
Stricken With Amnesia: Part One

by Littlejoy

My name is Silent_mist the Shoyru. My mom and I were chatting at 12:00 midnight. We were discussing my grandmother's will. Our little family is going to inherit the 4 million NP that grandma owned. "Silent_mist, what do YOU want to do with it?" mom asked.

"I would like to donate 20,000 to the Money Tree, 10,000 NPs to the Soup Faerie, 10,000 NPs to the pound, and the rest would be for US!"

"You're pretty generous..." mother compliments. I blush. "Daughter, just be careful, I have a very greedy younger sister name Sara, that really wants the fortune. You and Butter have seen her before. She'll do anything to get it. If something happens to us, she'll get the fortune. So watch your back." My mom warns me in a worried way.

The next day, I decided to play with my Warf in my room while mommy was cooking lunch. Suddenly...a loud rumbling started in the house and the Jelly in my room started shaking. Her drawers were tottering about and her Warf, Butter was whining pitifully. Suddenly, her Bookshelf fell on top of her with all the books. Silent_mist fell unconscious during the earthquake.

When I woke up, I was very dizzy. I got up to see a little Warf whimpering at me. "Don't whimper, I'm very scared too, little Warf, where did you come from?" I asked.

For some reason, the little Warf looked hurt, and her eyes became watery and big. I felt pity, and hugged it in the dim light. The Warf led me out of the fallen furniture, and out of the ruined house. I saw people coming our way.

"Thank GOODNESS you're still alive! Where's your mom? Young NeoPet?"a man asked.

"Mom? Who's my mom?" I was very puzzled.

"Errrrrrr......don't you have a mom? I mean, you're too young not to have one, or how could you have a house?" a lady asked.

"Wait, Diana, maybe something happened to the poor lass." A different man in a white cloak came.

"Did you get hurt? Like conked on the head?" he asked in a concerned way.

"Well...my head hurts, and I just woke up...by the way, I found this Warf whimpering next to me. Do you know who's it is?" I was very confused now.

"Oh no!.............." the man groaned he whispered something to the people that sounded like "Amnesia" whatever THAT meant.

"Come on...we'll take you to the police station and check your information. We'll find your relatives for you."

Then I was taken there. I was then sent to my mother's little sister Sara (which I don't remember hearing about). The Warf came with me too. We rode the train to the place where she lived. I heard that it was in the Woods. Creepy!!!!!!!!

To be continued...