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The Adventures of Bathys and Bruce: Part One

by aokman

The Great Neohouse Heist
Bathys woke up from his nap. He yawned, and looked at the clock. Suddenly, he gasped. No! He overslept!

Bathys, a blue Kiko, along with his owner Bruce, ran a house for injured, sick and abandoned NeoPets. Bruce had found Bathys in a dark alley in the Thieves' District along with two badly injured Kikos.

He adopted him and soon found out he had Neopox. It was a minor case though, and rarely got to him. One day, though, a miracle happened. Bruce was training Bathys and he spit out a shot of water at a target. Boy, Bruce was surprised! Kikos couldn't do that! Next, he dove down deep and commanded a wave of water to rush at a target. Bruce had then moved to Mystery Island, and been there ever since. Luckily, the house had raised so much money that they had been able to purchase on slice of Neopox Pizza. Now it would never harm Bathys again! It had been shipped last night, so it should be here today.

Back to the present…

Bathys hopped downstairs and found Bruce making toast for some wounded Aishas.

"The pizza's here!" he called. "Eat your breakfast and you can have it!"

Bathys quickly scarfed down his coffee and omelette. He was going for the pizza when the door swung open. Seven men in trench coats walked in.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" asked Bruce.

"Nnnnoooo… jjjusst bbbrrrrroowwsing…" answered one of the men.

They walked all around the ground floor and finally stopped at the slice of Neopox Pizza.

"Nnnniiccce pizzaaaa…" said one of them.

"Yeah," said Bruce. "My Kiko is going to eat it to rid of her horrible disease today!"

"Ohhh… hooowww swwweeettt… and hhhow ssad…" answered another.


Suddenly, the mens' trench coats flew off. In their place were seven Pant Devils! They zoomed around the house, collecting various items.

"You crooks!" Bathtys screamed as she shot streams of ice at the Devils. He froze two of them, but the remaining five shot out the door. Bathys hopped after them and Bruce chased Bathys…


Haunted Woods
Spooky Cave
Pant Devil Headquarters

About 50,000 Pant Devils were chatting idiotically in the cavern when the Master Devil came gliding into the room and onto a huge rock.

"Bbbrrinng ffforrth thhe itttemms," he said.

About 15 or so Pant Devils glided with items to a conveyor belt that led behind the rock. All the items were Virtuian and Neopian Weaponry. They dropped the items onto the belt.

"Alllll wweee nneed is thhhaaat llaasst ppieece off equiipmment," Master Devil said.

"Nneeooppia shall sseee soonn enough tttheee ppowwwer of the Pant Devil!"

To be continued...