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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Running, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 78 > Articles > An Ever Growing Neopia

An Ever Growing Neopia

by noremac9

Untitled Document

NEOPIA CENTRAL - If you haven't been to the World Page in a while, I suggest you pay it a visit. If you take a look at the "Total Owners" statistic. You'll see that it's constantly growing. Just look at the number and refresh, you'll see a higher number. On average, it's two to four new users per second. Maybe it's just me, but that seems like a rapid growth rate. With each new account spawned, a whole new Neopian life begins. They'll have goals, pets, money, items, dislikes, complaints, friends, and everything else that comes with being a Neopian. Every account created is a new life being born, and they'll want a few things. After all, we all want things, right?

The number one item on most Neopians want list is to get their pets painted. There are many different ways to do this, but the most common (and usually the easiest) way is to use a paint brush. Unfortunately, paint brushes can't simply be bought in a store like most things in Neopia, because they are found at random (save the baby paint brush in the Hidden Tower. But that's exception, not the standard). With more and more Neopians appearing every day, the demand for paint brushes is growing rapidly. But there's no supply increase to meet their demand, and many paint brushes are hurtling towards the unbuyable realm. Slowly but surely the prices are increasing, and there's no evidence of a slow down any time soon. I hate to say it, but it looks very likely that a year from now, new players will look at us very funny when we mention buying a paint brush through the Shop Wizard. But they're not the only item that's rising, because there are plenty of other items everyone wants.

Books are headed up at a rapid pace as well. Though not at the breakneck speed of paint brushes, they too are rising. Since most of us would like our pets to be smart, well educated, and read up, books are in demand. Even though most books are sold in the Book Shop, supply does not meet demand. And those are just normal books I'm talking about. The rare books have already seen a boost, but aren't slowing at all. Due to the rabidly consuming minds of the top Book Award readers, rare books are hot items. Once books are read, they're gone, and since there are so few rare books to start with, the desire to read them caused a steady increase in price. There are plenty of aspiring Book Award readers, and more pop up every day.

Some petpets are going up in price, though by no means all of them. Mainly, the petpets from the shop in Neopia Central are the ones increasing. I can only guess why, but since most new players are mainly focused on Neopia Central, it's the first place to go for petpets. Why some petpets are rising and other aren't is beyond me, but it probably has more to do with popularity than anything.

Scratchcards, for some reason unbeknownst to me, are a terrible addiction for some. They're (pretty much) popular in general, addiction or not, and you can only buy them once every two hours. Now, maybe it's just me, but do you really need to get them anymore frequently than that? I suppose so, because the price has been going up for some time. It's rising slowly, but it's rising. The more players that get hooked, the more their price goes up. It's a very slow acceleration, but acceleration nonetheless.

For a new player, or new pet (which often go hand in hand), two dubloon coins are the way to train. Although all Neopians are not interested in training their pets, many are. Since two dubloon coins are the one-size-fits-all way to train weaker pets, they're very popular. The price never went up before, because you could get them fairly easily. But after games like Deck Ball and Deck Swabber stopped giving out Dubloons, the price have risen dramatically. Luckily, two dubloon coins were given out at the Advent Calendar, which helped the price for a little while. However, their price is almost back to where it was before, and they're not showing any signs of slowing. The staff promised new ways to get Dubloons, but since they work about as fast as a pet rock going up a slippery hill, we know how long that might take (and has already taken, actually). The more new players there are, the more these little coins go up in price.

But items aren't the only thing affected by the growing number of Neopians. Try restocking in a shop with more and more people everyday trying to get their greasy little hands on the items they lust for. Neopia is not the kind of place that increases supply with increasing demand. That means an item drought, a constantly worsening situation for restockers. The competition's getting fiercer all the time. By the second in fact.

Restocks are not the only place the competition is getting worse. Everywhere you can imagine more and more players are trying their luck. From the High-Score tables, to the Beauty Contest, to the something-else-that-involves-other-players contest. All of the contests are upping the ante, because there is more competition all the time.

The Chat boards are also feeling the pressure of the ever-growing population. They're becoming so filled with posting users that boards are springing up faster than people can read them all. They've been busy for some time, but like everything else, they're getting busier.

Neopia is a big place, but it's becoming more and more of a survival of the fittest, Spardel eat Spardel world. Competition is growing, and it weeds out those that aren't good enough to make the cut, in whatever it is you're doing. The more that join, the harder it gets to compete with other players, because there are more good ones coming all the time (and bad players too, don't get me wrong). If staff members do not address many of the issues that are presenting themselves, Neopia could become a very harsh place.

Thanks for taking the time to read this article, I hope it was enlightening in some way. If you have the slightest reason to send me a Neomail, please do. In the meantime, good luck in the wide world of Neopia.

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