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Nothing is What it Seems: Part One

by Wild_K

Character List: (Not everyone may be in this part)
Wild_K: Human, female, age 13
Sana110: Blue Kougra, female, owner: Wild_K
Kareem265: Green Peophin, male, owner: Wild_K
Monasooee: Green Bruce, male, owner: Wild_K
Cheena420: Christmas Eyrie, female, owner: Wild_K
Ravenclaw113: Human, female, age 12
Balfore: Blue Shoyru, male, owner: Ravenclaw113
Disco Light Faerie, Kiki: Wild_K's shopkeeper (made up), female
EVIL_Td6915: Yellow Kougra, male, owner: DragonFire_Takeru
Faeriequeen6: Human, female, age 12
DragonFire_Takeru: Human, female, age 12
Charcoal: Sana110's PetPet The Bloop
Hissney: Monasooee's PetPet The Cobrall
Winter Frost: Kareem265's PetPet The Abominable Snowball
Cream Puff: Cheena420's PetPet The Floud
Golden_Hope: Human, female, age 12
Bluebell663: Blue Uni, female, owner: Faeriequeen6
Blue_Blaster99: Blue Lupe, male, owner: Golden_Hope
DragonFire_Takeru_jr: Yellow Kacheek, male, owner: DragonFire_Takeru
Koushiro_Girl: Human, female, age 13


Wild_K sat on her NeoBedroom floor. She was throwing a tennis ball against her wall and catching it. She sighed, if only there was something to do…

'Sana110 is on a date with her boyfriend, Kareem265 is on a date with his girlfriend, Monasooee is sleeping and Cheena420 is spying on Sana110 and Kareem265… Why do they run off so much?' Wild_K sighed.

Just then, there was furious knocking at her door. Wild_K jumped up and answered it.

"Hurry! Trouble at the market! No time to explain!" It was Wild_K's sister, Ravenclaw113. She was panting and gasping for air as she spoke.

"Ohh boy…" Wild_K said covering her mouth, "Did Balfore get into the hot-dog stand again?"

"Worse." She looked at her seriously.

"Okay, let's go," Wild_K said, running out, leading her sister to the market.

Ravenclaw113 leaned against a shop wall on her back as she gasped for air, again.

"How did this happen?" Wild_K asked, looking into her shops broken windows, "Who did this?"

"I'm sorry, miss…" The shopkeeper (Disco Light Faerie, Kiki) said walking towards the two girls.

"What happened?" Wild_K asked again.

"Uhh… you were robbed." Kiki looked at the floor, ashamed of herself.

"That's right," Ravenclaw113 said, Wild_K didn't notice her sister was holding onto her arm the entire time, she lifted her hand to show it was bleeding.

Wild_K's eyes widened, she hated the site of blood. She couldn't even watch someone get a paper cut, or a sliver for that matter!

"I was attacked," she sighed. "I was buying something from your shop and I was attacked by a yellow Kougra." She looked up at Wild_K, "Sana110 was with him."

"EVIL_Td6915," Wild_K said.

"What, miss?" Kiki asked.

"That's Sana110's boyfriend, EVIL_Td6915. He's a yellow Kougra.

"This is not good," Faeriequeen6 said, walking up to them. She is a good friend to both Wild_K and Ravenclaw113.

"Ya don't say?" Wild_K asked sarcastically. "What was taken?" She asked Kiki.

"Uhh, let's see now…" Kiki looked down at a piece of paper on a clipboard, "About 1000 NP worth of cosmetics, miss."

"Well, maybe we can catch EVIL_Td6915 and get the cosmetics back," Faeriequeen6 said.

"Okay, and I know his owner well too!" Wild_K said hitting her fist in her other hand.

"All we have to do is find her!" Ravenclaw113 said, "She doesn't have a NeoHome we could check."


A little while later…

"DragonFire_Takeru… Where are you?" The three girls yelled all around Neopia. No response.

"Uhh! It's hopeless!" Faeriequeen6 sighed. Ravenclaw113 thought for a while, "I know! She usually hangs around Tyrannia, maybe she's there now…"

"Great! You two keep looking here, and I'll go to Tyrannia. See ya later," Wild_K said.

Wild_K had Cheena420, her transportation. Cheena420 was taller then her sister, therefore, transportation. Well, she had wings and all, and she was big!

"Where to now, ohh mighty Wild_K?" Cheena420 joked.

"Tyrannia. We're looking for DragonFire_Takeru," Wild_K said jumping on her Eyrie's back.

"Can you get me a piece of the giant omelette while you're there?" Cheena420 asked while they were flying in the air.

Wild_K laughed, "Sure. But first, we have to settle this robbery once and for all!"

"If you insist…" Cheena420 sighed.



"I wonder if Draggie_T is there…" Ravenclaw113 asked Faeriequeen6. She sipped her hot chocolate in the coffee shop.

"I wouldn't know. Who's Draggie_T?" Faeriequeen6 asked, placing her Neopian Times down on the table. "I'm going into the art gallery now, wanna come with?"

"Sure," Ravenclaw113 said, "It may give me ideas of what to draw!" she laughed, "And Draggie_T is my nickname for DragonFire_Takeru, it's much shorter."


Now in Tyrannia…

Wild_K walked into the village, Tyrammet. Cheena420 followed behind her.

"Why is this place so quiet?" Wild_K whispered.

"I don't know…" Cheena420 whispered in reply.

As the two slowly wandered farther into the village, they could hear a low scraping noise. There was a small Tyrannian Mynci, lying on a girl's lap. Next to them was another Mynci trying to light a warm fire, that's what the scraping sound was.

Wild_K recognised the girl to be DragonFire_Takeru. She was tying a bandage around the injured Mynci's arm. She then placed the Mynci on a leaf next to the fire.

Wild_K didn't notice it, but it was now getting dark out, and when it gets dark in Tyrannia it gets cold.

Wild_K shivered and knelt down beside DragonFire_Takeru. "Hello."

"Hi." DragonFire_Takeru refused to make eye contact with Wild_K. "I'm sorry for what my Kougra did to your shop," she nearly whispered.

"So you knew." Wild_K looked deep into the fire pit, "Why didn't you say anything. You know where I live, don't you?"

"Yes, but…" she sighed, "Never mind."

"What?" Cheena420 asked, she was listening to the conversation the entire time.

"I don't want to talk about it," DragonFire_Takeru snapped at them both, "Now, leave me alone."

"Can you at least give me back my cosmetics?" Wild_K asked.

"Fine. They'll be at your doorstep tomorrow morning," DragonFire_Takeru sighed, "But EVIL_Td6915 must not find out!" She finally looked at Wild_K.

"Uhh, okay," Wild_K got up, "Let's go, Cheena420."

"I wonder why she's so secretive?" Cheena420 asked Wild_K as soon as they were out of earshot. Wild_K shrugged.

To be continued...