
Battle Field Neopia: Part One

by Musahi

Year 3896 September 8th, the first day of Neopia's battle against the opposing forces. The battle will take place all over Neopia, all Neopians are all headed to their posts.

The enemies were of the planet Aipoen, an alternate planet of Neopia. The Aipoen pets were of inter-specied NeoPets, all vicious and created for one cause- destroy Neopia.

How did this all begin, you ask? Well it started a few years ago.........

Colony 894 was a peaceful flying city, it was on a large, flat, floating asteroid. A glass dome covered the city, allowing breathing when traveling in space. The town consisted of only people and small creatures called L.W.D.s. The humans lived in globes with the L.W.D.s. L.W.D.s were created by scientists of the colony for slavery, Each L.W.D. had no mind. They only worked and worked all day without even a sweat. L.W.D.s looked like small peach colored humans with no features except a D on their chest.

L.W.D.s were bought at stores, each cost 5 tokens. L.W.D. (Lifeless worker drone) was a popular word amongst the humans, they talked about how long their L.W.D lived and how much they worked each day but in fact, the life span of a L.W.D is 48 hours. One day, a scientist was watching a L.W.D. cut the meat for dinner. The mindless entity didn't have a sense of what it was doing and accidentally cut its arm off with the knife (Modern and future conveniences were also available at this time).

The scientist, who's name was Mr.Vern, Picked up the egg and examined it. Something was definitely moving in there, a warmth also surrounded the egg. This was amazing, how could a group of L.W.D. particles change a natural shape of an object, could this also work on humans?

Further theories were delayed, the egg was wobbling fast. Cracks were appearing all over the eggs surface and the egg was opening. Mr. Vern dropped the egg and backed up against the wall, was this an alien that had snuck into the colony? Or was it another king of L.W.D? No, Mr. vern and his assistants never made a reproduction particle in the L.W.D. The egg opened and a light filled Mr. Vern's globe.

Seconds later, Mr. Vern saw not beast or vicious creature, not of any sort. A small smiling plum was on the floor of the globe, but this plum had a mouth and arms and legs, and hair. "Wha....what are you?" Mr. Vern shook in his shoes.

"I'm not sure. But I feel happy, hey wanna play a game? Maybe we can go somewhere, or help that guy over there get his arm back, well?" The plum jumped on Vern's lap.

"You can talk?"

"Of course silly, what do you think my mouth is for?"

"But your an L.W.D, a mindless creature."

"Watchit buddy, I'm not mindless, what am I anyway?"

"Well, you were my L.W.D, but now, you're a..... something."

"Did your thingamajiger have a name?"

"Well, my wife called him Chia since whenever he got injured, fizz surrounding his body except his head."

"It's settled, I'm a Chia, my name will also be Chia. But I have a question, how was I made?"

"Well my L.W.D;s particles morphed with a plum, and it turned into an egg than you. Hey, maybe I can make more Chias."

The scientist ripped off the other L.W.D arm and threw it at a cat, the liquid formed again and covered the cat (I forgot to mention pets also lived in the colony." The cat turned into an egg, Chia walked over and looked at the egg while it hatched. A cat that only looked slightly different from the real cat came out of the egg.

"That ain't no Chia. He looks nothing like me."

"Our cat's name was Wocky, let's call this thing Wocky too."

"Um, I feel like having an adventure, coming dudes let's go."

"I'm Chia, he's Vern, I'm going to go with you so come on."

"How did you know my name Chia?"

"Not sure."

"Hurry up, I'm the cool cat who wants an adventure right now!"

"You 2 go along, I'll experiment more with the particles."

Chia and Wocky went into Vern's basement, Vern went back into the kitchen. He thought Wockys would be more helpful at catching mice than normal cats so he tried to morph his other cat, Kacheek.

Kacheek the cat had just caught a mouse and was walking toward the kitchen. Vern had not noticed the mouse that Kacheek had in his mouth until it was too late. Vern had thrown the left L.W.D leg at Kacheek, Kacheek was smothered by the liquid particles and Vern had realised he had struck 2 objects, the mouse and the cat. Once again the egg replaced the original form(s). The egg hatched and out popped what looked like a two footed puppy with a fox like tail and a cute face.

"Who? What? Where? How?"

"Hi Kacheek."

"Hi Vern."

"How do you know my name?"

"Well, When you turned me into an egg, I knew what Vern was your name because we have a bondage, half of me is the no good stinking rat, the other is the playful Kacheek."


Word soon spread and soon L.W.D.s were changing into Kaus, Poogles, Cybunnies etc. But the word also reached the evil asteroid 653. The asteroid had been stealing the ideas of the colony 894. The ideas were slightly altered, then put onto the asteroid. The asteroid was also flat and had an energy dome over it. The houses were also domes, the creatures there looked like evil twins of the colony 894 soon to be NeoPets The evil asteroid humans had been planning to overthrow the perfect colony, steal all the soon to be NeoPets and tokens (money).

The evil asteroid was going to strike now, the asteroid's engine thrusters charged full blast which propelled the asteroid so fast, that it reached colony 894 in 4 hours within 670 universal star clusters. The evil NeoPets boarded the colony. The reason they were called NeoPets, was because of what the L.W.D.s particles were made of, Neo_toxin.

I'll just skip the battle of the asteroid and the colony and say that the colony won. This was because of the NeoPets abilities, each NeoPet had a roster of over 1 thousand abilities, the evil asteroid never knew about this so their NeoPets lost. The colony 894 soon developed water, then mountains, even a space station and more. Thus came Neopia, the asteroid also formed at the same rate thus making aipoen. More NeoPets were being made each day, now being able to mate like normal animals for no more further use of Neo_toxin. Some scientists accidentally made evil forces like the swamp ghoul or pant ghost. The Grundo was one NeoPet that nothing good had started. Dr. Sloth took care of that and the Space Faerie finished it, Faeries had come from a magical place to Neopia, making themselves a home in the clouds. Faeries had also invented Items and helped humans make Neopia a better place, but.....

Aipoen had waged war against Neopia and now is the time for revenge.........

And this is the history of the Neopia battle field but now the battle is really going to begin but let's flash back a few years and show how the recruits had volunteered, in the next Part of: BATTLE FIELD NEOPIA

To be continued...