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Orb of Fate: Part One

by karoia

"Come forward."

A voice bellowed out above all others. In Faerieland, the Queen Faerie had just called upon a new visitor.

"Yes..." the voice seemed to snap at her.

A shadow like figure took place in the Queen Faerie's Castle. Every other living Faerie was there, including even the lesser known ones.

"What have you brought forth to me?" the Queen Faerie asked.

The shadow soon became a figure, a glowing object in his hands. "I brought you this."

Holding the beautiful, glowing object higher the Queen Faerie raised an eyebrow. "What good does this do to me,and who are you?" the Queen demanded.

"It's a fate Orb!" The voice seemed to screech. "It controls all fate... if put in the wrong hands the whole world could be at stake!"

"And you bring it to me because?" the Queen asked, now curious.

"Only you and the others can keep it away from the creator."

"How do you know all this?" The Queen raised her eyebrow again at the shadow colored creature.

"Because I helped create it, but betrayed my ex-master to save the fate of the world, and I know surely you wouldn't do anything wrong with it. Its too 'playful' to stay with me..." the voice explained.

"Hmmmm," the Queen Faerie rested her hand on her chin. "I believe you're right."

The shadow figure cackled to himself, and lifted the orb higher--it sparkled with radiant colors. It then psychically flew over to the Queen Faerie's lap.

"Fine, your orb is safe with me," the Queen Faerie assured the creature.

"Thank you." With a slight oddness in its voice, the shadowy figure was gone. As if blown away with the wind.

The Queen Faerie examined it carefully,all the others gathered around her throne as if they were hungry foxes glaring at their prey.

The Queen smiled, "I guess I can believe that creature. But I am not fully going to take care of it. "As the orb, again, psychically flew into the air--it hovered above the others.

"You, put this in the chamber. It will be safe in there," the Queen Faerie ordered the less powerful Air Faerie.

"Yes,"Said the Air Faerie,and grabbed the Orb that was hovering above her head.

Racing to the Chamber,that could withstand any power,the Air Faerie smiled to herself "The Queen Actually got me to do something la la la," she sang to herself.

As the chamber door thrusted open to the Air Faerie's command,the orb flew inside on its own. Slamming the door,the Air Faerie skipped away. As the door swung open a few inches,the orb sneaked out,as if it planned to,and escaped out a near by window. Pausing,it searched the area,and took off in the direction of Neopia Central. If only the Air Faerie had double checked the door...


A few Thousand miles away from Faerieland,in the common land of Neopia,karoia_ ,jshottie, and Viator were merely playing baseball when a small orb blasted in the backyard. . . .

To be continued. . .