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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 45 > Articles > The Ten Best Ways to Spend 20,000 NP

The Ten Best Ways to Spend 20,000 NP

by leb388

You've saved like crazy. You've played every game possible, gotten every free item, tried to get people to join Neopets so you'd get referrals, even tried to get something from the Money Tree. Now, how are you going to spend your hard-earned Neopoints?

Here is a list of what I think are the 10 best ways to spend about 20 thousand Neopoints (you shouldn't spend it all in one step, of course).

1. Buy a new paint brush. It doesn't have to be drastic and costly, like a Faerie Paintbrush, but you can get a cheap paintbrush and change your pet's colour from red to blue, or yellow to green. It'll be nice to look at a different coloured pet when playing Cheat!

2. Improve your NeoHome. Or, if you don't already have one, buy some land and build a few rooms. Make them out of an inexpensive material; if you start with Brick, but then find that it's too expensive and switch to Straw, it'll look odd. Always plan carefully when building or adding a room; once I tried to make a door when there wasn't one in another room, and it came out looking like a dent in the wall. Make sure each of your pets has a room, and on half-price day (the 3rd of every month) go to the furniture shop and buy tons of stuff.

3. Invest in Neopian Stocks. Most people buy stocks anyway, but here are some tips to follow. Always buy them in shares of about 300 to 1,000 per company. Never buy a stock with a point value of more than 20 (15 is the lowest you can buy them for).

4. Start working on your NeoDeck. Use some Neopets to get a NeoDeck if you don't already have one (there's a link in the games room), and choose a specific category. I try to get a majority of cards that are Aishas. You can buy a bunch of cards that are the species of your Neopet(s), or just buy cards that have good names or pictures. But don't get a size 25 NeoDeck and only buy 5 cards. Also, think of a creative name for it.

5. Improve your pet's stats. It may sound silly for me to say this, but some people don't even bother to take their pets to the Mystery Island Training School or Swashbuckling Academy in Krawk Island. They both have advantages and disadvantages: the Training School codestones usually cost more than dubloons, but the lessons are shorter. On a certain pet day (look at the Neopian Calendar in "world"), free classes all day long are given to that species of Neopet in the Training School. Oh, and another thing: you can stock up on dubloons, but for codestones you have to buy the type that's specified. I still usually buy codestones, though, because I'm not that crazy about my pets being trained by pirates....

6. The Money Tree. No, I'm not talking about getting stuff from it, I'm talking about giving stuff to it. I tried this once, and it was awesome: look up something in the Shop Wizard that's 1 NP, such as a Volcanic Rock or Palm Fan. Then, buy 40-50 of them (make sure you have few or no items in your inventory first). Then, using the Quick Stock, donate them all to the Money Tree, and see how long it takes for them all to disappear (for me, it was two refreshes, but I already had a separate window open for the tree). The shop owners will be glad to get rid of those useless items, and people with high-speed Internet connections will have items that are worthless.

7. Buy a lot of books for your pet. Just a few books can make your pet noticeably smarter, and it might have a chance to win a trophy! Some Neopian-owned shops stock tons of books, but if you can get more than five things from the main Book Shop per stock consider yourself lucky. Sometimes, the Faerie Crossword or Poogle Solitaire gives points of intelligence, too, but those don't count in the book award.

8. Collect something. My item that I collect is plushies. It's really fun to see how many colours of one species I can get, and my pets never run out of toys to play with! Other things to collect are neggs, NeoDeck cards, Tombola items, Battledome weapons, codestones or dubloons, paintbrushes, certain types of food, and items that have to do with a certain type of Neopet Some collections are cheap, but others can drain your bank account, so be careful.

9. Got help? Go on the "help" or "quests" chats, and buy an item for someone on a quest, become their Neofriend, and send it to them for free. This is especially nice if you don't have many Neofriends, and they'll almost always get something for you in return when you're on a quest.

10. Out of that 20,000 NP yet? Good. Now clean out your Safety Deposit Box. If you have more than 2 pages worth of stuff, click on the things you don't want and put them in your shop. It'll be easier to access that rare you don't want the Pant Devil to get, and you can make tons of Neopoints

Well, there's the 10 best ways to spend 20,000 NP. I hope that some of my suggestions have helped your Neopoints expand from the safety of your bank account to the adventures of Neopia.

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