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A Cure For a Bad Case of Frostbite: Part One

by dannylam4

Hi, my name is Devilshou the Fire Meerca. I am the beloved pet of Dannylam4. Dannylam4 has four pets: Devildog5 the Christmas Lupe; Dragowings4 the blue Scorchio; Simplythebestever the red Shoyru; and me. We are all males.

One day, Danny was bringing us all over to the Ice Caves to sneak up on the Snowager and grab a prize. Danny peaked his head into the caves and saw that the Snowager was in a deep sleep. Danny told us all to stay there so that none of us would get injured, but Danny was our owner, so we followed him. We all wore our Invisihats for cover, so we could stay with Danny. Danny had provided us with items that could help us escape during a battle. He didn’t really like us battling unless it was an emergency or if it was with another person having a friendly match. He had his reasons for us not battling. We had items like Invisihats, Hypno Helmets, and Laughing Gases; and he only allowed me to have abilities to protect everyone.

Danny hadn’t seen us following. We saw him lift up a treasure. It was the Wand Of the Air Faerie. We all went running towards him but we all forgot that we were still invisible. We quickly stopped so not to run into him but then he tripped over us and then dropped the wand and it shot a beam at the Snowager. The Snowager roared and looked right at us. I guessed that he could either see people invisible or he could smell us but either way, he shot a blast of cold wind at us and blew the Invisihats right off.

“AHHHHH, DANNY HELP US PLEASE, AHHHHH!!!!!” We all screamed at once.

Danny turned around as the Snowager did another strange attack. Danny threw the wand on the floor and ran as fast as he could. He pushed us away but wasn’t fast enough to get away from the attack. The Snowager shot out some Ice Shards and cut Danny. Danny kneeled down but then got back up and ran for the treasure again and picked up a Slime Potion and some Negg. He opened the Slime Potion and pored it on his cuts. The cuts magically healed. Then he lifted up the Negg to do something but the Snowager shot another cold blast and froze Danny solid. We all screamed again and then the Snowager turned his head. He looked straight at us.

I was frozen with shock but then I quickly pulled out my Hypno Helmet and threw it at the Snowager It landed on the Snowager’s Head and he stood still. I quickly used my Flight Ability and then flew high into the air. I flew in front of the Snowager and then used my Smoke Screen and made sure that when he got back up, he wouldn’t see us. I landed back down as DevilDog5, Dragowings4, and Simplythebestever pushed Danny out. I ran as fast as I could but tripped over the Wand Of Air Faerie. I picked it up and then ran.

We stayed outside and tried melting the ice and tried the Scorch attack. We melted it and he started to move a little but then the ice formed around him again.

“Maybe we should bring him home and put him near the fire place,” said Simplythebestever sadly.

“Yeah maybe….” I responded gloomily. “Let me do it, it was my idea that we should follow him, anyway, I have the most abilities and can bring us back faster.”

“Okay,” they agreed. I used my Psychic Blast and my Psychic Attack and lifted us all up and teleported us in front of our NeoHome. I rang the doorbell and waited for my Chia Robot to answer to door but it wasn’t the Chia Robot who answered the door, it was another owner dressed in a cloak.

“Who are you?” I said pulling out the Wand Of Air Faerie. Then I saw another Pet come out. It was a Sketch Poogle. I had seen that Poogle before. He use to be part of our family but Danny gave it to his little cousin Jenny. Jenny begged him for his Poogle. Danny had often logged in as Jenny to earn her Neopoints.

“Dannylam4? Is that you?” I said.

“Yes, it’s me. I love what you have done with the place. My owner is here to see Danny. Is he here?” I smiled and ran to him and hugged him and started to cry.

“What is wrong?” said Dannylam4’s owner. She took off the hood on her cloak and lifted me up.

“J-Jenny, is that you? You’re Danny’s cousin right?” I said.

“Yes, that’s me. What has happened to Danny?”

“Oh, it was horrible! We were down at the Snowager Cave and he told us to stay but we didn’t listen and we followed him. We wore our Invisihats and followed him so he wouldn’t see us. Then he picked up the Wand of the Air Faerie. We ran up to him but we forgot that he couldn’t see us and then he tripped over us and dropped the wand. The wand unleashed a beam and hit the Snowager in the face and woke up the Snowager. Then the Snowager saw us or smelled us and shot air at us and blew the hats off. Then we screamed and Danny pushed us away so we wouldn’t get hurt, but he got cut. He healed himself with the Slime Potion and lifted another bottle, trying to attack the Snowager, but then the Snowager froze him.”

“Oh no, where is he now?”

“He’s over here with us. We tried melting the ice but then the ice formed back around him,” said DragoWings4. Jenny ran over and then looked at the ice.

“I don’t know what we can do. I’ll go see what I can do. Can you 4 take care of yourself?” Jenny said.

“Yes, I think we can. I’m the strongest so I’ll protect everyone,” I said.

“Okay, that’s good to know. If you need any help, you can go to my store and my assistant can contact me.” She called her pets and then left. Then my Chia Robot came out along with Dragowings4’s Acara Robot, Devildog5’s Kiko Robot, and Simplythebestever’s Chia Robot and lifted up Danny and brought him back inside and next to the fireplace. When it was getting late, we took shifts watching him. I took the first watch. Danny always had a pile of broken toys and dumb things we always hated for me to use Great Feast or Alchemy. I grabbed about 5 things to transform into food. I also used Negg for when I was low on energy. After I ate all the foods, I transformed. I started to look in the pile of junk but then I saw something red, purple, yellow, green, blue, and light blue. I looked at the rainbow colours for a few seconds. I pushed all of the junk away and then saw the light under the floorboards but I didn’t want to touch it so I went to wake the others up in case something happened to Danny. I ran upstairs and opened the door. They were all sleeping on their beds, which had their faces on them. I tried waking them but they wouldn’t budge so I used Meerca Squeal and sent a super sonic sound that woke them all up. They all jumped into the air and yelled at me for waking them up.

“What was that for?” said Devildog5.

“Listen, I have to show you guys something,” I said.

“No, you have to tell us why you used your Squeal on us,” said Dragowings4.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever, this is an emergency. There’s something in that room with Danny, something glowing in the floorboards!” I yelled at them. They quickly rushed out of the bedroom and downstairs. They all saw the glowing light. We all rushed down to the floor and looked at the floorboard. We all removed the floorboards round the light and I used burrow to see what was underneath the dirt. When I dug as far as I could, a burst of light shot out and lit the room up with light. I peaked my head down to see what was underneath.

To be continued...