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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 63 > Short Stories
Attack of the 50-Foot Harris!

"Okay! THAT was the last straw!" Magnolia exclaimed, driving a wrecking ball through the streets. "You're going DOWN, SNUGGLES!"

by peachifruit

Casting a Shadow

"Don't mess with the Dark Faerie!" the Faerie snapped.

by oily106

Darken Fate: The Werelupe's Curse

"You really should be careful what you wish for," I chuckled as I helped myself to a large vein cabbage and pondered the night.

by shidi

Dragon Thieves: Count Von Roo

"You must not take this personally," the Count was saying, "but I cannot allow you to leave here alive. You have seen too much."

by child_dragon

Hubrid Nox VS. MAGAX

"There is no hope for any of you..."

by sidohsam

Jhudora and the Grand Lightning Beam

"Haha, so the puny little Kacheek tries to save the great noble Light Faerie, eh?"

by twayblade807

Living Haunts

We all stopped laughing abruptly as a green fog drifted in from the darkened kitchen and began forming into a vague shape.

by scriptfox

Myyth's Halloween Candy

"Turning Pets and petpets into plushies, I would have never thought of it Myyth. This will work out quite well, I think."

by averyangryshaylir

The Brain Tree's Bad Day

"This quest wasn't even worth doing! Now we'll never do the Brain Tree Quest!"

by twayblade807

The Meowclops with Two Eyes

"No one's going to buy him," said one of the more robust kittens, Roderick. "So we're gonna just have to abandon him. Maybe outside, near the dumpsters..."

by scrollfox

Trick or Treat?

The thief sneered as he watched Al'Kuna walk out of her NeoHome on Halloween night.

by alkuna

Villains' Party Night: Neoween

The Pant Devil eyed his punch bowl nervously. All Neocola for me, he thought.

by leb388

Zarrelian's Howloween

"I have to go Trick-or-treating with Zarrelian? Mr. Ixi Of Doom? Sir-creeps-me-out-a lot? I'd rather go with Balthazar!" Mordegan cried.

by battlesunn


Headlines include Starry Scorchio items, new spooky Petpets, and the arrival of the ghost paint brush. Get the latest on these and other stories here.

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Other Stories

The Spirit of All Hallow's Eve
Halloween comes but once a year, a fact that most candy salesmen are happy for.

by wizardofaus

So Yah Wanna Be a General?
The easiest way to learn about this game is by looking at each of the individual fighters available as all have different strengths and weaknesses.

by dzags14

Al's Halloween II: Part One
The Chia's name was Al. And, Jade decided on a cold October night, he would be her ultimate victim for Halloween...

by al_the_chia

Doppelganger: Part One
The general atmosphere around Neopia was much more relaxed and carefree, despite a crazed Mutant Techo having just kidnapped a Jubjub...

by jenjen26785

Adventures of Star & High
It's not very scary...

by autumn_lover_

Mistaken Identity
Focus on the Wocky...

by dratini9

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