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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 13 > Articles > Kauvara vs. Edna - The Fight of the Potion Brewers

Kauvara vs. Edna - The Fight of the Potion Brewers

by hawkbrothers

Many have argued and bickered over who is the better Potion-Brewer: the "big fat orange-star polkadotted" Kauvara (as described by Edna) or the "stick-thin old ugly wrinkled slimy green" Edna (as described by Kauvara). To clear this matter up, I have both Kauvara the Magic Shopkeeper and Edna the Witch in this exclusive interview.

Hawkbrothers: A good day to both of you.

Kauvara: A good day to you too.

Edna: *cackle* I prefer the night.

Hawkbrothers: I'll keep that in mind. I've invited both of you here to discuss something.

Kauvara: And what may that be?

Hawkbrothers: Simple. Who is the better Potion Brewer?

Kauvara: Of course it's me and my brilliant shop!

Edna: Nope. It's me, deary, and my cauldron.

Kauvara: Look, I was trained by the wonderful Light Faerie in the prestigious Academy of Magical Fine Arts!

Edna: And I, little Kau, was trained by the wonderfully disgusting crooked-nosed Granny Itchy Witch, the most powerful witch to ever float over Neopia! *cackle*

Kauvara: Well, I was the one who brewed the various Morphing Potions! I was the one who made the Kauvara's Potion, the ultimate potion of all time! Your spells are nothing compared to mine! Why, I was the one who--

Edna: *cackle* Who was tricked by Dr. Sloth?

Kauvara: I--

Edna: *cackle* Who released the Transmogrification Potions?

Kauvara: But--

Edna: You may be well-versed in your 'arts', little one, but your potions have done some harm as well. *cackle*

Kauvara: You…

Hawkbrothers: Erm, will you two simmer down please? Edna, your turn. And please…

Edna: *cackle* I know, little bird, not to aggravate the Kau.

Kauvara: Why you!

Edna: (neatly cutting Kauvara off) She may have been taught by the Light Faerie, and have connections with the Water Faerie, but I, deary, have connections with the Brain Tree, Esophagor and the Shadow Usul. My potions, like the Rainbow Scroll of Kiko Transforming and the Potion of Jetsam Shrinking, have never done any harm--

Kauvara: (muttering) Or any good either... (resumes to her normal voice) My potions, at least, have helped reduced the number of pets sent to the pound, and healed many others. Not only that, they are also priced at--

Edna: *cackle* At horrific prices. At least, I give items out if they complete my quest.

Kauvara: That's it! I will not remain here just to be insulted! I'm leaving!

Hawkbrothers: (as Kauvara leaves) Wait, Kauvara, I'm sure we can come to an understanding!

Edna: Since she has left, can I presume that I'm the winner? *cackle*

So, who is the ultimate Potion Brewer? That's for you to decide.

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