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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 52 > Articles > Living without Maraqua

Living without Maraqua

by epk

THE RUINS OF MARAQUA - Most people who know about Maraqua should know it has almost been an entire year since the destruction of the aquatic city. It was a great world, although simple and small. But there has been no world to replace it. Sure, Mystery Island adopted some of the Petpets and planted some of the food, but Yolk Eggs and Gummy Stars haven't tasted so good since.

So what has the destruction of Maraqua meant to most people? For some, it meant nothing. The food was expensive, the quest was hard, Kois were just fishsticks, and the petpets looked like squiggly lines. For some, it was actually expected. You could go to a few places in the world, and you could find a substitute in other worlds. And besides, the Mechanical Fish shop, one of the few things that made Maraqua like it was, had closed down. And for some other people, it meant devastation.

You can see some of the tolls that have come with the destruction of Maraqua. The Underwater Maps were out of production, we lost hope of a game where you'd look for sunken treasure or what-not, and probably the worst of all, the Koi's have not had a population increase since Maraqua. Is it because the breeding grounds are gone? Who knows.

Recently when rumours of a new world were announced and the whirlpool had died down, we had started to hope that maybe, just maybe, people would start exploring that area and find a portal to the new world. Well, it seemed that MERIDELL WASN'T THERE!

Will Maraqua ever come back? Well, it would take a lot of NP and a lot of work. And so Captain Dread, the dreaded Pirate Kiko doesn't come back, we get to declare war. I mean, the guy doesn't exactly have the muscle to beat us. Get it? Doesn't have muscle? Get it? Oh well. Maraqua still has a some of it's warriors employed, such as the Koi Warriors and Chiazilla. Well, employed wouldn't exactly be the best word: They probably are are on hold. And on hold means a condo on Mystery Island sipping Tigersquash Smoothies and getting a great tan.

I can just see Neopets setting up a booth where a Koi is asking for donations, and the more NP we get, the better Maraqua is. But that will most likely be after the upcoming Meridell War, and that will be a problem because it seems that this will a war that will the toughest ever. Like Meridell may even be... gasp... destroyed! (Heh, these M worlds just don't stand a chance... uh oh. SOMEBODY SAVE MYSTERY ISLAND!) So, if this war is so tough, we may have to get a few extra donations for that, and we won't have the NP for Maraqua. Hopefully Neopets won't take the take our NP route.

The other way Maraqua may come back is if something happens on the one-year anniversary of Maraqua's Destruction. I think that's around September 20th. What happens we don't know.

If Maraqua comes back, what are we going to have? I guess we will have a Petpet Shop and a Food Shop, with new food and new Petpets. The water dome may also come back, which will be nice. Some new features would be a Weaponry Shop, and hopefully the Mechanical Fish will come again. Those things rocked, and we need some way to show off the Koi's mechanical genius. What about games? Probably some sort of Sunken Treasure game, probably some sort of Training School led by a Koi Warrior, and even a new quest or a new way to barter item. Like a dysfunctional trading post. I could see it know. A sort of cache of items where if you put one item in you can take one out. Your Baked Beans can be worth a Wand of Dark Nova. Your Fish Negg could be a Pile of Sludge. That sounds like something a Koi would do. Of course, to make sure no just everyone puts in Baked Beans, you'd have to have est. value categories. (i.e. 0 - 500 NP est. value, 501 - 1,000 est. value, etc.)

Would Maraqua have a different name if it came back? Probably not, except for Maraqua2 or something to that effect. Would it look different? Probably. Would we like it? YEAH! Would there be a new pet? Nah... I think Meridell still has one more trick up it's sleve. And will there be more Koi's? YEAH! But I think they should stay limited edition, just more like the Tonu, Neopets doesn't choose when there are more.

Now, a little bit about Meridell. I'd recommend keeping a close eye on the new features and powering your pets up for the war. Who knows, you may actually be the hero of the day.

Well, that's it for now. Support Maraqua and bye in six different languages until next time!

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