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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 22nd day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 59 > Articles > The Art of Paint Brushing

The Art of Paint Brushing

by yasashiiyukiko

RAINBOW POOL - Rainbow, silver, faerie, golden, striped, Halloween--and all those other colours that created this whole paint brush craze across Neopia. Many Neopians select their favourite colour for their pet to be painted in the Rainbow Pool and begin saving up for their desired paint brush. However, many users pick Paint Brushes to show off their wealth while others know the golden rule is to paint your Neopet's colour depending on their personalities. To make life easier, this article has broken up the procedure into four steps to follow so you will be able to make a decision for your pet that you won't regret.

Looking for One?
Before even picking a paint brush for your pet, you'll have to know which how to look for the right paint brush for you pet. Choosing a paint brush for your pet isn't a hard task if you keep the theory in mind that the colour of your pet should be based on his or her personality, and not based on how much you can afford.

If you have a pet who likes to compete with everybody and wants to be number one, then you may consider a Golden Paint Brush; if you're an owner of a lazy Neopet that wants to be in the centre of attention, then you should paint her a Baby; if you own a pet that likes to play tricks, then your pet's personality goes with the Invisible Paint Brush. Go onto the next part, "Decisions, Decisions" which I'll discuss about each individual Paint Brush--so you can read along and find which of them match up with your pet's personality.

Decisions, Decisions
Here's the analysis of each individual paint brush and which types of personalities goes with it. At the end, pick your perfect brush based on whichever one that appeals to you the most.

Purple Paint Brush - Pets who prefer solid colours means they're loyal pets. Choosing purple means they want to be stand out from the basic coloured pets, yet they still want to remain having the styles. Purple pets are usually the ones that fit in the stereotypes of what they are because they are original and interesting.

White Paint Brush - As white as snow, your pet has a kind heart with the willingness to help out everybody there is. White pets are mischievous and appreciate their chance of their advantages in a snowball fight in winter. White is a colour that means the same as faerie, except a white pet prefers to walk and not fly.

Rainbow Paint Brush - The Rainbow Paint Brush has the effect of making a Neopet with stripes of every colour in the rainbow. The colour rainbow shows that your pet isn't good at making decisions because he or she cannot choose which colour to be, so they're painted rainbow so they have every colour there is. Rainbow pets are also very tolerant - They're not picky with colours since they have every single one on them.

Silver Paint Brush - If you wear or know about jewelry, you'd know that gold worth more than silver. Since you've choose silver for your Neopet, that proves that your pet isn't a competitive one - Otherwise, you'd choose gold for him or her. Your pet doesn't care much about their looks, they only care what their look means. Such pets are usually quiet and goes with the flow (in the tolerant way).

Glowing Paint Brush - Painting your pet glowing will give your Neopet a green light to guide them in dark places. Perhaps your pet is afraid of the dark, or perhaps you're a strict owner that demands lights off at 9 o' clock straight, and your Neopet is a fan of reading, so the light in their body would come in handy.

Striped Paint Brush - If your pet is a thinker, then striped is the colour for him or her. The light blue on a striped pet represents their opinion, and the light pink stripes are little ideas that contradicts the pet's original thought. Striped is a great colour if your pet likes to write, as writing requires a lot of thinking. The light colours on a striped pet also represent serenity, as they're interesting and not so bold.

Shadow Paint Brush - If you're struggling to figure out the personality of your pet, then assume the best colour for your pet is shadow. Just like the Shadow Usul, the colour can mean mysterious, since you're not sure about your pet. Shadow is also a great colour for Battledome Neopets, the shadowed skin can often scare your opponents at the first sight.

Split Paint Brush - Pets that are honest and wears their hearts in their sleeves are recommended to be painted this colour The purple on your pet stands for sadness or negative emotions, and the orange are the positive emotions. Usually Neopets wouldn't ask a split pet "how are you?" because a split pet's emotions are easily told because of their appearance. Split pets are the exact opposite of the shadowed ones.

Invisible Paint Brush - An invisible Neopet will have the advantage of missing school, creating mischief to the ones they're around without being caught, and other behaviours such as. If your pet is the type that breaks a toy and leaves it around, or one that spills food and doesn't clean up, you should assume that the invisible paint brush is the best one for them - Since your pet isn't the responsible type. Looking at another side, painting it invisible will create even more annoyance for you (unless you love your pet so much.)

Cloud Paint Brush - Cloud is one of my favourite colours, and a favourite of many other Neopets as well. Cloud is the best colour for emotional pets. Resembling the weather, your Neopet's mood is easily changed without a note. Your pet can be sunny and optimistic for a while, and without notice, she or he has been raining with tears. If you choose to paint your pet a cloud, make sure you make your pet feel more secure about everything, okay?

Disco Fever Paint Brush - Your pet doesn't have to be dancing all day long or be a disco fever pet. Perhaps he or she is just happy and excited about everything. Even if your pet may have some contradictions towards her happiness, looking in the mirror at her jolly coat will surely make your pet feel great too. Disco pets usually don't rely on others for happiness, they're assertive and are happy 99% of the time.

Electric Blue Paint Brush - This paint brush will paint your pet dark blue with strikes of lightning bolts down their body. Your pet admires every depth of blue, and perhaps also a little trouble causing eagerness. Electrical pets are quite a fan of science fiction because of the lightning tales he or she reads. Or perhaps your pet tries to change the set-ups mother nature has created, and decide to have a different colour of lightning strikes on his or her body.

Fire, Fire, Your Pants On Fire Paint Brush - The fire paint brush is best for pets who has an amount of anger building up inside them. Through their uprising flaming coat, their hatred will be expressed of their eagerness to compete. Fire is a good colour for battle pets who are competitive, angry, and destines to defeat Neopia.

Speckled Paint Brush - A speckled pet are ones who are good at making Neopets and owners laugh. Their own colour is funky enough to keep a pet cracking up for while, and their sense of humour are their way of being loved in Neopia.

Part Two of my article will be in next week's issue of The Neopian Times!

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