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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 74 > Articles > Zurroball - Fun Game or Destroyer of Business?

Zurroball - Fun Game or Destroyer of Business?

by missperfect270

VIRTUPETS SPACE STATION - Like any average Neopian, I read the News Section. And when I saw the words "New Game" I was thrilled. If, in case you were away on vacation at Kiko Island, you know I'm talking about Zurroball.

What exactly IS Zurroball, you ask? Well, it's a new game in the space station. You keep the balls in the air by clicking them, and do tricks for extra points. You have the choice of Zurroball, the snot ball, the metal ball, the energy ball, and the eyeball. Personally, I like it in the order of (best to least, with ratings on certain categories):

1. The energy ball - My absolute favourite. A little harder to control than the Zurroball, but a lot easier to keep up.

Tricks: 3/5
Staying up: 5/5
Handling: 2/5

2. The Zurroball - Okay ball, falls down a bit quickly for me, but may be fine for others.

Tricks: 3/5
Staying up: 3/5
Handling: 4/5

3. The eyeball - Again a little hard to keep up, but okay. It seems a little heavier than the Zurroball, but better for tricks.

Tricks: 4/5
Staying up: 2/5
Handling: 3/5

4. The snot ball - Great for tricks! However, in other categories, it falls a bit short.

Tricks: 4.5/5
Staying up: 2/5
Handling: 2.5/5

5. The metal ball - The Worst ball, by far.

Tricks: 1/5
Staying up: 1/5
Handling: 1/5

The only tricks I'm aware of are the left and right Zurros (where you hit the left and right walls). If you know any others, please Neomail me.

Now that you know the rules of the game, on to the exposé!

When I heard about the game, I played it a few times. I have to admit it's pretty fun. But I couldn't help wondering "Whatever happened to Gormball?" Yes, we know and love that old standby, Gormball. It was one of Neopet's first games, and will always be there. Or will it? I have to wonder, will Zurroball ever replace Gormball?

"Nope, totally different appeals." - makotosan

"Never!" - red_burning_devil

"Probably not, they will probably just be like the same popularity in the end. And not to mention, not everybody who likes Gormball likes Zurroball, so it probably won't." - cranky_gurl41

"I think so, it's much more interesting to me." - wolfgirl17

Most people did say no, but how can we be sure? I decided to go right to the source.

I went straight to the Gormball fields with my Gelert, Sakura. I said hello to Ursula, told Alien Aisha about the Nerkmid I found, and apologised to the fire faerie for that last quest. Finally, I came upon who I really needed to see, Cool Grundo. Sakura begged me to let her do the interview.

Sakura: Before I ask anything else, is Cool Grundo your REAL name?

Cool Grundo: No, no, that's just my screen name. My real name is Coolin Grundo.

S: Ah, I see. Now, is true that you have a brother?

CG: Yeah.

S: And is his name... Zurro?

CG: So you found out. Yes, Zurro is my brother, but we hardly ever see each other.

S: Why is that?

CG: For the past 2 1/2 years, he been working on that game of his, Zurroball. That's SUCH a creative name *laughs*. But anyway, I wish I did see him more. I just don't have the time to take a shuttle up to the space to see him.

S: Mmm hmm. Well, thank you.

CG: No prob.

Obviously, the next place Sakura and me went was the space station, up to Zurroball. Again, Sakura interviewed.

Sakura: Has the thought that you are ruining Gormball business ever crossed your mind?

Zurro: Why, no. I don't see how it could. Totally different games.

S: Even if they are, everyone thinks Zurroball's better.

Z: *Blushes* Why, thank you. I hope I don't ruin Coolin's business. He'd hate me.

S: You know, he misses you.

Z: I doubt that.

S: He does!

Z: Really? I gotta go send him a Neogreeting or something!

And Zurro zoomed off. Wow, in one day, Sakura became a news reporter AND a psychologist! (Making brothers talk to each other makes me her a psychologist, right?) Maybe she could have a show! Like News at 7 with Dr. Sakura! Well, maybe not.

Thanks for reading my article. See you soon (hopefully)! Oh, two more things: I love Neomail, so Neomail me if you can! Please? And check out Sakura's pet page and tell me what you think!

Author is not responsible for Zurroball/Gormball loss; no matter what that Techo on Mystery island says.

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