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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 23 > Continuing Series
Branston: Agent in Disguise - Part Three

Branston had no time to think, the Skeiths rounded the corner to see nothing suspicious. Just a bright yellow Eyrie with a nice and shiny medallion around his neck.

by darth_master

Elemental Distortions III: Part Four

Viator soared alone, through the clouds. She closed her eyes, and enjoyed the cool air currents rushing against her face.

by selphie_tilmitt

Into the Snowager's Lair: Part Three

When she got to the Ice Caves, Fortune decided to ask people about a Gelert abandoning her baby there.

by kougrachica89

Magic Maniac: Part Two

"I don't have anything!" she yelled, puffing. "Go from this office! We don't want you as an employee! Go!"

by breathe_gurl41

Shyral the Brave: Part Four

No sooner had the words been uttered, then suddenly a puff of smoke appeared and then there stood a handsome young elf.

by morgana_the_temptres

The Blessed Lil' Mynci: Part Three

Life couldn't be any better, could it?

by hyperlunatic

The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part Eight


by gundamblaze

The Owners' World: Part Two

The Faerie Queen smirked. "Why should I be? I've never left this place!"

by catnip4

The PetPets Strike Back: Part Four

"This evil you keep talking about, what is it?" asked Jackabenze. "I mean, is that what's been making our PetPets act so weird."

by deadly_dreamer

The Rainbow Scorchstone: Part Two

"Why am I here? What use am I to you?" I asked, forcing myself to stand but feeling as I could buckle any moment.

by fire_faerie_8080

The Wings of the Dream: Part Three

"Ready to get the wings?" said Celia when Tattan landed next to her.

by stephy_stork

Who I Am: Part Five

"Trunks, even know you should know better than to--" Shirina began.

by the_anime_angel

World Tour: Part Ten

DorthyAnne snorted. "Of course. They want us scared."

by gorgeousgloria


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Every Anubis Has His Day
"Silly! You can't come out here, you'll have to wait by the pond until I'm through!" she scolded.

by zippydoodle

Don't Fake It
He was a green Moehog, and why a Moehog, you ask?

by ticketytock2kay

Do You Know When Your NeoPet's Birthday Is?
Well, believe it or not, there's an easy way to find out the day your NeoPet came into existence!

by cjackson151

The Snowager: Behind the Ice
"...I'm just as much of a collector as anyone out there who owns a gallery. I love to collect things..."

by jackrabbitgallery

Funky Comics
Sloth's Button

by goddess_belldandy333

A Kaupu Komic
You never know what's going to vanish next...

by kaupu

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