
Twilight at the Inn: Part One - Cupcake

by avidwriter88

In this series I hope to illustrate what could have happened to certain people in the Ski Lodge and maybe help people think about who the killer could be. Every story happens just before a murder. Enjoy! Neomail me if you like it.


Cupcake opened her door a crack. There was nothing there. She sighed.

"Whew," she said and leaned on the door. "But I could swear I heard something out there..." Suddenly a pounding noise erupted from the bathroom and interrupted her thoughts.

"Ah! No! It's out to get me!" she screamed and tore her door open. Cupcake ran in a fit of anxiety to her close friend, The Big Spender's, room.

She pounded on the door, showing no mercy. A yawn came from the other side. It was The Big Spender. He ran his fingers through his hair in case it was a lady.

"Yeah? Oh, Cupcake!" he said and opened the door. "What-"

Cupcake ran inside, nearly knocking him over. She double-bolted the door and pushed a chair under the knob.

Then Cupcake just fell down and cried. "It's a Tuesday!" she moaned. The Big Spender, always the ladies man, picked her up and let her cry on his shoulder, all the while telling her it would be okay.

Finally she started calming down. Cupcake regained her gracefulness and sat down on the couch, beckoning The Big Spender to do so. He sat down, rather confused.

"The killer! It's out to get me," she said. "But I think I'll be all right. I can outwit it. But I've got to tell you something, Spender."

"I think I know who the killer is. See, I was wandering around the 3rd floor, the one with Jasmine, Jimmy James and Rhiannon. There was this pungent smell from the end of the hall. I walked there. Someone's apartment door was open.

"I was kind of scared at first, but I knew I had to investigate. Then I saw none other than-"

Suddenly a noise of pans rattling came from the kitchen. Cupcake and The Big Spender got up.

"I might as well cut to chase" Cupcake said. "I think the next victim will be you."

The Big Spender smiled. "That's funny, because I bet the next victim will be you."

Nobody knows what happened next. All we know is that the next morning Cupcake was found in the kitchen will two spears in her. Rhiannon and Jasmine were at the tragic scene.

Who did Snowflake see? Did she really know who the killer was? Who killed her?

To be continued...