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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 22nd day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 36 > Articles > Battling For Dummies

Battling For Dummies

by bluescorchio104

This article will tell you some of the essential tips and tricks of the Battledome, even if you are a complete beginner, also known as a dummy (just kidding).

As you veteran Neopians know (and for those newbies that don't), the Battledome is where you can have a friendly fight with a friend, or the ultimate battle with a rival. You can reach the Battledome by going to the games page and scrolling down to the bottom, where you'll see an icon of two Aishas fighting.

When you reach the main Battledome page, you decide what type of fight you'll do. There are Quickfights, scheduled matches and One-player battles. Quickfights involve you searching for an opponent with the stats you designate, who happens to be looking for an opponent with the same stats as you have. One minor drawback is that you'll probably end up battling a complete stranger. With scheduled matches, you challenge someone to a match at a scheduled time. One-player battles get you to battle the computer-controlled opponents. To battle in this mode, you need to find the opponents hidden around the site (i.e the Snowager, The Brain Tree, Tiki Tack Man, etc). I myself have found 16 opponents.

One of the most important aspects of the Battledome is your equipment, or weapons. There are six types of equipment. There are:

Attacking items - Forest sling, Ice Shard, Robotic hand, etc.
Defending items - Frozen collar, Fire Gem, Accelerator Helmet, etc.
Reflecting items - Dark Reflectorb, Triple Turbo Dryer, Mega U-Bend, etc.
Healing items - Red Scorchstone, Juicy Elixir, Amulet of Life, etc.
Stealing items - Red Sticky Hand, Telescoping Grabber, Crystal Boomerang, etc.
Freezing items - Hypno Helmet, Terror Stone, Black Frost Cannon, etc.

Attacking items, obviously, attack. Snowballs do a fair amount of damage and are very cheap. Some items not only attack, but also defend, like the Fire Bomb, which not only does fire damage but also defends you from water damage. Bottled Snows also attack and defend reasonably well, and can be found at the Ice Weaponry store, in the Ice Caves. Improved Lightning beams are extremely effective, both in cost and in attack power.

Defending items generally defend only certain types of damage. For instance, Fire Gems only defend you from fire damage. Other defending weapons defend you from more than one type of damage. One example is Silver Scorchstone, which defends you from water, light, and air damage. Reflecting items reflect certain types of damage. Not all the damage is reflected though, unless you have a U-Bend of Great Justice or Reflectozap 2000. I enjoy using reflecting weapons, just to imagine the look on my opponent's face when they cop the damage they've just directed at me. Healing items, of course, heal. Elixirs come in quite a few varieties, like:

Lime (heals 3 hp) (around 14 np)
Ubikiberry(heals 5 hp) ) (around 10 np)
Juicy (heals 7 hp) (around 10 np)
Pale (heals 9 hp) (around 350 np)
Bombaberry (heals 11 hp) (around 3k)
Puce (heals 15 hp), (around 5k)

The only drawback is that once you use them they are gone forever, as they are one-use items. Scorchstones are enormously helpful in battle. They're endless use items, but can only be used once per battle. Like the Elixirs, Scorchstones come in a range of varieties. There's:

Bronze (heals 15 hp)
Red (heals 20 hp)
Blue (heals 30 hp)
Green (heals 40 hp)
Purple (heals 50 hp)
Rainbow (heals 80 hp)
Jade (heals all hp)

The Amulet of Life, Magic Vial, and Lucky Robot's Foot will all heal you back to full hit points, but are all one-use items. I recommend Novas, Dark Novas and Supernovas, as they not only attack, but also heal. The only draw back is that they're a bit expensive for one-use items, unless you have a quick computer and are fast enough to get them from the Magic and Battle Magic shops.

The most popular stealing items are the Sticky Hands, which steal a random item from your opponent's arsenal. Once again, Sticky Hands come in wide range of different types. The only problem with Sticky Hands is that your opponent inherits it after you use it, so watch out! The different types of Sticky Hands are:

Red (3k)
Yellow (3k)
Blue (2500 np)
Green (24k)
Rainbow (100k)

Some other stealing items are the Telescoping Grabber, which disappears forever after it is used. It is NOT however, inherited by your opponent. You can find Telescoping Grabbers in the Space Weaponry store at the Space Station. The Crystal Boomerang is also a stealing item, but at 900k, it is quite expensive, as well as having a chance of breaking. In my opinion, it's not worth buying, especially if you're going to use it in the Battledome.

Freezing items freeze your opponent for one turn. Hypno Helmets are really, really expensive on the Shop Wizard, and unless you have a fast computer I wouldn't recommend getting one. The Terror Stone is a fairly cheap and reliable alternative to the Hypno Helmet. Slave Collars and Memory Blasters both freeze but can only be used once, so don't buy one unless you don't battle often. Frost Cannons also freeze.

Another important aspect of the Battledome is what abilities you have. To find out what abilities you have, go to Pet Central and click on the picture of the angry-looking red Chia. You get abilities by buying Faeries then getting them to bless your pet. You do have to be over a certain level to learn abilities though. You automatically learn the ability Berserk when you reach level 50 however. You also learn species-related abilities automatically when you reach certain levels. Some of the best abilities I know of are Burrow, which when used on strong defends you from all air, earth, fire, water and physical damage, and Sink, which when used on strong defends you from all dark, fire, light, water and physical damage. Shadow Health, which drains 11% of your opponent's health, is another good ability. I also recommend the water ability Heal, which usually heals 2-15 hp.

Well, I hope this article has helped you, whether you be a Newbie or veteran Neopian. Happy Battledoming!

* I would like to thank my Neopet Bluefire104 for helping me write this article.
** The prices mentioned in this article were correct (according to the Shop Wizard) at the time of writing, and may still be correct. However, no guarantees can be made.

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