
The Mutated Witch: Part One

by kiwifruit487

The Truth is Revealed

Yeszkar was a beautiful, yet vulnerable, Faerie Kacheek. She loved nature and was usually seen playing with the younger NeoPets in the village. She would sing and dance every morning happily and sometimes stare at some form of nature - butterfly for instance - for hours examining with wonder. Her loving ways of affection touched everyone's heart, yet there was something dangerous about her that would arouse terror if they knew. Though she was always in the village or forest, no one knew where her home was; and no one wondered either, for they are all too caught up in their own little businesses. Yeszkar tried her best to hide her real world from the innocent hearts because she knew that their little hearts will never understand and the stronger NeoPets will probably just attack her.

The truth behind her bright face was that she's a witch. In fact, she wasn't just Yeszkar. Sometimes, she was the leader of the Eyries who would fly over the village and sing on the hills where Rievie, a speckled Usul, would always come to play his precious silver flute which was passed down after generations from a famous Usul leader, Kontana. The Eyrie was known as Pakiest the Honorable for she had saved a few baby Wockys that were stuck in a trap in the forest before. Other times, she would make herself the old gentle woman, Ms. Marase, who owned a corner store selling candies and toys for a good price. What her real form was... no one knew. What her secret was, besides the fact that she was a witch, only one Faerie knew, and that was the Uber Dark Faerie. But in this story, the only thing that you really must be careful with is that Yeszkar, Pakiest, and Ms. Marase are the same person/witch and that I did not say she was dangerous.

It was one of the gentle blue mornings and the sun was only half up when Pakiest was feeling fresh and decided to practice her throat. And as she would always do, she stretched her wings and flew up to the sky, feeling the cool morning wind on her cheeks and across her wings. Pakiest was a huge Eyrie and as she swooped through the air, people and pets passing by would gasp, impressed by her strength and size. She flew to the grassy hills tracing the beautiful tone of Rievie's flute in the air. The flute gave a lot of sound and many people in the village could hear and would exclaim about how Rievie was an excellent flute player. This time when Pakiest arrived, she also heard a beautiful voice singing with the music. It was Rievie's girlfriend, PrincessCharsi, who loved singing and Pakiest sang along as the whole village listened to the concert in the air.

Finally, the sun was up and about, and Rievie and PrincessCharsi had left Pakiest. This was usually when she would transform herself into the Faerie Kacheek, Yeszkar. She bounced and skipped down the hill and met her friends. It was fun and Yeszkar enjoyed herself thoroughly as she danced with some village girls. Then, she went for a swim at the local pool and splashed till she was very tired and this was when she would pretend to go home for a nap. This witch didn't need any sleep, not during noon anyway. She would climb up the forest and then examine the nature. Yeszkar loved butterflies because of their beauty and ways of living. She knelt down in front of a colorful butterfly and let it climb on to her paw flapping its wings. Yeszkar would get lost in the world of watching the butterfly and would subconsciously wave her own Faerie Kacheek wings too. Sometimes when she wave a little to hard, she would be lifted into the air and this was the part she loved best; flying with the butterflies was a great experience for her.

After an hour or two later, she would hear the school bells and know that school was out. Yeszkar would transform herself into Ms. Marase and magically appear at the corner store where the NeoPets from school would always buy something on their way home. She loved watching the happy faces of the kids and if there was trouble, she didn't even need to budge in for there are strong, but kind NeoPets who are always a great help. Ms. Marase knew one thing though, that some of the stronger pets always suspected her of something... deep inside her head.

Many times, the stronger ones come out. And as soon as Barky561, Gyka, Higto, NSynca, TrailMixed, Yamakarasu, Chippy2000, StefanG, Rownyn, Cholena13, Exlund, their siblings, or any others from the Pet Chat gang (moved from the Battle Dome chat to Other Worlds chat), Ms. Marase would hide herself at the back of the store waiting for them to pass. She was afraid of them, and even though they suspected it, they did not know why.

Ms. Marase quickly transformed into Yeszkar again and went to play with some of the younger and weaker pets. She avoided playing with the stronger pets' siblings because she was sure that they were told and are suspecting too. As she jumped over the fence to meet some of her friends, she realized that she had made a big mistake.

Apparently, Barky561, NSynca, and ElectricBlueKougra was there. Yeszkar was so surprised that she didn't land properly and fell into the sandy playground. NSynca just shrugged at his friends and offered a friendly paw to Yeszkar. Yeszkar, however, did not take his paw and crawled back with a scared expression on her face.

ElectricBlueKougra smelled her fear and said, "We won't hurt you; What are you scared of?"

Frightened, Yeszkar shook her head and was on the floor pleading, "Don't turn me in, please Mister! I meant no harm! I'm sorry I couldn't tell anyone I was a witch! Don't turn me in... please!"

Barky561 stared at her for a second with his eyes wide open and said, "You... you are a witch?"

Yeszkar realized that she just told one of her most sacred secrets and then asked, "You didn't know?"

The three friends shook their heads and Yeszkar said, "But don't tell anyone! You won't hurt me, will you?" Nsynca shook his head and said, "So that's what you were scared of, but you know what, no one - me and my friends - will ever try to hurt you."

Yeszkar was relieved and as she wiped away sweat, she sighed a deep sigh. There was some silence at they looked at each other and then Yeszkar said to them, "I - I am leaving tonight, tell my friends good-bye... including the Eyries because I'm also Pakiest."

ElectricBlueKougra was confused and then said, "Why? Is it because of us? We promise not to hurt you! You'll be safe!"

"No," said Yeszkar, "That's not what it is. I am a..." her voice trailed off and Barky561 asked, "You are a what?"

Yeszkar sighed and said, "That does not concern you."

"Hey, you've been in our village for this much time," said NSynca, "I think we have a right to know."

Just then, Yeszkar turned herself to Pakiest and stretched her wings. She hopped onto the fence and then said in a quiet voice, "I am a mutated witch. I used to be beautiful, but the Uber Dark Faerie picked me for her experiment and ever since, I've been scared to show my face. Tonight, I must secretly sneak into her castle for it has been exactly a year since she made me mutant. If I succeed in getting the return potion by dawn, I will return to my old self and will leave this village forever, fleeing to another world. If I don't..." she paused, "bury me on the hills where Rievie would play his flute."

By no doubt were the NeoPets were shocked and without warning, NSynca sent a mental note to Gyka, Cholena13, Rievie, and Ally_A. The witch sensed it and she freaked out and whispered, "What are you doing, you promised not to tell!"

ElectricBlueKougra stepped forward and said, "We promised not to hurt you, but we must gather up some of the gang to work this out..."

"For you," finished Barky561 off. The witch, who kept transforming from Pakiest to Yeszkar and then back again (notice not Ms. Marase), nodded as she sweat under the sun. Then she asked, "You didn't call the whole gang; May I ask why?"

"No you may not," said Rievie as he got teleported there.

Ally_A stepped forward and said, "Don't mind him, of course you may. Just admire how my beautiful murdering skills are and see how I will kill the Uber Dark Faerie."

"Oh be quiet," said Rievie, "The blood of the Faerie will always be mine!"

The two Usuls laughed at their little poking fun and hushed down as Cholena13 stood between them. "There are reasons about who were picked," said Cholena13 glancing at Gyka, "but, we cannot tell you why."

Gyka wiped his sweat drops and gave a sigh of relief at Cholena13's last comment. The truth was, Gyka was one of the Uber Dark Faerie's most trusted friend for he had one hundredth of Dark Faerie blood in his veins. He was called here because he knew the castle like the back of his paw, but he was extremely nervous because he knew this could be the end of the friendship and partnership between his and the Dark Faeries. The witch didn't know this, and thus she did not ask further questions. Rievie and Ally_A were called because they were best friends and that was something the Uber Dark Faerie like about the most which could be a help. Cholena13 was here to make sure Rievie and Ally_A don't run off or go into danger.

The other three were the NeoPets who knew the news first and went to help/watch the show. As they transported everyone next to the Dark Faerie castle using teleportation, all of them bore the worst outcome heavily over their shoulders because the witch - in the form of Pakiest right now - doesn't think they will be strong enough, and neither do the NeoPets

To be continued...