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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 22nd day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 39 > Articles > The Up-and-Coming Guild Leader

The Up-and-Coming Guild Leader

by irvys_girl

So you've been sitting around, thinking, "Hey, everyone else seems to belong to a really cool guild. But none of them are exactly right for me. Why don't I make one?" Wonderful! Organising your own guild can be both rewarding and fun. Unfortunately, it can also be frustrating, especially if you find you have trouble recruiting members or encouraging participation. Here are some suggestions that I have found helpful in building a successful Neopian guild.


The first thing most people look at in your guild is its theme. Obviously, this should be something you enjoy a great deal! It can be something NeoPets related, like a guild devoted to Chias or to Rainbow plushies, or it can be themed on your favourite TV show or series of science fiction novels. The possibilities for themes are virtually limitless. Keep in mind, however, that there are umpteen-million wonderful "gurl guilds" out there already, as well as guilds with themes such as Lord of the Rings or Pokemon. If you still want to make a guild on one of these themes, that's okay, but be aware that you will need to work extra-hard to make your guild unique and attractive to potential NeoPets members. You may find it easier to avoid these more common themes entirely an create something unusual of your own.


Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT necessary to be an HTML expert to run a successful guild. The NeoPets HTML guide and various other guides found on the World Wide Web are more than sufficient for tutoring even the most rank amateur through what little HTML writing might be necessary to create an attractive front page. The appearance of your guild, however, helps attract members. Among the most important aspects in this area are relativity of the links and pictures, and the ease of navigating the page. A few pictures of your favourite boy band are great, but don't upload your entire collection! Also, be sure you link from somewhere that the images will show. Most free Web site providers, like Angelfire, won't allow you to link to another site, so you'll just end up with a lot of boxes filled with red x's. Quality of your content is more important than quantity. Most people can find their own way to the Tombola, Soup Kitchen, and other important places in NeoPets. Instead, use your guild page to display information about guild events, links to your guild shop and/or homepage (if you have one) and other pertinent links and images. Good grammar and spelling is also helpful! Legibility is really the most important aspect when designing a guild page.

Recruiting Members

There are several ways I've found to be helpful at recruiting members. One way is direct word of mouth, inviting family members and friends. If your little brother or best friend plays NeoPets, invite him or her to join your guild! You can also pay to have an advertisement posted, although this is generally quite expensive. Making up simple banners that your guild members can display in their shops and other pages is also a good way to get your name around.

The most popular method that I have seen is the guilds chat board, which is usually full of three or four trillion people advertising their guild. You may or may have luck in there, depending mostly on whether your guild is of interest to the general population.

A few points to keep in mind, however:

1.) Stay respectful. If someone posts a search for a particular kind of guild, don't post yours anyhow, just in case. You can't expect to be the right guild for everybody, and it's rude to make them sift through a dozen guilds that they know they won't like to find one guild that might suit them.

2.) Re-posting your message every 10 lines or so is unnecessary, as the population of the room doesn't change that quickly.

3.) If someone asks you to rate their guild (as someone will eventually do), either do so honestly or disregard the message. Posting a link to your guild is not what they requested.

4.) You can advertise the features your guild offers, but beware of advertising things like newbie packages and open council positions. It's very easy for someone to join your guild just long enough to obtain your free items and leave. If you want to give free items upon joining, I suggest imposing an amount of time and a requirement of some guild activity before they receive their packages. I would also suggest awarding council positions based on activity, rather than just joining. It's hard to judge a person's willingness to help out just by their joining, and you run the risk of having a council of absentees.

Hopefully this has given some pointers to those of the Neopian community who struggle in an ever-elusive attempt to create a healthy, happy guild. Keep in mind that your growth may take time, but eventually you will accumulate a fairly well-sized group of people who are actively involved in what your guild has to offer. Happy guild building!

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