Total Neoaccess by littlelysshu |  |
After the success of my "Neopians
with Disabilities" article, and after hearing from some of the great
Neopians out there, I decided, what the heck. So I did some more research, and
tried out a bunch of games, and came up with the some things for myself and
all the other bored, disabled Neopians to do! I used visceral exhilaration,
ease of play, cost, and the time it takes to do (longer being better).
Caption Contest!
Even if you don't win, it's still a lot of fun to try and come up with something
for the picture! Visceral Exhilaration: 2, Ease of Play: 4 (unless you have
trouble typing, in which case it's only a 1), Cost: 5 (it's free!) and Time:
Variable, depending on the person and how fast they type!
C'mon, say it with me. TOMBOOOOLAAAA! It's even fun to say. It's probably
funny as anything in ASL too… hmm. Hey, any Neopians with hearing impairments,
write me and tell me if you have created signs for things on NeoPets, or if
you just have to spell 'em! That could be another fun thing just in itself!
Hmm. I wonder how you'd sign "Chia?" "Jubjub" would be even worse! Anyway, I
digress! All you have to do is click your mouse once, and tada! You either win
a good prize or a stinky prize… or maybe something in between, but either way
it's exciting! Visceral exhilaration: 4! (at least I think it's exhilarating!)
Ease of Play 5 (even if you have difficulty using the Mouse, there's no time
limit, so you can go slowly!) Cost: 5 (it's Free!) Time: 1 (it goes by too fast!)
The Neopian Fruit Machine!
Located in the Lost Desert, this is a lot like Tombola with Lost Desert NeoPets.
You have to admit it, that Kau in the skirt with the big horns is cute! Unlike
the Tombola, you don't usually get a prize, unless you're REALLY lucky. But,
it's easy to use, (5), free, (5) and even though its visceral exhilaration is
dimmed by the fact that you seldom win, when you do, it's so cool! (3). As for
the time it takes, it's another one that goes by too fast… but it's not bad
however you crack it!
I bet you thought I'd rate this higher. Well… it's really, REALLY cool and
all, but it has some serious drawbacks from the adaptive standpoint. For one
thing, you have to move the Mouse on the Compass (which isn't always on your
screen if you have the computer set for large fonts and icons), and that means
you have to slide the scroll bar on the bottom over every time BEFORE you can
click the direction you want to go. And it's hard for those with visual impairment
(like me!) to tell where the holy mother of Juppie we're going, especially in
the caves and castles. Still, if you can do it, it's a darn good time, with
quite a few sites out there full of hints and maps for when you get stuck! (and
you WILL get stuck, most likely.) Visceral Exhilaration: 4 (it varies anywhere
between 5 when you're clobberin' monsters and 2 when you're hopelessly lost,
but 4 is a good average). Ease of Play: 2 (that compass thing just sort of womps
for those with dexterity difficulty; and the caves sort of kill it for people
with VI). Cost: 5 (hey, it is free!) Time: 5 As long as you don't get overly
frustrated and just give up it will give you days and days of fun!
Sakhmet Solitaire, Pyramids and Scarab 21!
I grouped these three together because they have a lot of the same strengths
and weaknesses. They are games of mingled luck and skill, and while a good player
can have a half-hour of fun with one hand, even the best player can't pull a
garbage hand out and make it into gold. They each cost 50 NP, and you usually
earn that back… but not always a whole lot more. And they are hard for those
who have trouble using the mouse, because you have to move it around a lot.
However, there's no time limit, so you can go as slowly as you need to. Overall:
good fun for those who enjoy quiet card type games. Visceral Exhilaration: 2.
Cost: 2, Ease of Play: 4, Time: 4.
Open a shop!
This creates its own can of worms to open, and more things to do! Once you
have your shop, you have to stock it, of course. I wouldn't recommend the main
shops if you have a mouse difficulty since that stuff can zip by fast. Hit the
Shop Wizard instead, preferably either late at night or early in the morning
when there aren't as many people on. The Trading Post and Auctions can be a
good place to get Shop stock too, but you have to bid and trade carefully; some
people will try and scam and/or rip you off! You can also use the Shop Wizard
to compare prices, so that you can a) get the best deals for yourself and b)
undercut your competition! So here's my rating on Running A Shop: Visceral Exhilaration:
5 (Hey, when you sell your whole stock in 10 minutes, that's exciting!) Cost:
1 (It can cost you a LOT of money, but in the long run you'll end up with profits.)
Ease of Play: Varies (it depends on how you shop, and when) Time: 5 (A Neopian
Lifetime of fun!)
This much-maligned game can be a gold mine, and it's so easy! Just click one
button on your Mouse, and move it a little bit if the button changes position,
and you've got the basics! Of course, this game can be VERY frustrating if you
play with the wrong expectations. Don't go in there for the Neopoints, because
you won't win 'em most likely. BUT, if you can get to the green die, you can
win food, lottery tickets and all KINDS of other great stuff, worth far more
than the 5 NP per game it costs to play! Visceral Exhilaration: 5 (I have to
hold my breath while the next screen loads!) Cost: 4 (only 5 NP per game!) Ease
of Play: 4 (you don't have to move your Mouse much at all! Time: Varies (However
long you want to spend, or however long your luck holds out!)
This game's one drawback is the amount of Mouse moving it takes. Which is a pity,
because it's fun to watch the blocks fall! What can I say, I'm a sucker for this
game. It makes me laugh like crazy when a huge bunch of blocks goes "rumble rumble
BOOM", and I thought I only got a three-block comb. It's the best game in Tyrannia
as far as I'm concerned. Ease of Play 5 (2 if you have Mouse difficulties), Visceral
Exhilaration: 5. Cost: 5 (it's FREE!) Time: Varies (between 5 min to hours and
hours, depending on how long you want to play.)
This VirtuPets Space Station staple is fun, fun, FUN. Did I mention that it's
fun? Anyway, all you have to do is choose your character, and move your Mouse
a little. Of course, there's a great deal of luck and strategy involved, but
hey that's what makes it exciting! The fact that they seem to toss the ball
randomly as opposed to in order (the way they used to) makes it all the more
exciting! You never know when someone's going to get it! Visceral Exhilaration:
4 (5 when someone get splatted!) Ease of Play: 4 (There's no time limit, so
the little Mouse-moving that's required can be done any pace.) Cost: 4 (only
10 NP a pop and you just about always win it back!) Time: Varies. (Once again,
however long your luck holds out!)
This is my personal FAVOURITE game on NeoPets. Despite the fact that it's
a game of patience and intuition, rather than action, there's nothin' quite
like the thrill you get from catching one of your virtual opponents Cheating.
And, it's a fabulous way to earn Neopoints! If you're a good player, you can
earn thousands of NP for a complete 7-hand circuit, and you can come back later
if you need to leave. Visceral Exhilaration: 5! Ease of Use: 5 (even if you
have Mouse troubles, you can take your time, and if you have a scroll wheel
on your mouse, you don't have to move it much at all.) Cost: 3 (it costs 50
NP per round but you more than make that back!) and Time: 5 (it takes quite
a while to get through all 7 rounds! An hour of enjoyment, or more if you're
So there you have it! We may have to stay disabled, but there's NO reason
we have to stay bored! I hope my Top 10 helps everyone, disabled or not, to
better enjoy the wonderful world of Neopia and all the great stuff within it!
Play nice, everybody! |