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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 7th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 96 > Short Stories > Shoyruzilla vs. Gelertzilla

Shoyruzilla vs. Gelertzilla

by bludragn3

Darkmoon the green Gelert and Dragoon the green Shoyru were doing what they usually did every day -- cause trouble in Legionnaire's laboratory. Legionnaire was out shopping, so Darkmoon and Dragoon had decided to take advantage of that.

     "Hmm... what new device should we try today?" Darkmoon wondered.

     "I don't know. Have we tried the colorizer?" Dragoon asked.

     "Yep! Have we used the time machine?"

     "Of course! What about the freeze ray?"

     "Remember? You were frozen all Saturday once," Darkmoon pointed out.

     "Oh right..." Dragoon said, remembering his experience. "I think we've tried every one of Legionnaire's inventions."

     "Not exactly. Have we tried this one?" Darkmoon pointed to a small ray gun on a table.

     "Isn't that a shrinker?" Dragoon asked.

     "No, the shrinker would be green. This one's red." Darkmoon examined the ray. "Cool! This one is a growth ray!"

     "Darkmoon... are you sure we should be using something like that?"

     "Sure! In fact, I think Legionnaire would thank us for testing it!"

     "Alright, if you say so, Darkmoon..."


Darkmoon and Dragoon walked into the back yard, where Darkmoon started fiddling with the growth ray. "Okay, just let me get it started up," Darkmoon said.

     "Why do I have to be the test subject?" Dragoon asked.

     "Because you've always been saying you don't really like being shorter than everyone," Darkmoon replied. "And besides, wouldn't you like being bigger than Bluey?"

     "Well, I am getting tired of only coming up to his waist..."

     "There you go! I think the ray's ready now." The growth ray was now emitting a low humming sound. "Ready, Dragoon?"

     Dragoon closed his eyes and grimaced, bracing himself. "Ready!"

     "FIRE!" Darkmoon fired the ray gun, shooting a bright red beam at Dragoon. The beam hit Dragoon and then he started growing. "Wow! It's working!"

     Dragoon opened his eyes and noticed the world getting smaller. "Whoa, it is working!" Dragoon's voice got lower as he grew. "Okay, Darkmoon, turn it off!"

     "Uh oh..." Darkmoon said. "The trigger's stuck! It's not turning off!"

     Dragoon's eyes widened. "I'm still growing, Darkmoon!"

     "I know, I know!" Darkmoon finally got the trigger unstuck. "Whew! There, it's... fixed..." The only thing Darkmoon could see was Dragoon's legs. He then looked up to see Dragoon looking down at him. "Uh... I don't think this is what we had in mind..."

     A tear appeared in Dragoon's eye. "I don't want to be this big!" He then started crying.

     The giant teardrops fell onto the ground near Darkmoon, drenching him. "Argh! Dragoon, stop! Stop crying!"

     Dragoon wiped his eyes and sniffled. "We've got to do something."

     "Why don't you go find Legionnaire? I'm sure you could find him now."

     "Um... okay..." Dragoon turned toward the Neopian High Street and stepped over the fence. Careful not to smash anything, he departed.

     "And I'll go find the shrink ray..." Darkmoon said.


Neopian High Street...

     Dragoon quietly walked through the streets of Neopia Central. However, many people saw him as a huge monster and screamed.

     "Ahh! It's a giant Shoyru coming to destroy our homes!" a Quiggle shouted.

     An rich, older Bruce put her flipper to her head and fainted.

     "People! Fellow Neopians! I'm not trying to destroy anything!" Dragoon pleaded.

     "Yeah right, liar! All right, pets, let's get him!" an army commander Grarrl yelled. He descended into a battle tank and opened fire.

     One of the tank blasts hit Dragoon in the leg. "Huh, weird... now that I'm so big, it doesn't really hurt..." A bunch of additional tanks appeared in front of Dragoon. "Uh oh..."


Darkmoon was looking at a couple ray guns in his living room. "Hmm... this one's red, and the other one's green. The green one must be the shrink ray!"

     A special news report appeared on the television. "We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming..." the news reporter said.

     "Blah blah blah..." Darkmoon mocked.

     "Fellow Neopians, we have a situation here that we never thought possible," an on-the-spot reporter announced. Darkmoon's ears went up; he was becoming interested. "There seems to be a giant Shoyru, apparently named Dragoon, that is causing trouble in downtown Neopia Central. If anyone wants to rise to the occasion, we desperately need some help!"

     Darkmoon thought for a bit. "Hmm... rise to the occasion... if that means what I think it means..." Darkmoon picked up the red ray gun.


Meanwhile, Dragoon was having trouble with the Neopian Military. A large group of tanks assaulted him. "I hope Darkmoon gets me help soon..." he hoped.

     "Citizens of Neopia Central!" a familiar voice boomed. A certain green Gelert, now super-sized, set foot onto the High Street. "I am Darkmoon, your hero! I am here to defeat this villainous Shoyru!"

     "Darkmoon!" Dragoon yelled.

     "Yes, that is my name, Dragoon. And now I will defeat you in open combat!" Darkmoon rammed into Dragoon, pushing him backward. The crowd gasped.

     "Hey! Darkmoon, we're supposed to be brothers!" Dragoon replied. The crowd gasped again.

     "Brothers? With you? Ha! Not likely!" Darkmoon stated, obviously lying.

     "What? Okay, that's the last straw, Darkmoon!" Dragoon pushed Darkmoon backward. "First you make me grow, then you don't return me to my regular size, then you try to attack me! Well, take this! Grr!"

     Darkmoon's arms did a circular motion while he fell into a nearby building. "Argh! You vile... um... Shoyruzilla!" He quickly scrambled to his feet and forced Dragoon backward.

     "Oh no you don't!" Dragoon flapped his wings, propelling him forward and into Darkmoon, who lost his balance yet again.

     "No!" Darkmoon shouted, smashing into a building. This building was named Growth Ray Industries. A large ray cannon came up out of the rubble and, pointing itself at Darkmoon, fired. "Huh? What's happening?" Darkmoon started growing rapidly.

     "Uh oh..." Dragoon had to look up to see Darkmoon's face.

Darkmoon laughed maniacally, rumbling the grounds of the city. His new growth gave him an advantage over Dragoon. He kicked Dragoon, sending him flying backward.

     "Ahhhhh!!" Dragoon landed, smashing his head into a warehouse. "I've got to find something to make me bigger than Darkmoon..." he whined. He looked to his side. "Ah ha!" He had apparently landed in a Supersize potion depository. He grabbed four bottles of Supersize Gargantuplex and dropped the contents of the bottles down his throat. He started to vibrate slightly and then grew.

     "Oh, dear... how unlucky..." Darkmoon said, watching Dragoon grow to a huge size. He had to crane his neck backward to see Dragoon's head.

     It was Dragoon's turn to laugh. Letting out a roar, he swatted Darkmoon like a fly.

     "Yeargh!" Darkmoon was propelled into another building. "Ow! My poor skull... hey! A Downsize depository!"

     Dragoon advanced toward Darkmoon. Darkmoon grabbed a few bottles of Downsize and threw them into Dragoon's mouth. "Drink up, Dragoon!"

     Dragoon coughed and, clenching his throat, started to shrink down into a much more manageable size. When he stopped reducing, he was about the same size as Darkmoon.

     "Take this, Dragoon!" Darkmoon yelled, pushing Dragoon.

     "You take this, Darkmoon!" Dragoon shouted, pushing Darkmoon.




"Dragoon! Darkmoon! Wake up!"

     "Huh? Wha?" Dragoon and Darkmoon came to on the couch.

     Bluey said, "It's half past noon, you guys. You've gotta stop playing games all night long."

     Dragoon rubbed his eyes. "So... I didn't grow into Shoyruzilla?"

     Bluey laughed. "No, of course not. You must have been having a dream."

     "More like a nightmare..." Darkmoon blinked twice.

     "Come on, you two, lunch is ready," Bluey walked into the kitchen.

     Dragoon and Darkmoon got off the couch. "Wow, that was so weird," they said in unison. They both looked at each other and laughed.

The End

Author's Note: Okay, so I hope you enjoyed my story, even though this one was a little short. Anyway, drop me a Neomail if you have anything to say, but no hatemail. Or else, okay? See ya!

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