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Saving Sakhmet: Part One

by princess_zelda38

I looked at NewWaveNova, my Acara, and sighed. I knew (from experience) what a trial it could be to wash the dishes. Nova looked like she would rather listen to the Techo Master tell her a thousand times that, "Wisdom is like the grain of sand, easy to obtain, hard to keep hold of," then to wash all our smelly dishes, but it was her turn.

"Hee hee!" Aristothonea (my Uni) was smiling and playing with her Gruslen, Arabeth. "Arabeth, your teeth are so cool and pointy!"

Nova was grumbling. I knew she wanted a PetPet, but I hadn't found quite the right one for her yet.

Pythara (my Chia's Wadjet) was curled around Blobster47563, (who we call Hiteru) my Chia. Hiteru was talking to Tidal_Beak (my Eyrie) about their Mystery Island training courses.

"But I think we should practice the kickboxing first," said Tide.

"No way! I want to practice how to use your PetPet in battle!" said Hiteru.

"That's only because you have a PetPet! Now, you both know you're weak with items, so practice those! Uhhh! Boys!" Nova looked like a ticking time bomb about to explode, so Hiteru and Tide quietly began studying their hard-earned copy of the Battlepedia.

I heard a knock on the door, so I went to open it, but Aristothonea's Gruslen beat me to it. Arabeth was tossed against the wall as a Lost Desert Kacheek stumbled in, dripping with sweat. I immediately grabbed an Ubikiberry Elixer and thrust it into his face. As the Kacheek was drinking, Aristothonea brought a rag and I rubbed the Kacheek's dripping face off as he sat down.

"I-am-a-a-messenger, of-Sakhmet, they, are under, attack…you have been feeling the negative energy in your dreams, haven't you, Princess Bryte_Fyre Acara?"

I looked around. I didn't see an Acara princess. It hit us all at roughly the same time. He was talking about NewWaveNova!

"N-N-N-ova…what is he talking about…" I said slowly.

"He-he's crazy, he must be! Why would I be-be a princess?!" Nova was hysterical. "And how could you know about the dreams? How?"

I stared. None of us had even known that Nova had been having nightmares.

"Just look at the Acara's symbol, an upside down triangle with a star in the center. It is glowing on your palm!"

And there, believe it or not, on Nova's hand was the Acara symbol. "Your name is Bryte_Fyre, Princess of the Lost Sands. The Desert was lost, yet peaceful, so you were not needed, but now, Sakhmet is under attack and only the magic of the Princess of the Lost Sands can fight Sloth to free the Lost Sands."

Bryte was stunned. She would not move, not react. We tried everything, but she would not even blink. Aristothonea tearfully called Dr_Death to see what he could do as Hiteru and Tide bathed her forehead.

Dr_Death came in, looked at Bryte_Fyre, turned and said, "Nothing you can do. Check and good-bye."

Wiping tears away I handed the frowning Techo a check. He left with a sneer and his disdain filled our small, Tyrannian house.

I can remember, feeling as if my world had ended. Nov-Bryte, gone, she was my first NeoPet. Aristothonea, Hiteru, and Tide must have felt the same way.

"Wait!" shouted the Kacheek. "We can still save her!" He took out a small vial of what looked like sand, and sprinkled it on the Acara symbol, and Bryte_Fyre began to stir.

That was when we began to believe.

The Kacheek started to dig in his backpack and finally fished out a bottle that looked like it contained liquid sand. It had a gold collar on the bottle. It took me a moment to understand I was seeing a Desert Acara Morphing Potion.

"But those don't even exist in Neopia!" I said. I could tell that Tide, Aristothonea, and Hiteru were completely confused.

Ari grabbed her Gruslen and squeezed. "A Desert Acara Morphing Potion!" Arabeth was turning blue so I gently parted Ari's hands and Arabeth looked at me with gratitude.

Hiteru and Tide stared. "That could pay for thousands of Codestones for thousands of courses!" They made a grab but the Desert Kacheek snatched it out of their way.

"This isn't for you, it's for Bryte," and he poured the potion on her head. I had never seen a morphing potion work, so I was amazed. Bryte's fur slowly turned into the colour of the Desert sand as she sprouted a mane of black, beautiful hair that crested down her shoulders. A golden crest formed across her neck and bracelets appeared to lock across her hands and feet.

Hiteru turned to me and said, "I wanna be Desert, too!"

"Not me," said Aristothonea, "I wanna be Gold!"

"I haven't decided yet," said Tide.

"Oh, excuse me," said the Desert Kacheek. "My name is Scarabic_Desert, but you can call me Scarab."

"Wow! So much has happened!" shouted Ari.

"Yes," said Bryte quietly. "But it is far from over."

To be continued...