
Viator's First Hunt: Part One

by selphie_tilmitt

It Begins Again
"Aaaaahhh…." said the rainbow Shoyru as she basked in the sunlight atop her spooky forest Neohome.

"Viator!…VIIIIIIAAAAAATOOOOOOR!" Came a shrill voice from inside.

"AUGH!" Yelled Viator as she barely caught herself from falling off the roof.

"VIATOR!" Viator turned and there was the round face of a fat Faerie Poogle glaring right at her.

"GEEZ Harle_quin! You're lucky I have quick reflexes!" said Viator as she brushed her bruised self off.

"Oi vey, I wonder if I really am lucky.." muttered the Poogle.

"WHAT?" Yelled the Shoyru as she stomped on the roof, making a loud sound.

"Nuffin…look, dinner is ready, they sent me to get you, so lets go already, I'm hungry" said the Poogle as she used her purple-ish wings to delicately float through an open window. The Shoyru huffed and followed.

A large, very diverse Neopian family sat at their dining table. Admantine, the stone uni was listening to her favorite CD on her old CD player, at meals she turned the volume low so it wouldn't interrupt, and she could still hear. Harle_quin sat in her chair and struggled to get her large wings under control. WhiteSilver, the white cybunny sat at her place and tediously tried to get the place settings right, even though they were eating already she liked everything to be perfect. And of course, Viator noisily slid her chair out and sat down. At the head of the table was the Master of the house (^^) Selphie, the young girl with short brown hair looked around the table, said a quick grace, and conversations started.

"Everything has changed in the last few months..." said WhiteSilver quietly.

"That's very true, but it's not like we haven't enjoyed it!" said Admantine.

"For one thing, Viator's stopped with all that "Great Fire Dragon" nonsense!" laughed Harle_quin.

"Haha, you're so dang funny it makes me want to cry, REALLY!" said Viator as she made a face at Harle_quin. Viator went quiet for a moment and thought to herself while the conversation around her continued. Was it a dream? Did I really meet the Great Fire Dragon? It said it wanted my help, yet I haven't heard anything yet..did I just dream it all?

Dinner soon subsided, and everyone retired to they're respective rooms of the house. Viator slid under her bedsheets and recalled the day she had met the Dragon. Of course, she was asleep in moments.

As the dream started, Viator found herself deep in the Tyrannia volcano. She coughed from the sulfur in the air, and gasped from all the smoke.

"UGH!" She choked.

"Child, thou hast begun to doubt me…" said a rumbling voice from a dark corner.

To be continued...