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An Aisha’s Adventure: Part One

by Strata_skywolf_200

Twilight is a yellow female Aisha, which always wanted to be able to fly like a Faerie Aisha. Trust is a white male Aisha that usually knew who he could trust and not. Dream is a striped female Aisha that believes in making dreams come true. Spotty is a spotted male Aisha that loves adventure! Utilas, a male split Aisha, becomes their new friend after meeting with them. There’s also Secret, the shadow Aisha (who’s a real thief), Skylight the Faerie Aisha (who Twilight comes to admire), and Goldie the gold Aisha (a very jealous Aisha because she doesn’t have many friends, or family for that matter).


The Beginning...

One night Twilight was staring into space, looking at all the pretty, twinkling stars. She sighed then walked back into her family’s NeoHome wondering if she’ll ever be able to fly into a cloud or almost touch a star.

“Hey Twilight! What took you so long?” asked Trust.

“Yes, were you staring at the sky again?” asked Dream.

“Because if you really want to be a Faerie Aisha we understand!” Spotty added.

“Oh, nothing. I just love the layout of the sky tonight,” Twilight said as she sat at her usual seat in the room.

Dream whispered to Trust, “She loves the layout of the sky EVERY night.”

Trust responded, “Maybe we should get her a Faerie Paintbrush anyway, I’m sure that’d cheer her up!”

The next day, as they sat at the table getting ready for breakfast...

“I told you if we’re going to get the paintbrush we’ll have to run off to Faerieland! It’s the only possible place that there would be Faerie Paintbrushes. Right?” asked Trust.

“Yes, but don’t you think we should bring Spotty with us? I mean after all, just having us along with only our six Attack and Defense items and our six abilities might not be enough to go traveling like this!” replied Dream.

“Well, maybe you’re right. I’ll go tell Spotty,” said Trust.

In Spotty’s Room...

“Wake up Spotty! I’ve got to tell you something!” shouted Trust.

“Shh... go away you pesky talking bug… I want to get the golden mushroom!” mumbled Spotty, still half asleep.

“Golly.. Is it just me or does he have some sort of game playing in his head?” Trust thought.

“Don’t make me pour this COLD water on you!” Trust said aloud.

“A pesky talking bug has cold water that can shrivel up the golden mushroom! Die Pesky Talking Bug!” Spotty started bonking Trust with his paw.

“Oh, blah...” said Trust.

“I know! I’ll pretend I’m dead then I’ll throw the water on him!” Trust thought.

“Oh no... I’m pounded, deceased, and dead. I give up!” Trust said and pretended to die, but just fainted onto the floor.

“Yay! I’ve won the golden mushroom! Who’s the Aisha? Who’s the Aisha?” Spotty said.

Quickly, Trust grabbed the bucket of cold water, that they used in case of a fire, and poured it all over Spotty.

“BLAH!!!” Spotty suddenly jumped out of bed and ran around the room. “So you were the Pesky talking bug that was going to pour cold water on me!” Spotty said, accusingly.

“The very same,” Trust declared. “Well then... Take this and that and some of this and some of that and this and a few of that!” Spotty said starting to bonk and kick Trust, not to cause any serious damage, just to be silly.

After all the Silly stuff...

“You do know there was actually a reason I came in here to wake you, right?” asked Trust.

“Yes, wasn’t that because you wanted to ask me to join you on your adventure to get Twilight a Paintbrush?” said Spotty.

“Yes, but how’d you know?” asked Trust.

Spotty laughed. “I heard you in the kitchen. You see I was never even asleep. I was awake the whole time. Just messing with your head. It was fun too!” replied Spotty.

Trust hit Spotty on the head lightly. “You sneaky NeoPet! So, are you going to join us?” ask Trust.

“Of course! I’d never miss an adventure such as this!” replied Spotty.

Back in the kitchen...

“It’s safe to talk here, right? I mean Twilight is still gazing at the sky outside, right?” ask Spotty.

“Yup, or at least it looks like it,” said Dream, looking out a window.

“Okay so how do we plan to do this?” asked Trust.

“Easy, we just leave, get the Paintbrush and come back,” said Spotty.

“You silly NeoPet, if we do that what’s going to happen to Twilight? She’ll be all alone. Almost defenseless! Let’s think,” said Dream.

“I know!” said Spotty after a period of time, “Let’s have one of us stay, and two of us go, that way she won’t be lonely and we can get the Paintbrush.”

“No, I’ve got a better idea,” Dream cut in, “Let’s take Twilight.”

“But! She’ll see us getting the Paintbrush!” Trust interrupted.

“I didn’t finish! Let’s take Twilight and split into two pairs, one of us will go with Twilight and the other two will search for the paintbrush. The NeoPet that goes with Twilight can go on a camping trip after we all visit the market place to get supplies. The ’Twilight’ pair will grab a Tent from the Magic Shop and the others will get the things needed. Then we can all adventure. For instance, the NeoPet that goes with Twilight can go fishing, relax, take a break. But the other pair can go on a true adventure! Once the pair not camping finds the paintbrush they’ll go to the camp site and say something like, ‘We came to visit!’ and that’ll signal that they’re done. How’s that sound?” asked Dream.

“Good plan!” said Spotty, “Only question is, who goes with Twilight?”

“I will!” Trust volunteered.

“Okay then! Let’s go tell Twilight!” said Dream.


“Twilight!” called Trust. “Want to go on a camping trip? Fishing, relaxation, star-filled skies! Hmm?” asked Dream.

Twilight hopped up. “Sure! Who’s going with me?” she asked.

“I am, the others are going to stay at home. We can camp for, like a week if you like,” said Trust cheerfully.

“Whoa! I’d like that!” exclaimed Twilight.

“Okay then, it’s settled?” asked Spotty.

“Yup! I’m going,” said Twilight proudly.

“Okay. Let us, two, get some supplies for the camping trip. Dream and Spotty can come and get supplies to sustain them while we’re gone,” said Trust.

“Great idea,” said Dream, somewhat winking at Trust. So their Journey began…

In the Marketplace...

“I’ll get the tent!” called Trust to Twilight. “I’ll get some food, and maybe a few Battledome items in case of some big bullies! Okay?” Twilight called back.

“Okay!” Trust responded. All around the Marketplace there were millions, possibly more, people and Neopets searching for items. It was so loud they all had to shout.

“Spotty, I’ll get some Battledome items in case of some evil thing we come across,” said Dream, very alert of her surroundings.

“Okay, I’ll get some Faeries from the magic shop if I can grab any. Maybe I’ll get a potion,” Spotty responded.

To be continued...