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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 16 > Short Stories > I Dream of Cobralls

I Dream of Cobralls

by al_the_chia

It was the highest tower of the dark, gloomy castle. Spyders scuttled across the walls, whispering in dry, cracked voices. Within the tower, the evil Wizard Kadoatiem cackled as he tied down the innocent young Cobrall maiden with magic ropes. She writhed in horror as the evil PetPet grinned.

“HAHAHA!! Now I have you! Soon, Sir Fluffalot will come and try to rescue you! When he does, he will be DESTROYED FOREVER! MOO HAHAHAHA!!!” The maiden hissed in horror, kicking and screaming (as Cobralls can without legs) and biting at her ropes. “There is no chance of escape, puny maiden!” Wizard Kadoatiem boomed, pointing a golden scepter at her. It shot a beam of golden light straight at her forehead. She was stunned in a blast of searing light. The wizard raised the rod again, threatening. “Now be quiet, fool, or I’ll be forced to…” BOOM!! The Wizard’s door flew open in a cloud of dust and a blast of cobwebs. Spyders hissed and scuttled about as Sir Fluffalot entered in all his glory. He wore a flashy silver helmet and carried a glowing bronze shield. Hissing, he pointed a forked tongue in Kadoatiem’s direction in a taunting manner. The Kadoatie turned bright red with rage. “Why you…” With a swish of his cloak and a menacing scream, the monstrous sorcerer shook his scepter, releasing a purple light which radiated around the room. Instantly, the Spyders scuttled from the ceiling, walls, and floor, charging at the gallant Cobrall. “HISSS!!” The maiden screamed. Fluffalot held up his shield and prepared for an epic battle…

“FLUFFY!!!” Al screamed. Fluffy jumped awake with a start. “FLUFFY!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!” Fluffy sleepily blinked himself awake, looking around. He was sitting on Al’s face, wielding his PetPet Pillow and stuffing a plastic sword toy in Al’s mouth. “Fluffy, have you been sleepwalking again?” Fluffy dropped his weapons, shaking his head and smiling innocently. “I knew it.” Al picked him up and set him into his PetPet bed with a stern glare.

“Fluffy, listen. You have to stop eating at night. I’m sorry, but if I catch you sleepwalking again, I’m putting you ON A DIET!!” The words echoed in Fluffy’s mind, and he shrunk into his sheets, shivering. “You get three more strikes, Fluffy!” Al commanded, his eyes ablaze with sleepiness. Fluffy nodded quickly, pulling himself further under his sheets. Al nodded. “Now go back to sleep!” Al hopped into his own bed, shutting off the light and dozing off. Fluffy stared up at the ceiling. Hissing quietly, he drifted into sweet slumber…

The great Golden Wadjet Temple glowed from it’s solitary seat on the clouds above Nakasakanashiwa Village. It was unusually quiet around the mystical building. Only the bravest warriors dared to climb it’s peaking distance, and those who made it would certainly be destroyed by what lied within. A new challenger decided to take the risk, and bid his family farewell as he climbed onto a tiny pink cloud. He drifted in front of the golden walls, hovering higher until zooming above the roof. Samurai Fluffasaki leapt from the tiny cloud and landed onto the golden temple...

In reality, Fluffy was hopping onto Al’s bed…

He had a tiny bun of black hair on his head, and had a wooden sword sheathed at his side. He slithered up the side of the golden wall, keeping a keen eye out for any threat. Suddenly, a black figure swept past him. Then another. Faster then the wind, they were little blurs as they circled the Samurai. Fluffasaki whipped out his sword faster then lightning strikes, and was immediately ready for battle against the cunning Wadjet Ninjas. “Hisss…” Fluffy waved his sword in warning, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. The ninjas all stopped, staring at the new warrior. “SSSS….” One commanded. “HISSS!!” Fluffy yelled back. The Wadjet gasped through his black mask. He leapt into the air, bringing out a gleaming tin sword. “SSSSS!!” Fluffasaki swung his sword but once. The Wadjet collapsed onto the roof, knocked out. “HISSSS!” This was too much for the remaining ninjas. The Wadjet warriors all leaped, swinging powerful weapons. Fluffy swung his mighty sword almost carelessly. THWACK! One tumbled down, flying off the roof and bouncing onto the clouds. THWACK! Two more down, zooming straight into the sky and disappearing forever. Fluffasaki narrowed his eyes. One left. The Wadjet smiled, showing sharp fangs. He pulled out a silver star and shot it at the Cobrall’s head. SWISH! It twirled straight for Fluffasaki! But the warrior was too swift. It swept harmlessly away into the sky. Fluffasaki smiled, and THWACK! The Wadjet collapsed onto the roof, fallen. Fluffasaki sheathed his sword. Smiling, he slithered along again, more calmly this time, until approaching a hole in the golden ceiling.

Fluffy had stealthily crept up to Al’s face.

Ever alert, he stealthily slithered into the precipice, preparing for anything…

“FUUUFFEEE!!” Fluffy awoke with a start. “FUUUFFEE!!!” He suddenly realized where his was. “PITOOOEY!!” Al spit him out. Fluffy was thrown across the room, screeching. “FLUFFY!!! WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN MY MOUTH?!?” Fluffy shrugged, smiling innocently. “STRIKE ONE!!” Fluffy was thrown into his PetPet bed again. “Fluffy, I’m taking away your Cobrall Treats!” Al put out the light and fell back into bed. Hissing angrily, Fluffy fell asleep…

Flufflock Holmes and his assistant, Wadjetson, were following a newly discovered trail of footprints near the scene of the recent crime, the kidnapping of Princess Baa. Flufflock almost had all the clues he needed, but he still was missing a valuable piece to the great puzzle.


“Hiss, hiss sss hiss hiss hiss sss.”

“SS! Hisss…”

They wandered down the street, until coming across a dark, dingy alleyway, where the footprints came to an abrupt stop. Whispers echoed from within the dark passage, then abruptly stopped. Flufflock pushed back his associate and himself into the shadows as a black-clothed figure swept by. Gazing around, a suspicious look smeared across it’s hidden face, the figure continued.

“Hiss! Sss!”

They silently followed behind, keeping their gaze locked onto the suspect. The figure carried a large box, which would rattle occasionally and emit a small, muffled yelp. They went onto a large dock, where stores and storage bins lined the water. Flufflock paused as the figure entered a particularly large Warehouse. The windows were shattered, and it looked as though it hadn’t been used in years.

“Hiss…” Wadjetson and Flufflock carefully opened the door…

Back in reality, Fluffy was really opening the door, his eyes shut as he slithered down the steps…

And into the Warehouse Basement. Droplets of water sprinkled their heads as they entered the musty cellar. Flufflock shone his flashlight across several cobwebbed boxes and puddles of groundwater, until coming across the same box the figure was carrying. Flufflock slithered over, kicking it open. Out popped a little Baabaa with a pink bow, bound and gagged. Flufflock gave a triumphant cry (“HISSS!!”) before he and his associate ungagged and untangled the PetPet. The baabaa, panicked, screamed. “IT’S A TRAP!” WHAM! The door slammed, and Flufflock dropped his flashlight, throwing the room into complete darkness. A piece of glass shattered, and someone screamed. Nearly fumbling, Wadjetson turned on his own lantern, dimly lighting the room. Baa was gone. Wadjetson and Flufflock recoiled in horror as a huge blue creature emerged from the shadows…

Al groggily walked into the kitchen, searching for a glass of water. “Fluffy…” He dozed, blinking with his fuzzy vision and lack of eyewear. “Is that you?…”

Flufflock and Wadjetson gasped. “HISS!!” The figure grinned, flipping a coin and waving a huge weapon. “That’s right. It’s Pfish-Face Ferdy! Crime man extraordinaire, see? Nyah, that’s right see?” The gangster laughed maliciously, showing his hideous face. “And I’m not going to let you take away my quarry, see? Nyah, I worked hard for it.” Flufflock squinted his eyes. He pulled out a revolver, aiming it carefully. Pfish-Face pulled out his own revolver. “Now be careful detective, wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt, right? See? Nyah?…”

“Fluffy, what are you doing?” Al blinked, his vision slightly clearing. Fluffy was wielding a banana. “Fluffy? OH NO YOU…” Al had not time to defend himself as Fluffy raised the fruit of vengeance. Grinning sheepishly in his slumber, Fluffy ‘Squeezed the trigger’. SPLAT!! “FLUUUUUUFEEEEE!!!”

Once again, Fluffy was confined to his bed. This time, he was chained down, cut off from PetPet Tidbits, and stuffed into the closet. Fluffy, although very annoyed, finally fell asleep…

Creeper the Undersized Aisha Thief chuckled as he climbed into Al’s house through the open window. “This will be like taking candy from a baby!” He slinked across the floor (which was pretty close to his head), arriving at Al’s library. “Oh, these are some rare books…” He began to empty Al’s precious study books into his bag. He really made up in skill what he lacked in size…

The Fluffinator 200, Cobrall Robot, was facing off against his mortal enemy, the Aishabot 360…

“Huh? What’s this weird little Cobrall doing here?”

The Fluffinator fixed his sunglasses before smiling at Aishabot. The dry desert sands blew by, blowing up Fluffinator’s trench coat. “Hiss hiss hisss sss!!” Fluffinator commanded. The Aishabot simply snarled. Fluffinator could take no more. He charged towards him, releasing a dreaded battle cry…

“AIIEEEE!! GET OFF YOU MEASLY LITTLE…” The short-stacked Aisha struggled to rip the offending Cobrall off his face. Fluffy began to gnaw viciously on his head. “ARRRRRRGH!”…

The Aishabot struggled, but to no avail. Fluffinator, using his Kung Fu jaw grip, was slowly seeping away his energy, until the final blow could be made. But suddenly, the Aishabot threw him off! Landing in the sand, Fluffinator’s circuitry was confused for a second. The Aishabot raised its mechanical arms, preparing to smash his opponent to bits. Fluffinator decided it was time to use his ultra destruct-o beam. His eyes glowed as he aimed for Aishabot…

Fluffy’s eyes began to glow as he hissed at Creeper. Creeper was just about to pound the Cobrall flat when he froze in midair. He began to levitate, his hands raised up like a statue. Creeper’s face reflected pure disappointment. “This can’t be good…”

Fluffy in reality smiled…

Back in Fantasyland, Fluffinator smiled…


Fluffy woke up with a start. He blinked several times, looking around before realizing where he was. “Hiss?” He looked at an odd charcoal lump lying on the floor, wondering what it was. “Oww…” Fluffy screamed in horror. It was alive! Creeper groaned, his left eye twitching slightly and his arm bent at a weird angle. “How did you do that?…” He groaned, before going limp. Al barreled down the stairs at the sound of Fluffy’s scream. His eyes traveled from the bookcase, to Fluffy, to Creeper, and finally to the bag full of books. “FLUFFY!” He gasped. “HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO HAVE PARTIES WHILE I’M ASLEEP AT NIGHT?” Fluffy jumped, shaking his head and hissing rapidly. “I DON’T WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXCUSES FLUFFY!” Al almost literally threw Creeper out into the street. “GO FIND YOUR OWNER, YOU RENEGADE KADOATIE!” Al slammed the door. Creeper tried to pull himself up, moaning. “Wh… where am I? Who am I?… What am I doing here?…” Staggering, he traveled down the street and headed out of town.

Fluffy frowned. Al had made him sleep outside, in a makeshift tent. “Hisss…” Fluffy cursed beneath his breath. He rolled over a few times on the lumpy ground before finally going to sleep. Upstairs, Al was climbing back into his own bed. “I have the right mind to give up that Cobrall…” he muttered before going to sleep.

Fluffaski, world famous Bank Robber grinned as he set dynamite in front of the bank safe. “Hiss…” He pulled on his ski mask and jumped as…


Al was blown up into the air, his house reduced to rubble by Fluffy’s dynamite. Fluffy was snoring innocently on the ground, finally through with his sleepslithering. Al, however, wasn’t doing very well. He hovered in the air a second before waking up. “Oh Piffle…” He began to plummet towards the ground. Charred, tired, and extremely irate, he bellowed at the top of his voice.


The End

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