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The Four Points of Evil: Part One

by Bluuguy

A Prophecy foretells of four points of evil. One is A Greedy Beast made of pure Ice who can Fire Freezing ice blasts at speeds of mach 4. Another is A large ancient beast that was thought to be destroyed by a brave Lupe. There's also one so infamous and evil no one dare speak his name. And Finally a Huge Metallic Beast with phenomenal powers. It is said that when these four evil powers are united the end will be upon us. It is also thought that the Faerie Queen will try her best to keep them apart but her efforts will fail. Back when me and my friends heard this story we thought it was a joke. But that was all about to change....

It all started when my friends and I were joking around in Neopia Central. By the way I'm Ricky the Fire Lupe. My two friends are Steve the gold Zafara and Nick the glass Shoyru. Anyway we had just left the Magic Shop empty handed because the prices were way up. That good old Kau wasn't there. He was sick so Dr_Death stood in for him. Well, anyway we were walking by a construction site when a huge explosion went off almost burning me to a crisp.

"WOAH!" I screamed loudly and fell on the ground.

"What was that all about?" said Steve as he helped me up.

"Let's see what happened!" yelled Nick.

As the smoke cleared we saw that everyone within a 200 yard radius was dazed from the blast. It was amazing. Somehow my friends and I survived the blast when we were like five feet away!! Then we looked into the now very thin smoke. There was a huge crater where the explosion happened. We approached the crater and looked down. We saw a huge tablet laying in the dirt. It looked thousands of years old.

"What's that?" Steve wondered.

"Maybe it's just a rock! Ever think of that?" Nick said meanly.

"Only one way to find out!" I exclaimed and jumped into the crater pulling Nick and Steve with me.

"Woah!" Nick yelled.

"AHHHH!" Steve screamed.

Then we hit the bottom of the hole. We looked down at the strange tablet.

"Something's written on it," I said and began to read. After about a minute I finished. Then my friends and I started laughing.

"Four Points of Evil! HAHHAHAHHAHAH!" Steve laughed.

"Ya. What's that mean!" Nick said.

Just then the tablet began to glow and levitate.

"Huh?" we all exclaimed.

We all touched the tablet. I felt a tingling feeling. I looked to my right and Steve was glowing! Then I looked to my left and Nick was glowing as well.

"What's happening to you guys!?" I exclaimed.

"Look who's talking!" Nick said.

I looked at myself an I was glowing to. "WOAH!" I screamed.

Then just like that we were sucked into a strange dimension. About a second later we appeared in a strange tower. I looked forward and there was the Faerie Queen on the ground with a strange black fog around her.

To be continued...