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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 135 > Short Stories > Starry and the Mystery Meat Scandal

Starry and the Mystery Meat Scandal

by evie_firebolt

"I'm soooooo hungryyy," mumbled Starry, the yellow Wocky.

     "I'm DYING-if only we could get to the SDB and grab something… I KNOW she has tons of food in there," said the muffled voice of a white Meerca, lying face-down on the furry sofa.

     Jasmine, the yellow Kacheek glanced nervously at the entrance door. "Maybe-maybe she'll be here in a few minutes.."

     Minutes passed by, while the three Neopets, and their petpets, waited for their owner's arrival. After what seemed like eternity, they could hear the entrance door slam open and a teenage girl rush in, panting.

     "Hi guys! I'm SOO sorry I wasn't here last week, I've been so busy with projects and homework and everything," the girl bustled around, two large grocery bags in her arms. "You must be starving… here, I bought lots of goodies from Neopia Central," she began unpacking the bags and handing around pastries, sandwiches and jelly for the Petpets.

     "Aaaah, that's tons better," Starry swished her tail happily after gulping down three Chokato Ghostkersandwiches and a chocolate stuffed pastry. Custard, her Doglefox, was nibbling on some pineapple jelly with Jasmine's white Ona, Cookie, and Marshmallow, Snowy's Miamouse.

     "Sorry about the walls, Sof," Snowy pointed at the large holes in the white chocolate walls, as she munched on a jam pastry. "We were getting really desperate."

     "It was my fault anyway, I should have left you with food and plushies," Sofie sighed and looked around at the dents in the walls. "I'll get them fixed immediately."

     "And you can get the rest of the house built, too! Then we can finally have our own rooms with awesome Nova rugs!!" Starry said excitedly.

     "You could always put us in the Neolodge, Sof," Jasmine pointed out.

     "Yeah! That'd be SO cool. Last time we went to the Presidential Palace, there was a jacuzzi AND a spa," Starry reminisced dreamily.

     "Don't forget the heavenly faerie food," Snowy chimed in.

     "Or the maid service, burger bar, tennis courts…" Jasmine listed.


     "Oh, all right, I suppose you can spend a week or two there while I get the house fixed up," Sophie smiled. "Come on, if you're all done eating, we can go down to the Neolodge Agency now."

* * *

The next morning, the three Neopets were rummaging through their Safety Deposit Box for shirts, scarves, favourite Plushies, and odds and ends to bring.

     "SOFIE!!!" Starry yelled at the top of her lungs. "Have you seen my Twisted Roses shirt?!"

     "SOFIE!!! Have you seen my purple Kau plushie??"

     "SOFIE!!! Where's my Kacheek inviso-cloth??"

     Standing at the doorway, Sofie nearly fainted at the sight of the mess. Wading through the piles of strewn shirts, books and other items, she picked up a few and handed them to her pets. "Plushie, inviso-cloth and…" she bent down and retrieved a black shirt. "Twisted Roses shirt."

     "Thanks, Sof!!" her Neopets chorused delightedly, each stuffing the item in their Anubis bags.

     "It's all right," she said weakly. "Now who's going to clean this mess up??"

     "Oh, that's no biggie," Snowy said cheerily. She muttered a spell under her breath and the room was entirely neat and orderly again.

     "Right," Sofie blinked. "Right, well, um, I guess we'll go head to the Presidential Palace now. And I'll be sure to pick up a few more magic and spell books on the way home… considering chores are so easy for you now." Her eyes twinkled.

     Jasmine, Starry and Snowy all quickly ran out of the room with their bags, mumbling something about being late, as Sofie glanced back at the immaculate room with a smile.

* * *

After arriving at the Presidential Palace, waving goodbye to Sofie, unpacking their luggage in their absolutely breathtaking room, and (narrator gasps for breath) leaving their Petpets at the Petpet Spa, Jasmine, Starry and Snow decided to treat themselves to afternoon tea at their favourite lounge, Sunset Café.

     "Good afternoon, Mademoiselles, I am Pierre, and I shall be your Maitre d' this afternoon. What would you like to order?" said the snooty voice of a green Quiggle in a stiff tuxedo.

     "We'd like to share your Afternoon Tea Special for 3, with a pot of Chamomile tea, please," Starry requested.

     "Certainly, Mademoiselle," Pierre swept off into the kitchen.

     Minutes later, they were happily sampling Kau cream cakes and sipping tea. They chatted about the new facilities in the Presidential Palace, all of which they were eager to go to. The conversation quickly drifted to the café's increasing popularity, to which they quickly noticed, were currently serving many Aishas that afternoon.

     Starry took a large bite out of one of the ham and cheese wingwiches, not noticing the Aisha at a nearby table watching her carefully. For a moment, she continued chewing on it without taking a bite, with an odd expression on her face, when she suddenly screamed.

     "WHAT?? What?? Did your tooth fall out??" Snow peered at her, alarmed.

     Starry, however, did not answer, and continued to scream, as a Speckled Bruce at the next table glared at her.

     Pierre rushed out, asking, "Mademoiselle! What is the problem here?"

     "THIS!!" Starry waved the rubbery wedge of what was supposed to be ham. "THIS," she motioned dramatically, "is NOT a slice of ham in my wingwich. It's a piece of rubber!!!"

     The lounge became deadly quiet as every customer tried to listen to the large commotion. Several turned around in their seats and peered interestedly at their table, much to Snowy and Jasmine's embarrassment.

     "Mademoiselle, I deeply apologize for this-disturbance," Pierre humbly bowed, turning a crimson shade. "Let me please take this dish away and I shall certainly reprimand the chefs," he scuttled away.

     "If I were you, dear," a speckled Bruce at the next table said loudly, "I would certainly inform the hotel's manager concerning this absolutely dreadful incident. It would be terrible if the authorities aren't informed, most assuredly,"

     "Starry!" Snowy hissed. "Why did you have to be so dramatic about it? Couldn't you have just pointed out the obvious prank to Pierre, eat something else…" she shoved a gooseberry sandwich at the Wocky, "and not make such a big deal out of it??"

     "Oh no," Starry's smile broadened. "You see, Snow, we're dining at a very classy café, at a very classy hotel. I would certainly not expect such a dreadful prank to get away just like that," she imitated the Bruce as Jasmine snickered.

     "Quite right, dear," the speckled Bruce totted over to their table and extended her paw. "Let me introduce myself. Lady Elizabeth Marlin, Duchess of Snowy Valley-and a distant cousin of King Skarl."

     Before any of them could ask how she could possibly be related to the king of Meridell at all, she leaned in and whispered, "You see, there's been rumours lately around the meat imported from Meridell. What with the war going on and Kass's attempts to assassinate dear Skarl, none of the farmers have been paying much attention to their cattle." She tossed back her mane of curls and continued, "Undoubtedly, this is inexcusable-goodness knows what will be happening to this hotel's reputation in the future."

     "Ahem," Pierre had returned with a very disgruntled red Kyrii and a large shadow Lupe behind him. "Excusez-moi, Madame, so sorry to interrupt, Monsieur Montague would like to have a word with these young ladies."

     "Indeed, you must excuse me, Lady Elizabeth, terribly rude of me to interrupt." The Shadow Lupe gave her his most winning smile. "May I, however, ask Pierre to escort you back to your table and tempt you with a sparkling flute of rose wine? On the house, of course."

     The Speckled Bruce slightly perked up at the mention of free wine, but grudgingly waddled back to her table, still keenly listening to their conversation.

     "My most sincerest apologies to this incident, Mademoiselle. I have called upon several detectives, and the renowned Chia swordsman, Sir Fufon Lui, to investigate on this case. Meanwhile, is there anything else in our dishes that appeared to be rather-unusual?" Montague asked, as the red Kyrii wrung his chef's hat, muttering to himself in very rapidly.

     "No," Starry frowned, thinking. "The cream rolls were very nice."

     Noticing the Kyrii's teary eyes, Snowy added, "The chocolate éclairs was particularly wonderful."

     "I am glad you enjoyed the cakes, Mademoiselles," Montague beamed, looking sideways at the sniffing Kyrii. "Our head-chef, Leppy LaPain, here, was very distraught to hear about this ah-shall we call, mystery meat in one of his culinary delights."

     "Exactement! Sacre bleux! Nevair, een my whole life have I evair had my dishes sabotaged! Zees ees an outrage!" the Kyrii cried.

     "And I will most certainly make sure that the culprits are caught, good sir!" shouted a Chia, striding into the café, his violet, velvet cape sweeping behind him. "En garde!" with one quick swish, he pointed his sword at an invisible opponent and did a series of smooth twirls with it, before he swung it back on his waist belt. He bowed deeply, nearly dropping his enormous feather hat. "Sir Fufon Lui at your service."

The Shadow Lupe nodded his approval as Jasmine, Snowy and Starry looked at the Chia in amazement and disbelief. "Ah yes, right on time as usual I see."

     "And not a minute too late!" the Chia cried dramatically. "Now where is this offensive piece of evidence??"

     "Right here, Monsieur!" Pierre dashed back carrying a silver platter, with the slab of rubbery meat on it.

     "Hmm. Yes, yes," Sir Fufon Lui frowned. "I have seen this type of case before. And normally the culprit would in fact be one of the least conspicuous in the crime scene." He peered around the room, carefully gazing at each of the customers. He strode to Madame Marlin's table and gazed at her fixedly. "Tell me, Madame, where were you at 3:45 pm today?"

     "Right here!" she exclaimed loudly. "Having scones and tea with dear Mr. Goodrich."

     "But how can you prove it??" the Chia rambled on.

     As the speckled Bruce sighed exasperatedly, Montague quickly stepped in and commented; "Now really, Mr. Fufon, is this interrogation on dear Duchess Marlin really necessary? She is a regular customer here!"

     "Most certainly, Montague old boy! Every Neopet that was present at the crime scene must be considered as a possible culprit!" the Chia puffed himself up.

     "But how do you know that the mystery meat was placed by a customer and not one of the waiters or someone else??" Starry asked him, confused.

     "Indeed, Mr. Fufon, do tell us," Montague pressed.

     The Chia sighed. "Mr. Montague, Mademoiselle. Perhaps it is not clearly evident to either of you or anyone else here, but a waiter could not have possibly placed the mystery meat, as Lapin here would have seen him! Lapin, of course, could not have sabotaged his own dishes, and it would be entirely ridiculous to consider the meat to be fake from the market!" he exclaimed.

     "And why is that so? I have heard of the cattle problems in Meridell lately," the Duchess questioned. "Would it not be possible to have fake meat from the market?"

     "But I would have seen it!" cried the Kyrii, outraged. "Zees ees a LaPain weengwich we are speaking about, een wheech I greell zis ham to perfection, and eet ees entirely eempossible to cook fake ham, Madame!"

     "Exactly!" Sir Fufon Lui hopped up and down in excitement.

     "This is all well and good Mr. Fufon, but how does this relate to Madame Marlin?" the Shadow Lupe asked.

     "You see, this is not really Madame Marlin!" the Chia triumphantly continued. "Oh no, the Aisha thieves have gotten sneakier every day-"

     "AISHA THIEVES??" Madame Marlin echoed loudly. "What in Meridell are you talking about??"

     "Aaah," the Chia still persisted, then stepped forward a few steps, inching closer to her. "Then, you would not mind me saying, Madame, that I am much more fond of Meridell meat than the ones imported from Snowy Valley?"

     "Not at all," the speckled Bruce smiled sweetly. "Now if you would kindly leave Mr. Goodrich and I alone, we have important matters to discuss." She gestured airily at the snoring Skeith behind her.

     Sir Fufon Lui bowed deeply, but in a few quick moves, tipped an entire tray of custard-filled sponge cakes on the Bruce's lap, causing her to fall off her chair in shock. Meanwhile, his sword jabbed Montague, who jumped back in surprise, knocking over the Bruce's small purse.

     "Oh!" the Shadow Lupe bent down to pick up the purse. "So sorry, Madame."

     "Give me that!" Madame Marlin snapped, grabbing her purse away from him, as several items dropped to the floor-amongst which, were the two slabs of identical mystery meat and a rock-hard fruity scone.

     The customers at nearby tables gasped at the sight, while the Speckled Bruce struggled to gather her belongings, turning a dark shade of puce.

     "Madame Marlin!" Montague gasped, in shock. "What--??" He looked at the Chia for explanation.

     "Aaah, you see, Montague, you have much to learn. Madame Marlin here, has been plotting for this incident for many months," the Chia explained.

     "She's an AISHA thief??" Snowy glanced at him in disbelief.

     "Not quite," Mr. Fufon smiled. "The Duchess here was attempting to open a grand holiday resort in Terror Mountain, but she was lacking one very important factor-customers." Two Eyrie patrol officers had rushed into the café and stopped anyone from leaving. "She decided that the easiest way would be to steal customers from other hotels, namely this one. So she spread rumours about the imported meat from Meridell, and hired several Aisha thieves to help her out."

     Two beautiful Aishas at a nearby table were glaring at the Chia as he spoke. "One or two Aishas sat around the lounge, and would call upon a waiter from time to time, while the other carefully slipped one of the mystery meat or fake scones in replacement."

     "And no one noticed?!" Jasmine asked incredulously.

     Sir Fufon Lui smiled knowingly at her. "Not at all. Aisha thieves are very skilled at sneaking." He glanced at the Aishas who were glaring at him. "By doing so, they hoped to create a huge scandal surrounding the hotel and drive the customers away-into their resort."

     "How will we be able to find out which Aishas are the thieves and which aren't??" Montague looked around dubiously.

     "Very simply," the Chia walked towards the table of glaring Aishas and pointed towards the identical miniscule brooches on their dresses. "They aren't easy to take off." He then turned to Pierre, and asked him, "Tell me, my good man, do many Aishas dine here?"

     "Not particularly," Pierre answered. "They usually prefer the Garden Terrace Café by the pool.

     "Would this be perhaps, because Aishas, in general, prefer to enjoy the outdoors?" Sir Fufon Lui asked her.


     "It's quite unusual to have almost half of the guests as Aishas then," the Chia responded. He quickly spoke to several of the Eyrie officers to inspect all the Aishas and arrest them accordingly.

     "Brilliant, Sir, absolutely brilliant!" Montague congratulated the Chia. "We owe you a week's stay, with maid service and burger bar, I suppose?" he whispered discreetly.

     "Add in pool access," the Chia winked.

* * *

"Whew," Jasmine sighed as the three Neopets sat by the cozy fire in their room much later. "What a day."

     "Yeah," Snowy yawned. "I guess if you weren't so dramatic, Star, Madame Marlin wouldn't have been caught."

     Starry laughed. "And we wouldn't have gotten complimentary Neggnog."

     "Cheers to that!" Jasmine took a sip from her mug.

     "Think we'll have a nice, peaceful day at the spa tomorrow?" Snowy asked her.

     "With Starry??" Jasmine raised her eyebrows. "Not likely…"

The End

**Author's Note: Firstly, I'd like to thank you for reading my story. I would love comments or suggestions and you're welcome to ask any questions about my story. =) The main characters in this story (Snowy, Starry and Jasmine) were based on my own Neopets and any similarities with names in Neopets (which I'm sure of) are purely coincidental. =P

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