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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 133 > Articles > A Beginner’s Guide to Neoquest 2: Chapter 3

A Beginner’s Guide to Neoquest 2: Chapter 3

by kongsingcheung

GAMES ROOM - The third installment of Neoquest 2 is here, with longer battles, bigger bosses and finally, the last member of your party. From now on, prepare for 4-on-4 battling as you learn how to balance each character of the party. This guide covers every temple and palace the Lost Desert has to offer.

Immediately when you begin, speak to the princess, who will offer you directions and instructions during part of this chapter. To Sakhmet's west is is a small village where you can buy some potions and new weapons for your crew. Now, hunt on your way to the Temple of the Sky located in the east.

Temple of the Sky:
Floor 1:This place is really straightforward, so I don't expect you to have any trouble at all. Head northwards into the garden/grass area, and northwest. Simply go straight until you reach the end of the wall, and voila, the stairway!
Floor 2: Okay, try to bear with me here. Head south until you find a bundle of chairs, then go east. Follow the pillars north. Now follow the wall on your bottom. This should lead you to the center of this floor. Levelbust once, head north, and then-HOLY KAU! WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!?

Boss: Silicast
Hitpoints: 500
Difficulty: Medium
Notable Attributes: Speed
Tactics: Pelt him with everything you got. Despite his immense size, he doesn't have most going for him besides his quickness. Of course, by now, you've already learned the basic techniques in battle.
Reward: The Celestial Talisman, some armour/weapons, NP, and gold.
Word of warning: All bosses can cast the highest level of haste, Rampant Acceleration, which boosts an incredible 38% to their already high agility. Unless you have slowing or haste yourself, they'll do some heavy damage.

After you defeat Silicast, the teleporter will transport you directly to Sakhmet Palace. Speak to the Princess, who will now tell you to head north. Do your restocks at the village, and head off to the Ruined Temple.

Ruined Temple:
Floor 1: Small floor, extremely easy. Head northwest, smacking enemies as you go along.
Floor 2: The key here is not to get deterred by those little rooms. Stick along the main path and find the stairway in the northeastern corner of this floor.
Floor 3: I think there are 2-3 paths here, but mainly they involve going west. By the way, have you noticed the comments that some of the characters say? Mipsy complains about her shoes, even though she's walking barefoot, and Rohane says "we" when he was alone in Chapter 1. Hint hint, nudge nudge, Mr. Insane. ;)
Floor 4: Head south to find the second boss in Chapter 3, Gebarn II.

Boss: Gebarn II
Hitpoints: 350
Difficulty: Medium
Notable Attributes: He heals 100, hits for group damage (Destroy)
Tactics: The main thing you'll be dealing with, is his Destroy, which pelted me for 77 several times. Luckily, a pretty good resistance level can lessen or prevent entirely the damage from his attack. After your characters are slowed, heal more often than you think, because if Gebarn attacks twice in a row, the results could be devastating.
Reward: Upper Part of the Medallion of Wind, some armour/weapons, NP, and gold.

It's a happy day for you. At last, you will be able to evenly square off against the hordes of evil in Neoquest 2. Yes, in the village above the Ruined Temple, find the red Techo in one of the huts. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present... Velm!

Character: Velm
Good skills: Healing, Group Healing, Protection.
OK Skills: Mesmerization, Celestial Hammer
Bad skills: None
Tactics: Velm is a "cleric"- he's like the guardian angel, err... Techo, and he keeps your party members from getting hurt and heals them when they are. I was around level 37 at this point, so I quickly pumped 15 into Group Healing (Heals 90 to all characters). The rest I spread out in the innates and other skills. The reason I listed Mesmerization and Celestial Hammer is because of their inconsistency. They are pretty effective in fights with enemies, but with bosses, I'd stick with healing. Group healing, like other powerful skills, require a good innate haste to increase the amount of times it can be used, so place skills accordingly.

With a full party now, just fight a couple of battles to get used to Velm's abilities. Likely, you've talked to the members of the village, and are probably heading westwards to find the missing girl. You'll find yourself... in ANOTHER dungeon.

The Palace of Ancient Kings:
Floor 1: The Palace of Ancient Kings is a little different from the other places you've been so far. You see, there are no visible stairways to another floor, and I guarantee that the boss isn't on this floor. Until then, I recommend walking northwest from the entrance in hunting mode. One to levelbust, and two, to continue the game. After you defeat several dynastic priests, one should drop a journal entry, telling you that the secret underground passageway is located under one of the beds in this Palace. The correct bed is the one in the bedroom in the northwest corner of where you should be if you listened to my earlier instructions.
Floor 2: Levelbust as you go north to find the next boss, the Revenant.

Boss: Revenant
Difficulty: Medium... Harder if you don't listen to me.
Life: 600
Notable Abilities: A really powerful mesmerization.
Tactics: This is the first group boss fight in NQ 2, though his minions are just those possessed skeletons. Deal with those, one at a time, before the Revenant's abilities power them up. An interesting technique: When you hit a mesmerized enemy, and vice versa, the one that is mesmerized is freed from the trance. Another thing about Mesmerization, is that if Velm heals the mesmerized character at least one HP, that character will also be freed. Remember that in future fights.
Reward: Armour/Weapons, gold and NP.

Save the girl, take the transporter, talk to her in the village, find out you're about to crash into a star, go to... WHAT! That's correct, your ship (outside of the "simulation world") is headed towards a star. Oh boy... Is there any hope? Will our heroes find out who's behind all this? Will Rohane ever have nose surgery? Find out more in the next guide of Neoquest 2!

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