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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Hunting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 144 > Continuing Series > Princess of Erodaire II: Part Three

Princess of Erodaire II: Part Three

by christinetran

My father was standing in the middle of the room, his eyes blazing with fire as he held a gleaming sword in his scaly hand. He screamed and cried out and yelled for all he was worth, but his words were so mixed together that I wasn't able to make out what he was saying. The guards were all surrounding him, their hands upon the sword hilts just in case the King suddenly starts attacking them, and their eyes wide with fear. My father continued to yell, and, using his tail, he pounded a Grarrl to the wall. I gasped at this dreadful act and was instantly filled with relief when I realized that the Grarrl was simply stunned, but an even more fearful look appeared on his face.

     "Ki...King Alastare," a guard said cautiously before he ducked to avoid my father's blade. He bellowed once more and threw three more guards onto the wall, knocking them unconscious. All the other guards backed away slowly, and some even withdrew their blades a few inches forward. I did not want my father to fall just yet, and I automatically knew that I had to help him calm down.

     "Father!" I cried and took a few steps forward, but my father simply ignored my call and continued to bellow at the top of his lungs. I took in a deep breath and approached the fearsome Mutant Draik form once more and said, "Please, listen to me..."

     At that exact moment, a blur of green and silver met my eyes before I felt something sharp cut my arm a little and an even greater force throwing me back. In seconds, I felt the wall hit my back, and the world turned black for a few seconds. My mind was empty and all that lingered upon my mind was an image of a Maraquan Draik running into the dark woods before my consciousness came back. My eyes fluttered open, and it was then that I felt the stinging pain on my arm, and my entire body ached. Looking down, I saw a cut in the white dress which I wore, and I quickly covered the wound with my other hand. Looking up, I saw a sea of concerned faces looking over me, but the face which I was seeking was not there.

     "Where is my father?!" I cried and jumped up and looked over the many concerned heads. The place where my father once stood was empty of all except a sword which was broken in half. "Where did he go?" I asked again and looked before me to meet the guards eyes.

     "He exited the dungeons just moments ago before he broke his sword, My Lady," a Techo said quickly.

     "What made him so angry in the first place?" I questioned quickly, my hand still upon my wound. I walked over to the fallen sword and picked up the hilt of the broken blade.

     "We mentioned...her...Princess Andra...we mentioned your mother's name," the Techo said and looked down fearfully, almost as if he thought that I was going to react as irrationally as my father did.

     It took all my strength to calm the explosions which seemed to go off in my mind. My eyes glanced up and I turned to stare at the Techo, bewilderment shooting in my veins. "Why?" I asked as my hands shook and dropped the hilt upon the floor. "Why did you mention her?"

     The Techo simply shrugged and continued to look down in fear. Anger suddenly seized me and I stepped up and took the Techo by the shoulders, shaking him fiercely during the process. Although I felt like attacking the Techo and throwing him to the wall, I withheld this urge. I knew that this act wasn't going to get me anywhere.

     "Don't ever mention my mother's name again!" I cried into the frightened Techo's face. I gave another little shake before I ran towards the stairs and started to ascend them. By now, I was starting to worry about whether or not I was going to be able to have that walk with my father. I desperately wanted to actually spend some time with my father, for we never had a chance to talk before, and this might be the only chance I have. I burst through the dungeon's wooden door and fled down the hallway towards the Front Room, the place where I knew my father would be. Like my circular room, the Front Room was where my father went to whenever he felt horrible, which was almost every single hour.

     By the time I finally reached the front room, a surprising sight met my already saddened eyes. I saw Lady Vevina and my father sitting side by side, her arm on his shoulder and a consoling look upon her face. Anger seized me once more before I was able to calm it down, and I silently walked closer so that I would be able to hear them.

     "My King, My Lord, remember what I said about Lady Andra? She is a nuisance, and she would only get in your way, like today. You should send her off to the your Summer Castle in the land of Endless Plains and leave her there until it is her time to rule," Lady Vevina uttered to my father silently as she patted him upon the shoulder. "It is the most rational thing to do."

     "She is my heir, and I cannot do that! I refuse to," my father said back, but his voice held reluctance within it. I saw my father's shoulders shake wearily as he added, "Besides...she is the only person whom I could trust in this dastardly castle..."

     "Wrong, my King, my Lord. Wrong you are, for you can always trust me in her place," Lady Vevina said soothingly and she patted him upon the arm. "You have always treated me like a daughter, and it would be absolutely wonderful if you were to adopt me and make me a princes-"

     "Put a negg in it, Vevina!" I snapped as I rushed to my father's side. "King Alastare, do not listen to her treacherous words. She simply is a greedy little Draik who doesn't know the difference between Lord Kass and King Skarl!"

     My father looked up at me sorrowfully before he glanced down once more. Lady Vevina, who's eyes still burned with spite as she glared at me, took her hand off my father's arm.

     "I suppose I must be going, then," Lady Vevina whispered as she stood up and drifted away while I stared, my veins burning like fire after her retreating figure.

     "That poisonous little brat," I growled and clenched my fists. Just as suddenly as my anger appeared, it suddenly subsided as I felt my father's warm hand touch the wound on my arm.

     "I'm...I'm sorry...Princess Andra...I did not mean to..." he uttered with the innocence of a child. He brought his hand back and buried his face into his hands once more.

     "It's alright,'s just a little cut," I said back in a comforting tone.

     "A cut which I inflicted upon my own flesh and blood," my father growled back and wearily brought his face away from the palms of his hands. "I got angry over a foolish reason...I've become so absurd lately, Andra..."

     "Do not blame yourself, My Lord...but, you are should accept Mother's name now..." I said cautiously as I strung my words on a thin line. I watched carefully as my father lifted his head from his hands, and I painfully noticed the tears which seemed to pour out of his very soul.

     "I miss her so much..." he whispered, his voice filled with pain, hurt, and suffering. As I looked into this eyes, it was then that I saw that my father truly was a child. A child who just lost his mother and was desperately trying to make up that fact by acting too mature for his age. He was a child who just started to truly care about someone when that person was yanked away from him, only leaving him in the dark once more. The look in my father's eyes faintly represented the feelings inside me.

     "I miss her too..." I said back and I desperately tried to restrain myself from pouring forth tears. I had to be strong for my father, even though he was supposed to my idol, I had to be his example now. "But we mustn't continue talking about what is matter how much she meant to us...we must forget..."

     "But if I forget her...then the only things in my life worth remembering are none...she is my past, my present, and my future..." my father uttered softly and lowered his eyes to glance at the ground.

     "'re wrong...Mother is only your past, and perhaps she is your future. But now...the present...she is not part of your present..." I said back and took my father's hands, squeezing them quickly to help soothe him. "How about a walk to clear our minds?" I added, a hopeful tone hinting behind my voice for I really wanted to take this walk with him.

     At these words, my father looked at me with doubt growing in his eyes, and I could literally see his mind as it pondered over this question. Just as I was about to give up all my hope of ever spending quality time with my father, he gave out a deep breath and nodded at me, the same constant frown on his old face, and the tears invisible to all eyes. But, if you were to look closely at him, you would see a lingering hope lying in his eyes, a hope who's wishes can never be fulfilled.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Princess of Erodaire II: Part One

Princess of Erodaire II: Part Two

Princess of Erodaire II: Part Four

Princess of Erodaire II: Part Five

Princess of Erodaire II: Part Six

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