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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 22nd day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 47 > Articles > Guilds, Not as Easy as They Look

Guilds, Not as Easy as They Look

by dracoma

On the 21st day of Relaxing, Year 4, at 6:20:07 p.m. NST there were exactly 544,520 guilds in Neopia, most of which were struggling. But how can You make a good guild you ask? It won't be easy, but if you're patient, you can have a guild good enough to attract many members !


Neopia Central, Stock Exchange, Battledome, Kiko Lake, Games Cupboard, Fire Faerie Volcano, Air Faerie Cloud, Lenny Library, Uni Meadows, Cute City, Soup Kitchen, Poogle Mountain, Endless Plains, Space Station, Sloths Lair, Mystery Island, Training School, Tiku Taku Island, Island Forest, Haunted Forest, Scary Cave, Witches Tower, Maraqua, and Coral Canyon. WOW! There are so many to choose from! How will you know which one to pick? Well, it all depends on what type of guild you want, really. It wouldn't make much sense to have a Faerie Guild in Sloth's Lair, Or an Evil Guild in Uni Meadows. So I guess which place you pick, really depends on what kind of guild you want it to be. Which leads me to my next topic.

Guild Type

All good guilds have a type, You cant just create a guild and expect members to join it, You have to think of a good type, such as Evil, Faeries, Fighting, Dragons, etc. that will help you get members who also like that type, or people who just want to be in a guild. Also make sure your guild type goes along with your guild location.

Choosing A Guild Name

Choosing a guild name isn't always easy, because with over 544,520 guilds, there are just as many names.

Your Guild name should also have something to do with your guild. For Example, You make a guild based on Fighting, You get only the strongest pets, and the strongest members, yet no one fears you because your guild name is "Pretty Pink Unis". Get the picture? But even if you do think of a name that suits your guild, you should first check to see if anyone else has taken it, because if they have, and you get to the create guild screen, and find out the hard way that the guild name was already taken, then you'll lose all the stuff you just typed in!

Getting Members To Join

This may very well be one of the hardest parts of having a guild. There is no sure-fire way of getting members to join that I know of, but getting your friends to join sure is easy! Getting members other than your friends can prove to be a challenge to any guild owner, some ways to get members include:

· Going to the message boards, and advertising there.

· Going through lists of Neopians, and Neomailing them to join your guild (this doesn't always work)

· Asking people in Real life, such as when you're in school, or if you go to a camp, advertise there.

Doing The HTML Work

When some guild owners find out that they have to do HTML work on their guild, they stop making a guild right then and there. Or some people actually hire other people to do the HTML work for them. HTML isn't all that hard to do actually; in fact even if you don't know anything about HTML, Neopets provides a handy little HTML guide for you. It teaches you the basic things you'll need to know about doing HTML work on your guild. You can even use your newly learned HTML tricks to spruce up your user or pet lookup.

Successfully Running Your Guild

Once you have members, you have to try and keep them, to keep them; you have to make them happy. You might not be able to please everyone, but you can please most of them. One easy way, is to make contests for your guild. You can make these contests be whatever you want! You could make a scavenger hunt, where the first one to bring back the items, wins! But you don't have to, you can make your guilds be whatever you want. But remember, the contests have to have prizes, so make sure you can afford them before saying what the prizes will be. Well, that just about covers it. So I'll see you later, and happy guild making.

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