
The Double-Agent: Part One

by StarStripe

Welcome, I'm StarStripe, and this is The Double-Agent. *dramatic music* Here, ten contestants will compete to earn money which only one will get. They can earn up to one billion Neopoints during this game, but only if they win all the tests. But, one of them is a Double-Agent working for us to stop the others from winning money. Every week all of them will take a twelve question test. The person with the least right will have to leave immediately. The one NeoPet that gets them all right, is the Double-Agent. Now, Here are the contestants.

1) Capara the Kyrii
Capara is a pro at 'Cheat' the hip new Chance/Luck game in Neopia. She certainly has some training in the lying field, and the cheating.

2) Kauvara the Kau
Kauvara, an innocent shopkeeper who wanted to earn some more money. But doesn't she have enough. Innocent, she might only seem.

3) Flame the Tame the Kougra
Light hearted with a frightening look, he only wants to make friends, and win cash. Flame the Tame has scared even the hardest of warriors without thinking, a perfect person for the Double-Agent.

4) Mulvinn the Wocky
Juppie Smuggling is what he is known for, and who knows? Now he might be known for mass trickery or fame and Fortune.

5) Neopian Shop Wizard the Jubjub
Helps you find stuff, a very reliable fellow. Nicknamed SW and in the perfect position to trick you badly.

6) Cool Grundo the Grundo
Known for his Gormball playing skills he is a cool, mellow NeoPet His mellow position might also be a great place to stick a Double-Agent.

7) Maria the Blumaroo
Yes, the fancy stock reporter. She has the talent, the looks, the voice and the hair to pull it off or win it all.

8) Carassa the Chia
She doesn't have enough money to move out of her igloo on terror mountain yet, and she just wants to win some money for her and Mika. A wonderful alibi.

9) Garon the Lupe
No one really knows why he's here, he just stepped out of the Uber Faerie caves and stepped into here. That's what he says, although I'm not too sure...

10) Kevin the Korbat
He's done everything, modeled for playing cards (Magihoe), played Gormball, and now he's here. Maybe he had enough experience to be the Double-Agent...

OK! Now, the first test, worth 70,000,000 Neopoints, is for all the NeoPets to meet up in a random place in Mystery Island. They'll have to hitchhike, walk, parachute, drive, and do anything to get there. But there are a few catches. They all start from different areas and only one person is given the location of the site. This person is not necessarily the Double-Agent. They all know the location is on ToreTora Island, a small desert island off Neopia that is large enough to even get lost in. Another catch is present, no one but the person knows where the Island is and where the spot is on the Island. Also, they all have to make it before sundown, this gives them about eight hours. So now, we start off with Carassa who has the map and is at the Trading Post.

"Sooooo...ToreTora Island is directly south of the the Marketplace, now, I have 500 Neopoints on hand so maybe it'll be easy and I can take a boat there from the market. Hmmm, now how am I supposed to get to the Marketplace...?"

Capara the Kyrii at the Island Arena (on the opposite end from Flame the Tame)

"Now I guess I should find someone who is playing this dumb game so I can win and go back to playing Cheat."

Flame the Tame runs into her from behind. They both get up and the Kyrii screams.

Flame apoilogises quickly. "I'm so sorry! I'm so clumsy! I'm Flame the Tame," he increased his voice volume when he says tame. "You wouldn't happen to be a native here would you? You see, I'm looking for ToreTora Islan..."

"ToreTora Island! You're on the Double-Agent, and so am I, I'm looking for that place, too. C'mon, we might as well work together on this test. I think I saw a map in the stand over there, because you don't have one, and neither do I," Capara intervenes.

Cool Grundo who started at the docks with Garon.

"Man, this was lucky, I wonder how the others are doin'."

"You think I care about your hipsta' talk? Huh? We caught this boat, we are going to ToreTora Island and whether we win this test or not no one will blame us," Garon is acting a bit rude.

"Lighten up. We're gettin' there, and all we'll have to do is find the person with the map waiting for us there."

"How do you sound so mellow when we have 70 million on the line."

"I don't know, it comes naturally."

Carassa, who after a long hour and a half has made it to the Marketplace.

"Hello, can anyone understand me? I need to find ToreTora Island!"

"They can't understand you, although you can use me as a translator, since my brother works here as the Mystery Island Shop Wizard."

"Shop Wizard! I hear about you! You're one of the other contestants! I have the map and we are really close to ToreTora Island!"

"I know, but the last ship for ToreTora Island left 5 minutes ago, and I think I saw a Grundo and a Lupe together boarding. They looked like someone I saw in a Gormball Tournament and a famous explorer...oh well, I stayed here because I knew others would arrive wondering were ToreTora Island was, so I want to guide them. My brother said that a crew of Flotsams Riders would be here shortly, so we can just sit and wait for them to come, maybe we can try and get a ride to the Island, who knows?" Shop Wizard replies.

"You know, you Chias have a way of always looking like tourists," SW and Carassa look around at Capara, Flame, and Mulvinn, who they had found in the middle of the jungle on their way to the docks here.

"Stop pickin' on them, Capara, I hate it, but we need to work as a team to win," Mulvinn calms her down. Introductions are made all around and they start planning how to get to ToreTora.

Kevin the Korbat, on a plane about to parachute downward to Mystery Isle.

"GeraNimmo!" He jumps.

Two hours later on ToreTora Island.

Cool Grundo points at Kauvara, who is sitting down on a rock. "There we go, we are here at the spot."

"Not quite," Kauvara replies. "I was dropped off here. I just found out that this is ToreTora Island. I don't have the map.'

"Just greeaaaat," Garon sighs.

"Look out bellllooooooooooow!"

45 minutes from Sundown. All contestants except for one is on the island and at the spot.

"Where is Maria? The Blumaroo is gonna lose me all my cash," says Kauvara.

"Your cash? I think it's still up in the air right now," Capara snaps.

"Stop bickering! I think I see an oil tanker on the horizon!" Garon jumps up and runs to a nearby beach. "Yep, it's definitely an oil tanker and I think I see a yellow Blumaroo on it right now. Or..er..I think I see a yellow Blumaroo being pushed off!" Garon jumps into the water and starts to swim towards the large ship.

"Excuse me!" Kevin flies over head fast and finally meets the drowning Maria in the waves created by the fleeing tanker. He dives down and grabs her, using his strength potion which he conveniently had in his pocket to allow him to bring her to shore.

"Quickly! Let's go to the spot! I can see red rays already!" The Blumaroo took charge immediately. Everyone rushes back to the spot just in the nick of time.

I landed in my helicopter. "Congratulations! You have won your first test! You add the first amount of money to the pot, 70,000,000 Neopoints, and you all get to sleep at a five star hotel tonight! Garon, Kevin, and Maria, you will also get clean clothes. By the way, the tankers have been caught already and are facing a trial for throwing you overboard. Again, Congrats!"

Now, it's the next day, where again, the NeoPets will be competing for 30,000,000 Neopoints for the pot. Now the rules are a bit easier. Everyone has to pick one person who is good at acting, one who is good at cooking, and another, who is good at persuading. The cooker will cook a meal, and the persuader and actor have to make a customer eat the food. Although this is a restaurant, and the people around the customer will try to act like the food is horrible, and that they shouldn't eat it. The group wins the money if the person eats the food. Kevin is the actor, Maria is the persuader, and Kauvara is the cooker.

Riingg! The customer, a random Quiggle opens the door and orders a bowl of pasta. Kevin, dressed as a waiter comes and greets the Quiggle and shows him to his seat.

The pasta comes, carried by Maria. As soon as she puts it down someone to the left slums over in her chair.

"Oh, Mrs. Wilson! You ate the chili again! You have such a sensitive stomach! I told you not to eat it!" Kevin shoots over and splashes a bit of water in her face, then he gives her her check and shows her the door.

The Quiggle tilts his head and is about to eat when a person next to him spits out the pasta he was eating. "What is this? Boiled hay? I'll never come here again!" the person slammed his fist on the table and left, making a huge racket. Kevin tries to stop him, but it doesn't work.

The Quiggle looks at his food. "Oh, don't worry, he always tries to screw up business around here," Maria tries her persuading powers.

"You know, the food might not be bad, but it's too noisy around here, I'll pay for the pasta, but I'm gone," the Quiggle put the money on the table before anyone could stop him and then he leaves.

I walk in after he leaves. "Oh well, you lost, and now it is time for the test. The pot stays at 70 million."

Later that night after everyone has taken the twelve question test.

"OK! Now I will enter your names randomly, the person who got the least right, that person knows least about the Double-Agent and has to leave. After I type in your name, either a green or red dot will appear, if it is red, you are the Double-Agent's first victim."


Green Dot


Green Dot


Green Dot


Green Dot


Green Dot


Red Dot.

Maria slumps in her chair. She slowly gets up and walks over to her stuff and steps on the Telepad.

"Good bye," I say, and she's gone.

Maria the Blumaroo was the Double-Agent's first victim.

To be continued...