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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 28th day of Sleeping, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 50 > Articles > Shopping at Claire's Without the Embarrassment

Shopping at Claire's Without the Embarrassment

by lindy_guo

CUTE CITY - NeoPet merchandises are now on sale at Claire's and Limited too. There are all sorts of cute stickers, neat notebooks, pretty jewelry… and oh, plushies too! But most of all, there are those simply irresistible rare item codes that come with the merchandise! So, what is everyone waiting for? Stampede to Claire's and Limited Too!

Well, not if you are a guy.

If you happen to have the misfortune of being born into the male gender, then going to Claire's or Limited Too is pure torture. What if someone you know catches you shopping at those stores? What will they think? Ouch… Still, those super cool NeoPet merchandise that you just have to have…

No worries, because there are many ways to get your hands on those NeoPet merchandise and rare item codes without enduring the utter humiliation.

That's what Siblings are for
The bossy, boy-crazy nag you call "elder sister" can just be the way out of your misery. If your sister plays NeoPets, then ask her to pick up some items for you on her shopping trip. Remember to be polite and remember to pay her back. Make big, watery puppy eyes if needed. But if your elder sister doesn't play NeoPets, you can still lure her into doing your bidding by offering to do her chores. Now will also be a good time to let her know that you know about that boy she's seeing behind your parents' back…

If the only female sibling you have is that miserable, bratty little bundle you call "little sister", the same concept still applies. Just play the part of the perfect big brother, take your little sister out for a "fun" trip and innocently swing by Claire's and Limited Too in the process. If anyone raises an eyebrow seeing you there, just tell him or her in the most angelic tone you can muster that you are there taking your dear little sister shopping. With this option, you are sure to get on the good side of your parents and who knows, maybe your little sister will even thank you by doing your chores!

Don't have a little sister? Borrow your friend's little sister. Maybe your friend's parents will even pay you some money for baby-sitting, money that can be well spent on that set of Babaa stickers.

That's what Friends are for
Most certainly, you have some female friends who play NeoPets and are willing to pick something up for you while they are going to the Claire's or Limited Too. If you don't have any female friends, get some. Sure, the only girl you know who play NeoPets may be that yappy, goody-two-shoe girl who rubs your fur the wrong way. But for the sake of those precious NeoPet items you want, be tolerant.

Pretend you are a Store Clerk
If anyone you know sees you shopping at Claire's or Limited Too, do not hide. Instead, walk right up to them with a big friendly smile and a loud "Welcome to Claire's/Limited Too! How may I help you?" Then start tidying up those shelves like it is the most natural thing in this world to do. Chances are they will just assume that you are a store clerk and congratulate you on your cool new job.

If the real store clerk comes by and demands to know what you are doing, get out your resume and ask for a job. If you get hired, there might even be employee discounts!

The Master of Disguise
(No, I'm not suggesting for anyone to dress up like a girl!)
To avoid being recognised, try wearing dark sunglasses and a hood while at Claire's/Limited Too. So maybe those sinister dark sunglasses and that scary hood are going to give people the creeps, but that's just more power to you. The creepier you look, the less likely they are going to start asking embarrassing questions like "Aren't you a boy?"

If you enjoying being a mime, wear brown pants, put on a black garbage bag and place large green cardboard leaf cut-outs on your arms while visiting Claire's. If you spot anyone you know, raise your arms up, stay still and pretend that you are a potted plant until all dangers have passed.

Second Hand
A sensible alternative is to check on the Internet auction and "for sale" sites to see if anyone is reselling their NeoPet merchandise. You may have to pay a higher price, or perhaps the rare item code may be missing or the items may get lost in the mail… But still, this is better than pretending to be a plant!

Just Go
Yes, young one! Just go! Brave the humiliation! Break down those gender-stereotypical barriers! Who said that pink was just for girls? Pink is for everyone! Say it with pride, "I'm a boy, I'm going to Claire's and I'm proud of that!" Okay, so maybe not exactly like that… but if you have enough self-confidence and think that going to Claire's or Limited Too is natural for a guy, then others will pick up on your attitude and leave you alone.

Why else would a boy be setting foot in Claire's or Limited Too? Obviously, he's a NeoPet player. So if there's another NeoPet player shopping at the store at the same time that you are, he/she will notice this and you may just meet a new friend.

Don't like the idea of begging your bossy big sister or dressing up like a potted plant? Then there's still a solution - wait. According to the Editorial in Neopian Times Week 47, NeoPets is trying to "get other merchandise on sale in independent toy and game stores that will be more favourable for the guys to go in", though this most likely will not happen until November or December. See? The NeoPet staff does care about you guys! Don't you feel so loved?

From the sensible to the wacky, there are many ways for guys, as well as girls, to have a somewhat enjoyable, not embarrassing NeoPet merchandising shopping experience. To all you guys out there, good luck shopping at Claire's and Limited Too!

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