grabbed the baby-sitter's paw, and dragged her into the kitchen. "So! What's your name!?" It seemed like all Waffle-Ducky could say was a shout.

     "Umm... Pachisha. But I hate that name, so just call me Pachi, okay?" Pachi smiled.

     "Oh okay! My name's Waffle-Ducky. How old are you?" Waffle-Ducky started to stop the shout thing.

     "I'm 17, you about you?" Pachi sat down on a stool.

     "I'm 8 hehe! And I'm in the 2nd grade hehe," Waffle-Ducky chuckled.

     "Oh. Well if you're 8, shouldn't you know that it isn't nice to ask old people how old they are?" Pachi questioned in a playful way.

     "But you aren't an old person!" Waffle-Ducky grinned.

     "Aww, you're so sweet!" Pachi picked up Waffle-Ducky, and the baby Gelert sat up on Pachi's shoulders.

     I sighed. This was the exact reason I didn't like baby-sitters... They treated Waffle-Ducky the best- she got all of the attention. I walked in the kitchen.

     "Hi, who're you?" asked Pachi.

     "She's Taitl. She's a blue Ixi. Aren't I smart for a 2nd grader?" Waffle-Ducky smiled, acting like an angel.

     "You brat!" I exclaimed. "You aren't 8, and you aren't in 2nd grade. You just lied so you would get all of the attention."

     Pachi's eyes widened. "Okay.."

     "You are 10 and you are in the 5th grade. You are stupid for your age. Hah!" I insulted my sister, sticking my tongue out.

     "Hey!" Waffle-Ducky jumped off of Pachi, and came up to me and kicked me.

     "Ouch! Why I oughtta!"

     "Umm... okay, can you guys stop it? I have candy!" Pachi suggested.

     "CANDY?!" Both Waffle-Ducky and I stopped fighting.

     "Yeah. I'll give it to you... come over here." Pachi walked over to the couch, and grabbed two eggs out of her purse. "Here you go,"

     Waffle-Ducky and I snatched the eggs out of her grasp.

     "What're these?" questioned Waffle-Ducky, looking at her egg suspiciously.

     "They're eggs. You know... eggs?"

     "Umm... but how is it chocolate?" Waffle-Ducky scratched her head.

     "Here. Let me show you." Pachi grabbed the egg from Waffle-Ducky and opened it by twisting it. "The chocolate is inside." Pachi handed the egg back to Waffle-Ducky.

     "Oh, it's a plastic egg?" the baby Gelert asked.


     "Cool! Candy! Thank you Pachi!" Waffle-Ducky thanked the baby-sitter.

     "No problem."

     "Why did you put the candy in eggs?" questioned Waffle-Ducky.

     "Tomorrow's Easter, of course!" Pachi giggled.

     "What's... Eastuh? I mean- Eehst. Or Ester? What?"

     "Easter is a holiday, when the Easter Cybunny comes and puts a bunch of eggs in your house, and then you go and hunt for them!" Pachi explained.

     "Oh! So you get lots of chocolate on Easter?"

     "Yeah. But sometimes the Easter Cybunny hides the eggs real hard, and it might be difficult finding them."

     "Oh. But is it that whoever gets the most eggs wins?" Waffle-Ducky ginned.

     "No. Not really. It's just a fun activity for your family to do!" Pachi replied.

     "Oh! I see. I can't wait for tomorrow!" Waffle-Ducky smiled.

The Next Day

     "Taitl! Wake up! It's EASTER!" I opened my eyes, to find a excited baby Gelert shouting in my face. She jumped off of my bed, and bounced around my room, her orange collar jiggling as she hopped.

     "Unh... Go away... I'm still sleeping," I urged her.

     "C'mon! Get outta bed!" Waffle-Ducky replied, as she tore the covers off of me. I started to shiver.

     "Okay, I'm up." I got out of bed, and stretched a little.

     "Good! Lets go and wake up Xraie and rayneboery!" Waffle-Ducky pulled me out of my room, and burst open the door to my Aisha sister, rayneboery's room. She's a pink Aisha with white swirl patterns. She also has super long ear-stalks. Waffle-Ducky crept up on top of rayneboery. "rayneboery! Wake up! It's Easter!"

     "Go away..." Rayneboery seemed to be sleep talking, because after what she said came a big vibrant snore.

     "Uhhh... Are you dead or something?" asked the curious baby Gelert.

     "I'll kick your butt next time... I would've won if you... snore..." rayneboery sleep talked again.

     "Wow, she talks in her sleep, and snores!" Waffle-Ducky noted, sarcastically.

     Just then, rayneboery sat up immediately, and stood in front of Waffle-Ducky. "Hey!"

     "Aaaaaaaah!" Waffle-Ducky ran out of rayneboery's room.

     "Ha-ha!" rayneboery laughed. "I wasn't going to do anything. Lets go and wake Xraie and squieshie up so we can start to hunt for the eggs!"

     After we woke squieshie and Xraie up, we all went upstairs to start the hunt. squieshie gave each of us a basket- mine had a blue ribbon on it, Waffle-Ducky's had an orange ribbon on it, Xraie's had a purple ribbon on it, and rayneboery's had a pink ribbon on it. Spoilt, aren't we?

     "Okay, you guys can start. But make sure to share!" squieshie told us. Waffle-Ducky ran over to a chair, and picked up an egg, right off the bat. It took me a while to find one. When I finally did, it was in the bathroom floating in the toilet.

     "Eeewww, gross!" I tried to pick it out, but I didn't really want to touch the toilet water. So I decided to leave it for somebody else to get. Waffle-Ducky barged in the bathroom, pushing me out of the way. She stuck her hand in the water, and grabbed the egg out like it was nothing. I guess she was sort of color blind at the moment, because the water was sort of... yellow.

     "Yay! Another egg for me!" my Gelert sister celebrated. She had about fifteen eggs already. I had none.

     "Didn't you hear what squieshie told us? We have to share. Can I have some eggs please?" I asked nicely.

     "No!" Waffle-Ducky snapped at me. "Find your own!"

     "Fine, you weirdo." I walked out into the family room, where a piano was, and squieshie's trophy cabinet. I opened the cabinet very slowly, and carefully. I Looked behind the trophies. There were four eggs. I grabbed them all. "All right! I got a good start,"

     Next, after searching throughout the family room, I walked back into the living room where squieshie was still sitting.

     "Are there any left in here?" I asked her, hopefully.

     "Nope... But you should try outside," she added with a wink.

     "Thanks!" I dashed outside, from out of the back door. There were a ton of eggs in bushes, and even some in the wide open grass. I was sure to grab them all.

     After the egg hunt was over, and all of the eggs were gone, we all came back to the living room. We all sat down, and opened all of our eggs satisfyingly. Waffle-Ducky stood up, and looked around at mine, Xraie's, and rayneboery's baskets.

     "HA! I have the most eggs! I win! Haha!" Waffle-Ducky shouted in our faces. "I had 59 eggs, Xraie had 41, rayneboery had 37, and Taitl only had 14! HAAAAAA-HAA!"

     "Waffle-Ducky, Easter isn't about who gets the most eggs. It's about sharing, and Joy. You see-" squieshie started.

     "Wow! Come and look at this, guys!" I exclaimed, holding an egg, that seemed to actually be a real egg, that was hatching. A little chick poked it's head out of the egg.

     "Wow..." Waffle-Ducky sat down next to me.

     The chick peeped a couple of times.

     "Wow..." That was all Waffle-Ducky could say. Wow.

     "See, Waffle-Ducky? Easter isn't a contest. It is about joy, and sharing. And life," squieshie explained.

     "Oh... I see..." Waffle-Ducky stood up, and went over to her basket, and picked it up. I'm sorry, You guys... I was being mean. I'll give you each some eggs... You deserve them. I don't." The Baby Gelert gave each of us an even amount of eggs, until hers were all gone.

     "Wow... thanks, Waffle-Ducky!" I said.

     Xraie, rayneboery and I stood up, and all of us had a big group hug.

     "See, This is what Easter is really about." squieshie said, with a wink.

The End

Authors Note: Sincere apologies for people who don't celebrate Easter... But you didn't have to read this story if you don't celebrate Easter. There's kind of a dead give-away that it has to do with Easter because the title is 'Waffle-Ducky's Easter'. Anyway, don't be too mad at me if you don't celebrate Easter, because I never really mentioned the true purpose of Easter ;)

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