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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 97 > Articles > Hold Your Breath, Because We Are About To Swan Dive Into the Maraqua Mystery

Hold Your Breath, Because We Are About To Swan Dive Into the Maraqua Mystery

by stoneman3x

RUINS OF MARAQUA - Ah, conspiracy! How I like the sound of that word! I also like the sound of "dark intrigue", "sinister plot", "strange occurrances", "mysterious circumstances", "unexplained phenomenon", and "pepperoni pizza". All of these phrases fuel my hunger for knowledge and truth, except for maybe the last one which just fuels my hunger period.

There are several mysterious things happening lately in Maraqua. I know that this is true because one is actually called the "Mysterious Statue", so that is kind of a dead giveaway. I was really curious about this microscopic blob in the bottom of the ocean. It seemed like such a small thing to cause such a riot of speculation throughout all of Neopia. So I did a little digging into the ruins, so to speak. I excavated some facts that led me to someone that you wouldn't think would have anything to do with the destruction of an entire world. A pirate.

The evil villain in the downfall of Maraqua was a pirate named Captain Dread. You know immediately that he is a bad guy because: (A) he wears a black hat, (B) he looks like a skull with arms, (C) he says stuff like "I'm gonna keel haul ya" in a normal sentence, and (D) he's a Kiko. A really, really ugly Kiko. To tell the truth, it actually took me about five minutes of staring at his picture without blinking to figure out that he WAS a Kiko. The fact that he didn't have a bandaid on his head totally threw me off. Anyway, here is a piece of the article in the Neopedia about him:

Captain Dread & The Revenge

Ya sees, this here story be about that capt'n what were that most infamous of all pirates what sailed the Neopian seas, that bein' ol' Captain Dread."
The other one, he spoke up then. "He didn't so much sail th' seas," he says ta me, "as sailed under the seas in a submarine he called The Revenge. Just what he was seekin' revenge for, nobody knows. Well, maybe he knows, but nobody else does."

I don't know about you, but that bit about sailing around in a submarine really grabbed my attention. So I snatched up my handy dandy Ultra Dual Shovel and did some more digging. I found a nifty little video with the fascinating title of A Curse On Maraqua. In case you can't view the thing because your flash player doesn't work, I'll tell you what happens in it.

The movie starts out kind of slow, with a lot of bubbles. I have a computer that I affectionately call "The Beast" because it is older than Chiazilla and twice as grumpy. A submarine that looks like a cross between a metal shark and something out of the book, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", floats by. For about five full minutes. So I just played a Maraqua version of "Extreme Potato Counter" while I was waiting for the thing to speed up and counted the bubbles. I quit after 169. Whee. What fun.

The next thing that pops up is the inside of the sub. A skull wearing a pirate hat, with what I guess is a picture of himself on the front, shouts something nasty to a Blumaroo. Since the Blumaroo says, "Aye, Cap'n", I figure the skull must be the captain and the Blumaroo must be part of his crew. In fact, the Blumaroo is half of his entire crew. In the whole video I only saw the Blumaroo and a Mynci with this skull guy. Frankly, I wasn't exactly impressed by the vast numbers of these bloodthirsty cut-throats. Anyway, because I can't imagine that there would be two pirate-hat-wearing-skull-body-Kikos hovering around Neopia, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this guy is probably Captain Dread.

So the grouchy captain with bad teeth steers his submarine towards Maraqua. I know it is Maraqua because it look exactly like Maraqua except that everything is in one piece and not scattered around like a Chia Plushie after a Lupe plays with it. You can now see that the submarine has a large ceiling fan stick to the back of it. But that's not the part I find really interesting. What amazes me is that the submarine looks likes it made out of wood. How the heck does a wooden submarine stay submerged? Wouldn't it bob around like a cork on the surface of the ocean?

The scene changes to what appears to be a throne room. A guy that looks like a cross between a catfish and a Mortog with green hair stands around with a crown on his head. My first impression was that this might be the king of Maraqua. I had to really work hard and do a lot of research to find out his name. His name is a little tricky to pronounce, so I'll say it slowly. It's "The King of Maraqua". From now on I think I'll do us all a favor and just call him "KOM".

I'm not sure how those underwater pirates got there so fast, but now they are standing in the throne room talking to KOM. Well, Captain Dread doesn't exactly stand, he kind of hovers around in mid-air, but I think you get the idea. Anyway, I read somewhere that you can tell if someone is LYING by the fact that they BLINK a lot. Trust me, KOM blinks practically non-stop. Here is how the conversation goes:

Kom: I wasn't expecting you until next week. *blink blink*

Dread: Do ya have our payment now? *waves sword for effect*

Kom: Bad kelp harvest... *blink blink* ...Maraqua isn't as popular with the tourists these days... *blink blink* ...coral tax... *blink blink* ...stock depression... *blink blink blink blink blink blink*

Dread isn't as stupid as he looks because he seems to get the drift of where this is going pretty quickly and says, "Ya don't have the gold, do ya?"

Trapped by this superior intellect, KOM then says boldly, something to this effect: "You big meanie! We don't wanna pay anymore anyway!" *blink blink*

Dread doesn't take this response too well and pretty much tells KOM to relocate to another place. The name of that place is a word I can't repeat. But I'll give you a clue. It starts with "h" and it's not "heck". Dread gets so mad that a spider crawls out of his eye socket to escape the heat. The pirates then hit the road, or waterway, or whatever.

That's the end of the video, and it says "To be continued". I've looked all over the place and I can't find anymore parts to this, so I guess the Neopets team has been really really really slow about adding to this story. It's either that or my computer is more of a sluggish beast than I thought and it's still loading it after a week. In any event, this little movie raises some very important questions. Here are some of the questions I think we all should be asking right now:

If the pirates put a curse on Maraqua and destroyed it, does that mean they are not only pirates, but sorcerers too?
If the pirates created the whirlpool that destroyed Maraqua, what did they use? The ceiling fan on their submarine?
Why does Captain Dread call the Blumaroo a scurvy dog? Wouldn't a scurvy Gelert be more accurate? Or maybe a scurvy Warf or a scurvy Puppy Blew?
Why does a skull need an eye patch?
Did the Blumaroo pierce his own ear?
Did it hurt?
If the Underwater Chef relocated to Mystery Island after Maraqua was destroyed, how does he breathe out of water? In fact, how do Kois, Flotsams, Jetsams and all those Utility Fish Petpets get around on land?
What does this question have to do with the video?

All you can see, this video raises a lot of important questions that need to be answered. And the person who has answers for all these questions will solve the mystery of the destruction of Maraqua. And I just happen to have answers for all of those questions. *Blink blink*

So why did Captain Dread pick on Maraqua in the first place? If he was really strong enough to wipe out an entire world, why didn't he threaten the Faerie Queen and demand all the overpriced stuff in the Hidden Tower instead?

The first question is answered by another pirate captain-- Cap'n Threelegs. Over on Krawk Island, at the Swashbuckling Academy, Cap'n Threelegs has a link to his "sayings". One of those sayings is:
"Some say there be gold buried in the ruins of Maraqua..."

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the gold wasn't buried in Maraqua AFTER it became ruins. Captain Dread knew that there was gold in Maraqua and intimidated KOM into paying him "protection" money. But my guess is that Dread was making a really convincing but empty threat. If he was powerful enough to destroy Maraqua in the first place, then getting a couple of pieces of gold every few weeks seems like a pretty slow way of getting rich. Apparently Dread's threats worked for awhile, but then KOM decided to call the pirate's bluff. Unfortunately, KOM had no way of knowing that Captain Dread had an ace up his sleeve.

Now that I have figured this whole thing out, I'm going to explain what happened to Maraqua. I'm going to unveil the sinister plot that includes not just pirates, but a bunch of others you might not even suspect of being part of a conspiracy to destroy an entire underwater world. But I'm not going to do that this week...


Don't you just HATE it when people do that to you?

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