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A Fear of Plushies!

by auntliz

I suppose that my Wocky, Kate999, isn't really afraid of all plushies. I mean, she loves to wrestle with pink Poogles, and role-play with her electric Kau. But keep any Magical Meerca plushies FAR, FAR AWAY!

It all started on a Saturday. I was tending my garden of my NeoHome. (I love those rowzez. They really brighten up a front lawn) I had the urge to look for items to sell in my shop, and, being the poor person that I am, I never look for Paintbrushes or Faeries on the Shop Wizard. I prefer to look for 5 NP lipsticks, and 12 NP scarves that I could pamper my pet with, and then sell second hand in my tiny, quaint Neoshop.

While searching for a orange Fuzzle toy in an expensive shop that claimed to have dozens, I was attracted to an amazing offer. There, 3rd item to the left of the Bag of Infinite Neggs at 200,000 NP, was a *gasp* Red Magical Meerca Plushie! I had never seen one before! At only 35 NP, I HAD to have one. I never knew that it would ruin my pet forever!

Thinking it would make it have a cool tail, or a new move, I gave the plushie to my *prized* pet Wocky. This Wocky had participated in over 5 battles in my early years on NeoPets, and had become quite a clever gal. I read to her every day, pampered her with NICE beauty products in pink and auburn shades by NeoGlo, and had given her the best toys, food and healing potions that money could buy. I loved the look of her red ruff, and her big, blue eyes. Never did I get a growl from her, and I knew I never would. After she played with that plushie, though, I realised that I had made a mistake.

As I looked onto my screen, I gasped in horror. Could It be? could my Wocky be a. . . a. . . a. . . MEERCA! NOOOOOOOO! It isn't possible. How could this happen? I never wanted to change the species of my NeoPet! I bowed my head As I vowed never to give my pets anything that says *magical* unless I know what it is.

You, the reader, may suspect that I need therapy for going to pieces over a changed species. I agree that Meercas are cute. I actually really like Meercas. In fact, I already have a Meerca THAT is why I got so upset. I already had a RED MEERCA before I turned my Wocky into one. Now I have TWO RED MEERCAS, and I am very angry, because I don't like it when I get two of the same paintbrushes, or two of the same lipsticks, or two of the same potions. If this stuff bugs me a bit, then you can imagine how much two of the same NeoPets bothers me!

Although my Wocky is still here in mind and spirit, his body will never be the same. I am saddened when I think of all the wonderful things I could have done with my Wocky that I cannot do with my new Meerca. Poor Kate999 is the butt of all the silly twin insult jokes in Neopia, and everyone is questioning the fact that her web page shows a picture of a Meerca instead of a Wocky.

I cannot go back to what life used to be with me and my Wocky, but I can warn you to steer clear of all magical Meerca plushies. I am a part of NAMMP, Neopians Against Magical Meerca Plushies, and I urge YOU to be part of it in spirit, too!

(This story, up until paragraph 8, is completely true in every way)

The End