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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 15th day of Sleeping, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 12 > Articles > Are You Crazy About NeoPets? - A Quiz

Are You Crazy About NeoPets? - A Quiz

by lindy_guo

So you've played NeoPets for a while now and your family members and/or friends think that you are just absolutely crazy about NeoPets. Do you agree? Disagree? Not sure? Either way, grab a pencil and a piece of paper and take this quiz to be certified a "Kyrii Keep on Playing" or "Wocky Warning!".

Give yourself one "NeoPet Crazy! Point" for each of the forty statements below that apply to you, or will/might apply to you:

1) You meticulously arranged the details of your pet's wedding.

2) You did a book report on "All about Earth Faeries" and handed it in to your teacher.

3) You became extremely frustrated when you couldn't find "The Neopian Times" on the newsstand.

4) You asked for Fluffy Faerie Pancakes for breakfast.

5) You worship all the members of the NeoPets team and hope Adam and Donna will one day become the co-presidents of the entire world.

6) You put your NeoPets on your census form and "Neopian" as your nationality.

7) You listed "Cheat CHAMPION" as one of your accomplishments on your resume.

8) You invited your friends to come over to your Neohome after school.

9) Your parents knew what to get you for Christmas - an Aisha Plushie. And you didn't even need to tell them either...

10) You told everyone that your address is 1445, Faerie Lane, Faerieland.

11) You informed your teacher that you didn't do the homework because you had the "sneezles".

12) You tried to start a conversation about NeoPets with your friends…

13) ... and you didn't give up after they looked at you as if a beaver had suddenly sprouted from you head...

14) ... and 1 month later, all of your friends from school play NeoPets too in order to: one, understand what you are talking about. And two, it was the only was to stop you from nagging them!

15) After your sister asked you how she looks, you told her that she would definitely look better being painted faerie.

16) When asked "Which school do you go to?" you replied curtly, "Cap'n Threelegs' Swashbuckling Academy."

17) You believe that your principal is Dr. Sloth.

18) You wanted a drink and tried to insert a nerkmid into the vending machine at your school, despite the very odd look the custodian gave you.

19) You spend your time reading Math textbooks because it will help your prepare for Lenny Conundrums. And then you took Business/Economics at your school just so you can understand the Neopian Markets better.

20) You told your little brother to go to the healing springs after he scraped his knees.

21) You skipped over a game between the Lakers and the Knicks to watch the Deckball Championships.

22) Somehow, Capri Fruit Punch, Mini Oreo Crème Cookies and Lunchables are now a set part of your daily diet...

23) Even though you live in the U.S., you now spell the word "color" as "colour" due to NeoPet influences.

24) You dream about NeoPets.

25) Your hand-eye coordination and reaction time have improved significantly after playing Swarm and Splat-A-sloth. In fact, your reaction time is so good now that you can join the school football/soccer/baseball/hockey team.

26) You got carpal tunnel syndrome from playing Deckswabber too much.

27) You want to dress up as Count von Roo for Halloween, even though no one will know who the heck you are suppose to be...

28) After your elder brother took the remote control from you, you tell him that you will report him to the NeoPets team.

29) Due to the appearance of a certain Easter Bunny appearing on NeoPets year round, you now think that Easter is a year round holiday.

30) Your favourite fruit is the phear; but banans aren't too bad either.

31) You went around screaming "Happy Grundo Independence Day!" on August 24th.

32) You were born on 4th of the month of Gathering, 13 BN.

33) You feel a strong desire to add the prefix "Neo" to every word you speak.

34) You tried to vote for your guild in the last federal election.

35) "Tak, Tak, Tak," came the sound of your keyboard at 6:00 in the morning. That was you, getting up early to restock your shop.

36) Your NeoPets understand you better than yourself.

37) You wrote articles about NeoPets for The Neopian Times. (Geez, now who does that sound like?)

38) You know that the Sakhamet Battle is NOT a doomsday movie with Thumb Bruise and Angelino Holey.

39) Thanks to NeoPets, you have become a millionaire in real life because you have developed all the interpersonal, money management and time management skills while playing on NeoPets at an early age.

40) You've made many new friends, had a ton of fun and came to this conclusion: NeoPets is the best!

Okay, now count up your "NeoPet Crazy!" Points and see how you ranked:

0: Kyrii Keep on Playing
Nope, definitely not crazy about NeoPets yet. You are probably new to NeoPets; just give yourself a little bit more time.

1 - 5 Points: Nimmo Not yet crazy
You like NeoPets, but they cannot call you crazy just yet. But ahh… the NeoPet obsession is starting to take hold on you.

6 - 10 Points: Gelert Getting there
You spend a lot of your leisure time playing NeoPets and it is almost part of who you are :)

10 - 20 Points: Crazy Like a Chomby!
No doubt about it! Call the doctors - we have one person who is just crazy about NeoPets!

20 - 30 Points: A Techo Total Fanatic!
Your room is filled with NeoPet plushies and you dress in NeoPet T-shirts 24/7. You are now certified to a 100% NeoPet Fanatic.

30 - 40 Points: Wocky Warning!
Time for a reality check: The lines between real life and NeoPets are blurring. Caution: Don't forget that the real world is out there for you to enjoy either.

Disclaimer: This quiz is just for fun and humour. The writer is not responsible for any physical, emotional, psychological damage caused completely or partially by completing this quiz or taking it. Do not take it seriously - in fact, if you do, you should give yourself another "NeoPet Crazy!" Point. ;)

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