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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 22nd day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 44 > Articles > How to Make Your Savings Account Show More Commas

How to Make Your Savings Account Show More Commas

by anela2003

THE NATIONAL NEOPIAN BANK - Oh, another guide to riches, you may be thinking. More stories about the stock market, free omelettes, what games to play, etc., etc., etc. Stop right there! I don't think so. I won't mention even one way you have heard before, but I will help you the same way those routine guides may, even better.

So, what's there left to talk about, when every single week there are quite a hand full of NP guide articles in The Neopian Times? Plenty! Like everybody else, I started out with roughly 500 NP. I admit, I cheated on the stock market, Tombola, and even the Christmas calendar, but I learned my lesson (explained in my next article). Not only was my account frozen, but I found a better way to earn Neopoints, the legal way.

So there I was with my 500 NP and two pets. I could consider cheating on my new account, but to resist, I refused. At first I worked hard by playing games and all the legal things possible to earn Neopoints However, I learned a valuable lesson. I became more attentive. One thing we may not realise is that the Neopets staff and events give us clues to what may happen in the future. I always check the NEWS page daily, which is my key to riches.

How, you may wonder? Are there any rich and generous faeries wandering around the news page? No, but to someone who knows how to use it like me, it's more than that. I learned that earning NP is not just about sacrificing time, effort, and a lot of work. As a matter of fact, earning NP is about earning it quick, easily, and without even moving a finger. I'll tell you what I did recently. I heard NeoHome Gardens were going to be out soon, which they are now. I bought about 100 heart fruit trees, and about three weeks later, NeoHome Gardens came out, and I made at least a 30 percent profit. I also bought furniture, because the NeoHome Gardens are interrelated with NeoHomes, and so I bought twenty dining tables for 1,400 NP each, and sold them for 2,000 NP each.

Another great place to get clues besides the news page that is very helpful to me is the World Events page. It always tells me what will come out soon. Recently I read something about a Tyrannian Land War, and many people told me that Tyrannia was preparing for it. Since I have one strong pet who will fight, I immediately bought a Grand Lightning Beam, before they go up in price. I also started restocking codestones, which I may use and sell later, when the war begins.

And last, but not least... all the people who have been playing Neopets for a long while may know how rapidly price changes occur. Therefore, another thing I do sometimes is I just check for random items at the Shop Wizard, a very good friend of mine I visit at least once a day. For example, about two months ago or more, Tiaras were given out if you answered all questions correctly on the Mia's Makeover game. I knew that it was a sponsored game, and that they do not last long. I bought about 30 Tiaras for 4,000 NP each, and after about one week or two, the game was taken off the site, and Tiaras jumped up to a price of 8,000 NP, which is when I sold them. Next I bought about 1,300 Cool Shades at a price of 100 NP. I am still selling them at 159 NP at my shop. Recently I bought a lot of Neopox Pizzas, 1,200 pieces, to be exact. They are very cheap and medicine is very valuable, so I am waiting for their price to go up. If you follow my guides and "mass shop", you will have a wonderful and prosper time in the wonderful land of Neopia. Good luck! Remember, logic and reason are the two main components of success!

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