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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 22nd day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 57 > Articles > Reverse Thinking in the Battledome

Reverse Thinking in the Battledome

by _corpse_

BATTLEDOME - Bit of reverse thinking anyone? Well, it might actually help you win in the Battledome. Here's the guide that tells you how to confuse and/or disorientate Battledome opponents in a way that not many people know. Dear reader, I bring to you.

The art of 3hp combat!

This is an advanced guide for already established Battledome players. If your new I suggest you read the following Battledome guides before you try to tackle this one.

Theory of Battledome Set-ups By _corpse_
Opponent Selection Guide By _corpse_
What Faerie Blessed Ability is Right For You? By Kickerwow

History. This type of fighting has only been around for several months, it started with a rather interesting discovery while fighting in the Battledome - I was rounded against a Mynci with only 4 hit points. This alone confused me as the previous lowest I had seen was a Kyrii with 7hp. After winning the battle I decided to make a Mynci and see how low its hit points actually went. 3 hp was the lowest I saw. I named my new Mynci "newbwiththegoldengun". It was more of a joke than anything and it got many good laughs from my friends. But I persisted and equipped it with my best weapons - mainly because I thought it would be ironic to have a low hp pet with high wins. So I went to QuickFight to test it out. I was simply amazed at the reactions of people. My starting move was Thyoras tear + Hypno Helmet + frost. The tear stops 100% of damage for one round per battle, so even my 3hp pet could withstand the hits they threw and the hypno helmet froze my opponent for the second round. Frost did just one icon but still helped. This gap in their defence left them open to attack and my weapons had enough power to finish them off. I found that even strong opponents failed to freeze me and instead went for a one hit knock out - Thanks to hypno helmet and t-tear these people found their own pets were the ones that got knocked out.

After a while I realised this was the most fun thing to do on Neopets (in my opinion anyway!). I started a guild and made a guild account. After a while I moved all my things to the guild account but I left newbwiththegoldengun back in my first ever account, where he still remains (well fed) today. =)

After a while I missed newbwiththegoldengun and decided to make another low HP pet. Its name was newbzilla. Using this pet I perfected the art of low hp combat that you see today.

Why it's fun?

If you're a Neopets veteran looking for the ultimate challenge, or just a newbie looking for some respect - Doing this is fun! It's the ultimate form of irony, the ultimate form of mockery and the ultimate show of skill and cunning all wound up into one 3hp monstrosity. Plus you get battles within seconds, instead of having to wait for hours in QuickFight like you do with high-level pets.

What do I need?

Well there's a few things considered "vital". The main items you will need for this are a hypno helmet/freezing potion and a scorchstone that heals (not golden or silver).

You need to put together a set-up as follows.

1. 100% Freeze weapon

2. Buffer weapon

3. SEMI-CRITICAL weapon (See Theory of Battledome set-ups for more info)

4. SEMI-CRITICAL weapon (See Theory of Battledome set-ups for more info)

5. Ice mote / Ice dice

6. Downsize power plus

7. Support weapon

8. Support weapon

The first round of combat is a mix of the Buffer item plus the 100% freeze weapon. The abilities burrow, sink, quench and steam shield are useful for a first turn because they stop icons from hitting you. So your opponent has less chance of taking those vital 3hps that keep you alive. But what exactly IS a buffer item? It's basically an item that heals OVER your current maximum hitpoints. For example a green scorchstone used on the first turn would heal 40 HP. This means on the first round, your opponent would have to deal 43 damage to kill you. This is harder than it sounds at low level, as most hits don't deal over 30 damage. BEWARE - using fierce attack will put your defence down so only use defence or species abilities on round one. If you survive round one and they're frozen you can finish them off with your 2 semi- critical items. Honey potion is a great item here and so is Illusens earth potion.

If you happen to fight a good opponent they will try and freeze you on round one. If they succeed you go through the "calm before the storm" a turn where both pets are frozen and can't move.

If this happens when you both thaw out - you're in the stage of the fight myself and Wadgem call the "single combat phase". It's difficult for a 3hp pet to survive without defence items. Here's the survival guide, items 5 - 8 come into play here.

Dealing enough damage to an opponent while protecting your vital 3hp is an art. The best way (I'll not lie) is to get lucky and freeze your opponent with fiery gaze or ice mote, while protecting yourself with downsize power plus. But this is very unreliable. Each person has their own little way of winning here. Lets look at a few combos that I've encountered.

Thyoras Tear/Downsize power plus + Ice mote + Fiery gaze

The mote may hit or fiery may hit. If either does, next turn you're opponent is toast. This is the basic pattern any 3hp pet should follow. It may prove costly in the long run.

Thyoras tear/downsize power plus + Faerie slingshot + Fiery gaze

100% protection plus 1/3 of a chance of a near deadly hit from slingshot and 1/3 of a chance of freezing an opponent for a next turn kill Just a different version of the above strategy.

Everlasting crystal apple + Ice mote + Fiery gaze

The ECA cannot be equipped with a scorchstone, so its likely you will have used you're burrow on round one. This move is risky but useful.

Rod of dark nova + Ice mote/FAS + Fiery gaze

The rod can deflect icons, but its healing is erratic so sometimes you could find its healing as low as 20hp which is not enough to sustain you against a big hit. Some people such as myself prefer Faerie acorn slingshot in this combo because even if it misses it deals good damage.

Moon staff + Sad spell + burrow

This and other close to or 100% block attacks leave you open to freeze. This is only a good move if your 3hp pet has got very high strength OR your opponent has very low hp.

Greater staff of the earth faerie + Tornado ring + sink

Another heavy blocking move. I don't recommend it though.

In the unlikely event that you miss or both freeze with fiery gaze at the same time, most people will find that next turn they will loose. Although there are items that will let your win, everlasting crystal apple or rod of dark/supernova are good examples. These items cost millions of Neopoints and are out of most peoples grasp. Here are 4 example set-ups for low hp pets.

Newbie set
Bronze Scorchstone (Heals 15hp)

Snowglobe staff (Chance of freeze among other things)

Illusens earth potion (9-11 icons)

Illusens earth potion (9-11 icons)

Caustic potion (slight heal, not enough to stay alive unless used with burrow)

Caustic potion (slight heal, not enough to stay alive unless used with burrow)

Caustic potion (slight heal, not enough to stay alive unless used with burrow)

Caustic potion (slight heal, not enough to stay alive unless used with burrow)

First move:
Snowglobe staff + Bronze scorchstone + Magic berries (weak)

Second move:
Magic berry + Magic berry + Fiery gaze (weak)

If you haven't froze your opponent by this time use:
Caustic potion + Caustic potion + burrow (strong)

If your opponent still lives, try to force a draw with:
Illusens earth potion + Illusens earth potion + fierce attack.)

Common set
Blue scorchstone (Heals 30)

Hypno Helmet (100% freeze)

Illusens earth potion (9-11 icons)

Illusens earth potion (9-11 icons)

Downsize power plus (100% protect, one use)

Ice mote (3 icons, chance of freezing, breakable)

Caustic potion (slight heal, not enough to stay alive unless used with burrow)

Caustic potion (slight heal, not enough to stay alive unless used with burrow)

Typical set
Everlasting crystal apple (heals 30hp per round and shows opponents weapons)

Hypno helmet (100% freeze)

Honey potion (14-16 icons, semi critical)

Honey potion (14-16 icons, semi critical)

Thyoras tear (100% protect)

Downsize power plus (100% protect, one use)

Ice mote (3 icons, chance of freezing, breakable)

Ice mote (3 icons, chance of freezing, breakable)

(Note: 2 ice motes are better than one. The ECA cannot be equipped with a scorchstone)

Master Set
Rainbow Scorchstone (heals 80, best buffer weapon)

Freezing potion (100% freeze, plus water icons)

Honey potion (14-16 icons, semi critical)

Honey potion (14-16 icons, semi critical)

Thyoras tear (100% protect)

Downsize power plus (100% protect, one use)

Ice Dice (Chance of freeze)

Rod of dark nova (heals 10 - 55hp each turn, blocks all fire+dark, creates 3 darknovas and does 4 icons)

(Note: The ultimate set wouldn't be useful too post here as only a few people in Neopia could afford it)

This should be all you need to know to start a low HP pet. Remember even things like bronze scorchstone can be used as a buffer weapon. It doesn't have to be a 100% freeze item either. But if you want to win consistently you need at least a blue scorchstone and a hypno helmet.

Special thanks to Wadgem and his 3hper ChrisTheNinjaPirate - for proof reading - And the members of my guild for egging me on to write my third NT article =)

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