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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 20 > Articles > Lost Worlds of Neopia - Episode III: Kiko Lake

Lost Worlds of Neopia - Episode III: Kiko Lake

by evianevian

It's now time to wrap up our series. We've taken you from island paradise, to winter wonderland, and now we'll be visiting the depths of Kiko Lake. This was a popular spot in ancient times until it slowly sank beneath the shimmering surface of Kiko Lake. Baby C the Chomby, will be showing us how truly spectacular Kiko Lake is, and that you don't have to have gills to enjoy the pleasures of this underwater kingdom.

"I'll admit, when Evian asked if I would visit Kiko Lake for our article, I was reluctant. I thought she was trying to drown me or something! But when I got to this lovely lake, in the mountains 15 miles to the northeast of Neopia Central, I was pleasantly surprised by what I found. This lake, 265 square miles in size and home to a population consisting mainly of Kikos, with a smattering of Jetsams, has much to offer the casual traveler on a budget. The area has the largest concentration of Kikos in known Neopia, probably due to a Kiko's instinctive response to swim to this area when they are lost or in some trouble. The lake is housed in a (hopefully) dormant volcano. As I peered at the blue rippling surface, I wondered how I would get in. I shouted hello into the waters, and was shortly thereafter greeted by a representative of the prestigious Bubble Tours company. They run over 150 bubbles, guaranteed to be airtight as water faeries have magically sealed them. These bubbles, carted by energetic, knowledgeable young Kikos, can cart you around the depths of Kiko Lake for just 85 NP an hour. They operate up to 999 meters deep, at which depth the Jetsams which prey on unwary Kikos begin to prowl. However, the Bubble Tours company gets very little business; Kikos were literally fighting to get my business. I chose a large, strong-looking blue Kiko named Pacifa, who toted me around for my day-long stay. As you get deeper into the water, spires of brightly-coloured coral begin to show themselves. These were once the towers of Kikona the ancient Kiko city, which floated on water that flowed into the volcano. The Kikos now make their homes within the spires underwater. Here's a picture I took from my bubble of the Kikos frolicking among the coral."

"However, these are not the only wonders of Kiko Lake. The Kikoughela Factory is a must-see for those who, like me, consistently suffer from sore throats and take this yummy cough medicine to soothe our throats. The factory is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. An added bonus to this tour: besides seeing all the new medicinal products Kikoughela is producing, you can be a company guinea pig for these products, for free! I don't care if I broke out in bright red zigzags after trying one of their new anti-rash pills; the opportunity to be the first to try this revolutionary new product was definitely worth it! I also tried out the Jet Streams within my bubble; for just 10 NP, you can buy a ride on the hot streams to buzz around town at the highest speeds known to this underwater realm. Finally, don't forget to pay a visit to the Seaweed Nook, to pick up your complimentary Baby Blue Kelp with your purchase of two or more potted seaweed plants. These add a lovely touch to any NeoHome, despite the fact that they wilt if they are not place in a vat of oxygenated freshwater. In summary, Kiko Lake is an little-known lake with surprises around every corner for the traveler on the lookout for adventure!"

So long, for now; until our next discovery on Lost Worlds of Neopia!

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