
A Love Story: Part One

by kiwifruit487

PrincessCharsi was just taking one of her usual morning walks down the valley where the gentle streams and grassy hills were. The sun was barely up and a wave of music swooped down over her. She blinked and looked up. Up on the hills where birds were already squawking and dancing, where the Kaus were singing, "Moo" with delight, the trees were rustling, the steady stream was rushing, and most of all that can be heard was a silver flute. It was a special flute, old but in excellent condition, and Rievie was playing it. He was standing on the top of the center hill and playing with so much passion and tenderness that the music he produced touched the villagers' hearts. PrincessCharsi closed her eyes, feeling the warmth that the new sun hit, and sang. Her voice was clear and beautiful as it followed Rievie's tune. The sound traveled to Rievie and he suddenly stopped, allowing PrincessCharsi's sound to hit the air. As soon as Rievie stopped, PrincessCharsi suddenly stopped too, and as she looked at Rievie with her big, bright, stunning eyes, she asked, "Why did you stop?"

Rievie smiled at his long term crush and said, "Sorry, it was just, that you started singing."

"I'm not good enough?" asked PrincessCharsi flashing her eyelashes.

"Oh no, that's not what I meant!" said Rievie quickly, "it's just that your voice is just so... beautiful." He felt his heart jump.

PrincessCharsi smiled and said, "Thanks, why don't you start playing your flute again? Everyone in the Village is expecting it... like every morning." And she winked.

Rievie felt his cheeks burning and lifted the silver flute to his lips again. The truth was, just about everyone knew how he felt for the girl. His brother, Gyka, had told everyone about how Rievie was going to like PrincessCharsi, even before he was born.

"Wow," MysticalClouds had exclaimed, "he's going to fall in love the moment he is born?!"

"Yeah," Gyka had answered with laughter in his voice.

PrincessCharsi smiled at the sound of the rich beautiful tone that the flute made and watched the birds dancing in circles around Rievie and her. As the sun rose shining brightly over the village, the forest, the hills, and the plain, everyone was awake and Rievie was ready to go to school. He stopped playing his flute, put it safe in its case and into his schoolbag, and turned to PrincessCharsi, "The bell will ring in half an hour, want to walk to school together?"

PrincessCharsi nodded and they started for the School House together. They walked a few minutes in silence and Rievie wasn't feeling at ease while PrincessCharsi looked carefree enough as she chased butterflies, bounced, and flew around happily. Rievie wanted to do something impressive and so he found a wooden plank. He placed it onto his nose trying to balance it, even though the plank was pretty big and rough. But as he tumbled around, he tripped on a rock and fell with his face smacking onto the hard cold cement. PrincessCharsi giggled and reached a hand out. Rievie burned with embarrassment, but laughed along and admired as Charsi (PrincessCharsi) balanced the plank on her nose perfectly.

"You are a pro," said Rievie smiling.

"Thanks, my wings help me balance in the air," replied Charsi.

"Oh I see," said Rievie, "oh look, there is Roam2 and TwinFrost."

"Yo Rievie and Charsi!" TwinFrost called out.

"Hey there," answered Rievie and Charsi together.

"Ugh, you have to make your sister Gobliar come over less," said TwinFrost mischievously to Rievie, "Roam is drooling more and more!"

"I am not!" Roam2 defended himself.

Rievie laughed and said, "I doubt Gobliar is daydreaming any less than his drooling!"

"Yeah, that's true," said TwinFrost laughing while Roam2 blushed fiercely and then turned to Charsi, "So how's life?"

"Good," answered Charsi.

TwinFrost winked at Rievie as Charsi said it and made him blush, but TwinFrost dragged his brother away with him quickly as they hurried to school. Rievie and Charsi arrived at school 10 minutes later and there was still 10 minutes before the bell would ring. Rievie went to his locker and switched some books, then quickly popped at Charsi's locker.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," replied Charsi.

Rievie took a deep breath as he thought about the millionth time of asking her out, but could never find the courage. It's now or never, thought Rievie as he nervously watched Charsi stuffing another book into her locker. Rievie thought over about his lines and said, "Hey, um..." He stopped as Charsi looked at him.

"What?" Asked Charsi curiously.

"Hey, um..." Rievie began again, "You know...you know the Annual Cybunny Festival where our Cybunny siblings will definitely go, I was wondering if you would...um...like to go with me?" he asked, "I mean, Usuls can go too, it's not restricted to Cybunnys." He laughed nervously.

"Oh I would love to, Rievie, but I'm sorry, I can't," said Charsi, and she really did look sorry, "I'm really sorry, but you'll only be seeing Cadbury_Bunny, Kousan, and Charsel go." The bell rang and after a last glance, Charsi began to turn away, "See you."

Rievie wiped away a drop of sweat and gave a sigh. Agh, I'll never ask her out again, or anyone! he thought sadly, Humph... rejected again . Rievie knew it was probably true that Charsi wasn't going because she had other important matters, but he still felt depressed because after all, it was his first time...and he had failed.

To be continued...