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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 128 > Short Stories > Losing Lepp

Losing Lepp

by charmedhorses

There never were two friends like Purlp and Lepp. Perhaps such a thing could be argued, but there friendship was evident in the way they treated one another. Purlp, a green Kiko, looked with fondness at his petpet and never used a harsh work against him, while Lepp, your average Polarchuck (although Purlp would hate me for using such a word to describe Lepp), would bat gently at the Kiko's balloon like body with his large paws.

     Both were daydreamers, dreaming big and coming up with master plans for all sort of mischievous things. They loved to romp around in the snow, Lepp's natural environment, but at the end of the day both were content with curling up in front of a warm fire and letting their damp fur dry. Neither cared about being painted or having lots of Neopoints. Instead they focused on having fun and helping those less fortunate.

     Purlp and Lepp were two of a kind, yet drastically different. Each had their own quirks, which the other knew full well about and loved them all the more for. Lepp's was popping balloons. No one could bring a balloon into their small Neohome without the Polarchuck bounding over and flinging himself on it with such precision that you would have thought it a sport. After wrestling around on the floor with it for a few moments, the balloon would finally explode with a great, POP! Ironically, Purlp's quirk was his obsession with balloons, which caused for quite a dilemma. Purlp could no sooner bring a balloon into the Neohome than Lepp would attack it. Nevertheless, Purlp kept trying and Lepp kept popping.

     On this particular occasion, the Kiko and Polarchuck sat on the floor of their Neohome brainstorming.

     "How about going to the Snowager?" Purlp suggested. "That's always exciting!"

     Lepp shook his head. The last time they had visited the Snowager's lair he had had to carry Purlp home after the icy monster had woken up and attacked him.

     "How about getting something for the chef on Mystery Island, then?" Purlp offered. "She could definitely use some help!"

     Lepp shook his head again. The last time they had helped her, she had spilled a bowl of scalding hot soup on the poor Polarchuck.

     "Well, what did you have in mind?" Purlp asked, running out of ideas.

     Lepp furrowed his brow in thought.

     "I know!" Purlp exclaimed suddenly. "Let's go to the Turmaculus!"

     Lepp beamed. Now that was sure to be an adventure!

     The Turmaculus was a giant creature in Meridell that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Where he came from was indeed a mystery, and if anyone knew the answer they certainly weren't sharing. Pets traveled from all over Neopia and brought their petpets to try to awaken the gigantic beast. It was a great challenge, for the Turmaculus spent most of his days sleeping and woke very rarely. When a petpet was successful in waking him up, the Turmaculus often rewarded it with a book or some kind of exotic food. There were a few stories of petpet having been eaten, but they were usually regarded as fiction, tales woven to scare others away.

     Lepp and Purlp set out at once, eager to reach the Turmaculus before dark. At first neither said much for they were too busy contemplating the best way to wake it up.

     Suddenly, Lepp yelped as the snow beneath his massive paws gave way and he was sent tumbling down a steep hill, Happy Valley becoming increasingly smaller all the way. Purlp's eyes grew wide and he floated after his friend, fighting a strong wind as he did so. To his relief, the Polarchuck came to a halt at the bottom, snow from the avalanche piling up behind him.

     Purlp rushed to Lepp's side and looked at him with concern. "Are you okay?" he asked.

     The Polarchuck stood up, shook the snow from his heavy coat and nodded.

     Purlp heaved a sigh of relief and said, "You scared me."

     The two continued on their way, with Lepp making sure to step only on places where the snow was heavily packed. As they journeyed Purlp made sure to keep an eye on their surroundings, for he had heard various accounts of pets finding treasure chests filled with Neopoints while they explored the snowy valley.

     Then he saw it. It was partially buried, trapped by snow. Rays of sunlight bounced off it, painting the white ground with beautiful patterns. Lepp saw it too, and the pair headed toward the glittering object in a trance. When they arrived beside it, Lepp reached over and took it in his paws.

     "Wow, that looks like an ice negg!" Purlp exclaimed in awe. "Those are worth at least a couple thousand NP…"

     While the Kiko yammered on excitedly, Lepp looked curiously at the plant, turning it in his paws and then putting it to his nose to sniff.

     "Just think, Lepp! Two-thousand Neopoints!"

     The Polarchuck brought the negg to his mouth and took a large bite. Finding it to his satisfaction, he nodded and took another.

     "Leeeepp!" Purlp yowled.

     Lepp grinned up at him innocently, the negg still in his paws, bit marks carved into it.

     "Well, at least you won't be hungry," Purlp reasoned. After all, who could be mad at that face? "Come on, though, let's get going."

     Lepp nodded, munching on a large mouthful of negg before loping after Purlp who had begun to float away.

     As the pair continued, their surroundings slowly changed from icy cliffs to grassy meadows. The climate changed as well, from chill winds to humid stillness.

     "Gee, I didn't realize Meridell was so far away," Purlp said breathlessly.

     Lepp wheezed in response, his thick coat embedded with sweat. The young Polarchuck was not accustomed to such hot weather.

     Eventually the grassy meadows began to grow more and more forested, a tree or two added every here and there.

     "Finally," Purlp said exhaustedly. He hovered just above the ground, his energy depleted. "I think we're getting closer."

     Little by little the scenery changed, until they were walking through a dense forest bordering Meridell. Then, just as suddenly as they had thickened, the trees began to thin, revealing a great sea of lush grass before the Kiko and Polarchuck.

     "We made it!" Purlp exclaimed, momentarily rejuvenated.

     Lepp looked on with large, wondrous eyes, scanning the vast distance ahead of him.

     "Okay, well the Turmaculus should be right…over…there!" Purlp exclaimed, pointing to a spot a couple of miles away where they could see crowds of Neopets gathering round. "Come on, Lepp! We can still make it!"

     Despite their weak limbs, Purlp and Lepp hastily headed toward the growing mass.


"Golly, there sure are a lot of pets here," Purlp said, gazing at the scene around them. The two had finally arrived, sweaty and fatigued, but in good spirits.

     Lepp wiped off his damp forehead and nudged his way closer to the giant beast, vying for a better position.

     "How long do you think we'll have to wait?" Purlp wondered aloud.

     Lepp shrugged, standing on his back paws for a better view. The Turmaculus was gargantuan compared to the surrounding pets and petpets.

     Time after time petpets tried to awaken the massive creature, yelling at the top of their voices, crashing symbols over his head, trying anything and everything, yet nothing seemed to work.

     "We have our work cut out for us," Purlp said, sizing up the Turmaculus.

     Lepp rubbed his chin in contemplation. The crows were thinning and his turn would be soon. He was currently debating between singing, for his voice was sure to wake up even the soundest of sleepers, and tickling the giant beast, although he was not exceptionally keen on that idea.

     As the minutes ticked by and the Polarchuck's turn grew closer, Lepp began to shake with fright.

     "It's alright, Lepp. You'll wake him up no problem," Purlp said confidently.

     Nevertheless, Lepp shook violently and when the Kadoatie in front of him failed to awaken the Turmaculus, he knew it was time to give it a try.

     Lepp stepped timidly up to the huge creature. Set off to the side were a variety of objects available for use in their attempts. Quivering from head to paw, Lepp could scarcely keep his thoughts on track. Suddenly eager to get it all over with, Lepp grabbed the first thing in his sight: a pail full of water.

     "Good luck, Lepp. I'll be right here," Purlp said, his voice wavering slightly as the Polarchuck stepped up to the Turmaculus.

     Wasting no time, Lepp picked up the heavy bucket and heaved it over his shoulder, showering the Turmaculus with ice cold water.

     Then the Polarchuck stood dumbfounded, staring at the big creature in awe as it opened first one heavy eyelid to peer at the tiny petpet and then the other. It groaned as it lowered its head to Lepp's level.

     The Polarchuck stood still, frozen with fear.

     Slowly, the giant beast reached out with a stocky arm and grabbed Lepp in its clammy hand.

     "What-what are you doing with him?" Purlp called up desperately. Lepp looked back with large, frightened eyes.

     "Mmm," the Turmaculus moaned, opening its large mouth and dropping the Polarchuck inside.

     "Noooo!" Purlp yelled, watching his best friend disappear into the dark depths of the Turmaculus' mouth.

     The Turmaculus looked back blankly.

     "Why are you looking at me like that?" Purlp shouted angrily. "Spit him out!

     When the creature didn't move Purlp demanded, "NOW!"

     Still, the Turmaculus did nothing.

     Desperate, Purlp floated face to face with the beast. The crowds behind him disappeared. Nothing mattered but getting Lepp back. How could such an innocent adventure turn so violent? If only they had gone to the Snowager instead! Then this never would have happened.

     Snap out of it, Purlp told himself. You must be dreaming. But it was no dream and Purlp was all too aware of that.

     Thinking of life without his beloved Polarchuck, a sob caught in Purlp's throat and his eyes swelled with tears. He turned again to the Turmaculus. "Please, he's nothing to you-just a snack, but he's everything to me." A tear trickled down his check as he pleaded with the Turmaculus. "Why? Why Lepp?" Purlp collapsed on the ground in front of him, sobbing. He couldn't move. He couldn't think.

     The Turmaculus looked curiously at the Kiko. It didn't understand this emotion, this love. Sniffing at Purlp it smelled the salt of his tears and something clicked. Somehow he realized that what Purlp wanted was what he had just eaten.

     Then the Turmaculus felt something he had never felt before. For a brief moment it was as if his heart had been yanked by an invisible string. He felt Purlp's sorrow. Slowly the Turmaculus opened its huge mouth and spat the Polarchuck back onto the ground.

     Purlp looked up and found to his great relief that Lepp lay in a heap beside him, slimy with saliva but otherwise fine.

     The Kiko immediately rushed over to him, embracing the Polarchuck in a huge bear hug. "I thought I'd lost you," he said.

     Lepp shook his head, saliva flying from his damp fur.

     Purlp looked up in time to see the Turmaculus closing its eyes again, the moment passed. "Thank you," Purlp whispered.

     "Come on, Lepp," he said, turning back to the Polarchuck. "Let's go home."

The End

- Never take anything for granted -

This story is dedicated to all those who have lost loved ones to the Turmaculus.

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