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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Sleeping, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 144 > Articles > Perfecting Your Poems

Perfecting Your Poems

by poeandricky

DEEP CATACOMBS - Every time you read in the New Features section that some new poems have been released, are you one of those people who rushes to check the Poetry Gallery looking for yours? Are you often disappointed to find that your poem was once again overlooked? Are you a crazed evil genius bent on taking over Neopia just so you can make the background music to Meepit Juice Break the Neopian National Anthem? If you answered yes to the first two questions then this article is for you! (If you answered yes to the third one, then maybe it is time you seek some professional help about that.)

In the past I have submitted three different poems for the Poetry Gallery and so far, each one has been published. Last Peophin Day, I wrote a poem honoring Peopatra, the owner of the Petpet stall in the Lost Desert. You can find it on page 332. For Scorchio Day, I wrote one about Scorchy Slots. That is on page 406. And you can read my poem about Freaky Factory on page 429. Anyway, enough about me, this article is meant to help you! Follow this guide and you just might have a shiny new trophy for your user lookup and your masterpiece read by millions of your fellow Neopet owners.

Step One- Choosing a Topic

The first thing you have to do before you write an award winning poem is decide what it is going to be about. That might seem very obvious to you, yet it still is not an easy task. The subject of your poem has to be interesting to your readers. For example, who wants to read a poem about Volcanic Rocks? You also need to choose something that you know enough about so that you can include enough details to make an interesting and long enough poem. Do not write one about the Tyrannian War if you have not been on Neopets long enough to experience it. Write about something that interests you and you know a lot about. It can be anything from your favorite game to a Neopets character that you find fascinating.

Keeping your eye on the Calendar and the New Features page is a great way of improving your poem’s chances of getting published. About a week before a Neopet’s day is a perfect time to send a poem relating to that pet. If Aisha Day is coming up, you can write a poem about Aishas in general, the Vending Machine, or Lisha. Another perfect time to send a poem, is right after a big event is announced. Submit a poem after a new game is unveiled or in the midst of a current plot.

My best advice is to never force a poem. Wait until you get inspired. If you choose to compose one that you are not completely into, it will come out mediocre at best.

Step Two- Deciding on a Style

There are so many different kinds of poems you can write. Haikus, acrostics, limericks, and sonnets are just some types of poetry. In my experience of reading through the poetry gallery there are only a few kinds of poems I have seen get published.

Haikus are probably the easiest poems to create. Just in case, haikus have three lines. The first and third lines contain five syllables and the second line contains seven. They do not take much effort to write, so it takes a lot more to get them selected. If you choose to use this method, you should probably combine at least five haikus in one poem, even if you do this, there’s a slim chance your poem will be included in the Poetry Gallery.

In an acrostic poem, the first letters of all the lines spell out a word. These are also published rarely. If you want to increase your chance of getting an acrostic poem selected, I have noticed it helps to have the lines rhyme.

In fact, the vast majority of poems that are in the Poetry Gallery are simple rhyming poems. If you want my advice, which you apparently do or else you would not have read this far, your poem should have five to ten stanzas, with each stanza being four or eight lines long. Rhyming ALWAYS seems to help. Whatever you do, stay consistent. If you start off rhyming two lines in a row, do not end up alternating lines that rhyme with each other. If you start off with each line having eight syllables, do not end up giving them ten.

Step Three- The Poem’s Content

Make your poem full of details. They make your poem much more interesting to read. The more you know about your subject, the better your poem will be. Search your subject in the yellow sidebar or look for a Neopedia article about your subject. If you are writing a poem about a game, play the game a couple of times to remind yourself about all the little twists and turns of the game. Include everything you can think of.

There are many ways to go about any poem, so be creative. For example, let us say you want to write a poem about that mysterious statue in the Ruins of Maraqua. You can write a poem describing the statue. You can write a poem making up a story about it. You can write a poem listing many possible explanations for it. You can write a poem from the statue’s perspective. There is no limit if you really sit down and think about it.

Finally, go ahead and read through past Poetry Gallery winners. That is the best way to get a feel for what kind of poems the Gallery judges prefer. If you follow that, and everything else I advised, there is a good chance your poem will be in the Poetry Gallery someday.

P.S.- If you do happen to see your poem published in the Poetry Gallery, do not expect to see your trophy or rare item for at least a week, so do not fret.

Good Luck!

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