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Lupes and Chias Don't Mix: Part One

by dragonshark173

Griffin was always an ambitious young fire Lupe. He and his yellow Lupe friend, Scott, would always go off on their adventures, hunting Chias and tormenting them. But what Griffin never knew the true nature of Chias until something rather peculiar happened...

Griffin was hunting in the deep woods, alone, as Scott had to watch his little brother Terry. The huge trees seemed to curl above them, like a cage, with a searing light peering through the gaps in leaves. Griffin heard a stick crack. He zipped around, and saw a small red blur zip from one tree to the next. Cautiously, Griffin padded closer to the tree where he saw the Chia last. He looked right behind the tree. No Chia Then he saw it. A little red blurb of a Chia zipping across the forest floor, running as fast as it could away from the Lupe

"Gotcha!" Griffin muttered as he galloped after the Chia

The Chia was too fast! It kept on whizzing from one place to the next. At first, Griffin thought he'd miss his chase. Suddenly, the Chia stopped and faced Griffin. It pulled back a tree branch and let go, hitting Griffin in face, sending him back.

"OW!" He screamed, his eyes closed. Then he opened them, and the Chia was gone. Griffin rubbed his face and walked forward. A dead end? The Chia just couldn't have disappeared!

He looked at the entanglement of vines and sighed as he leaned against the vines. Strangely, he fell backward and found himself in a large field! He looked at the part he leaned against. It was a small flap that was swinging back and forth on its hinges. Huh? Hinges? It was a forest! It must've been made by someone, to keep the field secret. But who?

Griffin zipped his head around and stood up again on all fours. This wasn't a field, it was a village! Small, cozy looking wooden huts and crudely made stone streets. The huts were far too small for a Lupe or Kougra or Shoyru. What creatures inhabited this place? Dwarfs? Midgets? Aliens!?!? Questions zipped through Griffin's head. What WAS this place, anyway?

Griffin turned around. This place was scaring the creeps out of him. He shakily walked forward to what looked like the end of the street. From behind, he could see what looked like a tall, blue Chia with rather large glasses. It was standing on something like a stage, but without the curtains and somewhat small. Many, many Lupes surrounded him, of all sizes and shapes. No wonder Griffin didn't see anybody in the streets. They were all here! Griffin hid behind the stage.

"And now, Lupes," the tall blue Chia said into the microphone, "Why must you insist on the random torment of Chias? My fellow Chias are locked up in their homes. They fear the sight of you. So I, Alexander T. Chia, has called on a new age : An age of Lupes helping Chias!"

The Chia's speech was done. It smiled and expected an applause, but the Lupes just stared at him. Suddenly, a rather large, split bulky Lupe called out, "Let's get him!!" while waving an angry fist in the air. The crowd of Lupes came after Alexander like an angry mob, and you could hear the yelps from the Chia Griffin felt bad for himself.

"EEEEEEEENOUGH!" Griffin shouted. He couldn't bear the helpless screams from the little Chia He stood on his hind legs, his front legs flung in the air, his head flung back so his nose was facing the sky. The group of Lupes turned over to look at Griffin. The same split Lupe shouted, "GET HIM!!" And the group of Lupes swarmed over Griffin like bees.

Griffin expression turned to horror. ", I'm one of you..." He said, desperately.

"Traitor!" A female skunk Lupe shouted and punched Griffin in the nose. You could hear the growls of the Lupes Griffin was in a cloud of teeth and jaws, then he concentrated and held out his paws. A searing light exploded, and all the Lupes except Griffin shielded their eyes. A bubble surrounded Griffin, and the Lupes came after him again, but only hurt themselves by charging at the bubble, hurting their heads. One by one, each Lupe ran off in different directions with their tails tucked beneath their legs. The last one to leave, the female skunk Lupe, glared at Griffin.

"You can use all the magic you like," she said, "but no magic will keep my pack from attacking you and your little Chias We will be back." She turned around and walked after her pack.

After the she-Lupe walked after her pack, Griffin moved his paws slowly in a crescent around his head and the bubble disappeared. The little blue Chia ran up to Griffin.

"That was great!" The little Chia said. It had a bruise under its eye and a scratch on its arm. Other than that, it looked okay.

"Don't mention it." Griffin said. He started walked off. He just SAVED a Chia! What was he thinking? But all those Lupes were just...coming after a swarm of flies...

"Wait, wait!" the Chia said, running up to Griffin. "Don't leave. We need you here."

"Aren't you afraid of me? You don't need me. I'm a LUPE" Griffin grumpily said.

"Well, no..." the Chia said in its piping voice. "I'm not afraid of you. You saved my life from those hungry Lupes."

"Look, Chia, it--it just was a reaction. Okay?" Griffin said.

"I have a name. Alexander T. Chia"

Griffin sighed. He didn't have a pack, and he was on vacation for two months while his owner was visiting Terror Mountain where her sister lived.

"So will you do it?" Alexander said.

Griffin sighed again. "All right, all right. I'll do it. But don't get used to this." Griffin quickly said.

"YES!" the little Chia said, dancing around Griffin as he turned around. Griffin headed back to the village, rolling his eyes, the little Chia still dancing around him.

The little Chia got up on the stage again and told Griffin to stay behind the stage. "Alexander--" Griffin said.

"Al. Just call me Al," the Chia said, smiling. He adjusted the microphone and tapped on it. "S'all right everyone, you can come out now!" Alexander said.

Chias of all sizes and colours slowly came out of their huts, a little bit frightened still of the Lupes. Al adjusted his glasses. "Welcome to the new age of Chias!" Al said. The Chias looked confused. Al turned around and motioned Griffin to get on stage. He jumped up there. The crowd gasped and pointed. One said, 'It's right behind you!" Al laughed, and rested his hand on Griffin's front leg.

"This is Griffin," Al said. "He has come to help us."

To be continued...