
A Real Battle: Part One

by _ana_2

"It's just like Pokémon and Harry Potter, Valorie," I said to my pet one morning. It was the day of the Battledome's grand opening, and my Peophin, _Valorie_, had the jitters. I was trying to get my pretty blue pet to eat something while assuring her that she would be all right.

"Owners have to love their pets and pets have to trust their owners if they're going to win. Love makes everything right again."

"B-but what if I get hurt?"

"Then I'll give you a Fuzzy Blue Negg to tickle your tummy and help you get better."

"I've heard NeoPets can... die in the Battledome!"

"They don't die! No, they just faint. You don't have to worry." Valorie looked at me doubtfully. "Then I'll come to your funeral and put pretty flowers on your grave," I joked.

Valorie frowned at me. "This is a serious matter, Anna."

I laughed and gave her a big hug to make her smile. She rolled her eyes. "I guess it'll be worth it when I whip the other pet's butt and win a trophy or something!"

"A trophy? Don't get your hopes up too high." We both laughed and left the house, ready to compete at the Battledome

When we got there, there was a huge crowd of owners waiting to get in. As I walked around to find a spot in line, I saw many kinds of owners. I saw one person being cruel to his green Moehog. "You big oaf! Get up and fight or I'll make you myself!" I shook my head as I saw an owner bully her Aisha, which was practically a newborn.

Standing in line, I noticed a girl on a bench, talking to her small NeoPets. "It's all right, Flermoo," she said to the blue Zafara, "You don't have to fight if you don't want to. No, I won't be angry. Of course not!" The girl turned to her yellow Chia, who was tugging on her overalls. After listening to him, she replied, "Sure, we can go get some ice cream, Merdie! That sounds like a great idea! Let me see if I've got enough." She reached into the breast-pocket of her blue shirt and pulled out a bit of fuzz and an old, bitten apple. She sighed. I felt sorry for the girl. I knew how she felt. I was poor once, having only enough NP to buy a small treat for my pets once in a while. The rest of the time, I took them to the- "Looks like we'll be eating at the Soup Kitchen again tonight."

I quickly told Valorie to save my place and called out to the girl. I ran to catch up with her, 100 NP waving in my hand. "Oh," said the girl, stopping, "Um, do I know you?"

"No, I couldn't help but.. overhear.. your conversation and I-I was wondering if you could use some money for a treat for your pets," I panted.

"Oh, well, thank you. Oh! This much?! But ice cream-it's not this much for two pets! I couldn't-"

"You can," I said with a smile, "I have more NP than I know what to do with, though some of these wealthy folk would probably take a second to burn it off."

"Well then, look me up sometime. My name's Meredith Garet. I'd be happy to see you again. Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" I waved until she disappeared into the crowd of owners bustling their way through town. Just then, I heard Valorie calling me. I came back to my senses and dashed back in line. We were next up. My eyes widened as I peeked through the glass windows on the double-doors leading to the inside. Numerous fights commenced while referees watched.

There were millions of seats on the sides and it reminded me more of a stadium. Today, however, the seats were practically empty except for a few tired owners and their pets. Stretchers rushed in and out of the place. I cringed as a Skeith scratched a Blumaroo across the nose. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea... "NEXT!" Jerked from my thoughts, I saw an angry-looking Grarrl glaring down at me from a desk. Wide-eyed, I stared at him for a few moments. "Next!" he shouted. I jumped.

"All right, all right! I'm going!" I took Valorie through the double-doors. Now it was me who had the creeps. I was having terrible second thoughts about this...

To be continued...