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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 12th day of Hunting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 44 > Articles > The Orange Fuzzle Dilemma

The Orange Fuzzle Dilemma

by lady_brookelynn

NEOPIA CENTRAL - There are many things in Neopia that one should worry about, however marginally, like the Dark Faerie Jhudora, the Shadow Government, multiple types of illness, and Punchbag Bob. But there is one who strikes deep, personal fear in my heart...

Imagine my deep and incredible delight to find, on my first day at Neopets, a newbie pack - I was incredibly grateful, because at the time, I had nothing. Opening it, I found many great things, including an orange fuzzle. "Joy!" I thought to myself, "My first toy!" And I handed it to my new-born Wocky to play with.

Over the next few months I gathered more pets, and equally more toys, but none was more loved that my orange fuzzle, who I lovingly referred to as Bob. And then, a shadow passed across my bright happiness, as my first encounter with the Pant Devil came.

I was blissfully playing a round of "Wheel of Excitement", when it landed on a little blue creature, known simply as, the Pant Devil. Out of nowhere he came, smiling evilly, and snatched Bob out of the hands of my poor Poogle, and disappeared. All of my pets began to cry out, and I myself felt a small empty whole inside, and wondered what to do next. Trying to calm my pets, I assured them we would go buy a new orange fuzzle, and though we all knew it wouldn't be the same, it was something we would have to live with. Plus we figured we would soon find our new orange fuzzle, now named Fred, in as ragged a state of love as poor Bob. We were wrong.

Fred still had the new store smell, having not been with us long, but growing on us, he was taking a walk with us one day. I had gotten into the habit of taking Bob with me everywhere, he had a calming effect, a safety net feeling, and I believed that once properly broken in, Fred would give off the same feeling. On this chilled autumn day, my pets and I wandered the market streets, when a blur of blue moved in the corner of my eye, and the Pant Devil was there, that same evil smile on his face, and Fred was taken from me now, just as Bob before him. I watched the Pant Devil disappear with my orange fuzzle, and felt truly saddened. I assured my pets we would get another one, and Morganitiana, my Wocky, told me it was okay, they all understood. But they didn't, how could I explain to them the feeling I had of loss? The orange fuzzle occupied a spot next to my bed, reassuring me, in it's orange fuzziness, that everything would be fine, for the orange fuzzle, with all it's cuteness, was my favourite toy. For this reason, I was determined not to let that little blue creature take away my simple pleasures, for if not for those, what do we have? The next day, I headed to a second hand shop, thinking to skip the breaking in stage, but really, deep in my mind, I wondered if I weren't really picking up Bob, or Fred, that perhaps I'd found him. But of course, there was no way to know.

This incident, I'm sad to say, has happened twice since the loss of Fred. Every time I get a new orange fuzzle it is stolen from me by the blue creature of my nightmares.

I have a friend who bought me a green fuzzle as a consolation gift, thinking perhaps it would break my bad fuzzle luck. The only problem is, it's just not the same. Nothing against the green fuzzle, but it's not my orange fuzzle. Truth be told, I didn't even like orange before my fuzzle came to me. I had another kind friend, who gave me two orange fuzzles, one which I keep in a safety deposit box, just in case, both of which I still owned upon writing this, both safe, and loved. My poor pets think I have gone mad, and are slightly touchy when the subject is brought up. Even now they sit, watching me write, wondering what the point is. I shall now tell you the point, to remind you all to watch out for your small treasures, because in the end they make up a large part of you. I greatly miss Bob, and still hope I'll walk into a second hand shop, and see him sitting there, ready to be loved by my pets and I once more. But until then, I sigh, looking out my window, and wonder, just what it is the Pant Devil wants with all those orange fuzzles anyhow.

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