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Every Carnival is Better Than the Neggst: Part One

by Pyphracket

One dark and gloomy day, as it is everyday in the Haunted Woods, two NeoPets were exploring the woods. Sythin and Sanando were great friends and loved to explore places with each other. Sythin, a small, quiet and quite intelligent Korbat, would fly just beside Sanando as he strolled along the forest floor of dead leaves and bugs. Sanando, a tall green Techo, was whistling a tune and suddenly stopped and stood dead in his tracks.

"Why did you stop whistling? I liked that tune," Sythin ask curiously. Landing on the ground beside Sanando, Sythin looked ahead and saw the huge cavernous maw of a cave looming ahead of them. Now walking beside the mountain range beside the Haunted Woods was sure to mean many caves, but this wasn't what was so unsettling. A light was emitting from the cave. A mix of green, yellow, red, and blue light danced on the walls of the cave where there normally should not be any light. Who would be inside any of these caves? The only one that was known to be safe was the one where many pets went to tell each other scary stories... These thoughts were running through Sanando's head at the moment and curious, as he always was, he had to find out.

"Let's go check out those lights!" he whispered to his green-winged friend. Upon entering the cave, they found that the lights were actually little neon lights that were attached to the cave wall. A sign was below one of the lights and it read:

"Do you dare enter the cave to get to the best amusement park ever? With daring fears and great rides, this is sure to be the time of your life. It will leave you a changed NeoPet. You'll have had so much fun that you'll want everyone to enjoy it! Just follow the cave."

"All right!" Sythin shouted, "An amusement park! I love amusement parks! Let's go!" And the little Korbat whisked away on his wings with his pointy tail flying out recklessly behind as he rushed deeper into the cave. Sanando was a little unnerved by the sign. "It will leave you a changed NeoPet." But he didn't want to miss out on the fun so he raced after his friend.

As the green Techo rounded a fifth corner he suddenly found himself looking into an enormous cave as bright as broad daylight! An amusement park was stretched before him. A hole in the ceiling allowed sunlight through and lights were flashing in every possible colour imaginable and in every direction thought possible! A large sign at the entrance read, "Welcome to the Silly Land of Total Happiness!"

What an original name, thought Sanando sarcastically. As he walked down the main strip he saw Ferris wheels, cotton candy stands, little shops, a merry-go-round, and almost every ride imaginable. He saw his favourite ride, "The Spinning Techo" and lined up immediately. After riding a few rides, he decided to check out some of the shops. Sythin was still nowhere to be found, but Sanando figured he could take care of himself and they would meet up eventually. After pushing through crowds of Lupes all trying to get some interesting Chia shaped Neggs, he noticed a small building out of the way. It didn't have a sign on it, but it had gave Sanando an odd feeling that he should stay away from it. His curiosity bested his fears and he strode confidently forward to the building. A sign on it said, "AREA RESTRICTED: EMPLOYEES ONLY!" The door was unlocked, however, so he slipped in quietly...

To be continued...